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There is a big Pah/Jungle behind our house and I am always hearing this bird. It makes several shrill calls. It is very common in Thailand and you hear them in background even on TV shows.

I haven't been able to get a picture of it because it is either too far away or on thick growth. It is especiually active at sunrise and sunset. I am thinking it is a Cuckoo but don't know what their call sounds like. I was hoping someone might now for sure.




Um, does it have a color or is it clear? :o

What about the physical size?

"Several shrill calls" describes many birds. Can you give a better description? Is it a "hoop, hoop, hoop type call?

Um, does it have a color or is it clear? :o

What about the physical size?

"Several shrill calls" describes many birds. Can you give a better description? Is it a "hoop, hoop, hoop type call?

I hear the hoop hoop one too but not as often, It is more like a whistle, best I can describe it.


Um, does it have a color or is it clear? :o

What about the physical size?

"Several shrill calls" describes many birds. Can you give a better description? Is it a "hoop, hoop, hoop type call?

Is it a "ka wow, ka wow, ka wow" sound or more of a "ta ta taa wap, ta ta taa wap"?


Um, does it have a color or is it clear? :o

What about the physical size?

"Several shrill calls" describes many birds. Can you give a better description? Is it a "hoop, hoop, hoop type call?

Is it a "ka wow, ka wow, ka wow" sound or more of a "ta ta taa wap, ta ta taa wap"?


Yes, The ka wow,ka wow that's it!


Um, does it have a color or is it clear? :o

What about the physical size?

"Several shrill calls" describes many birds. Can you give a better description? Is it a "hoop, hoop, hoop type call?

Is it a "ka wow, ka wow, ka wow" sound or more of a "ta ta taa wap, ta ta taa wap"?


Yes, The ka wow,ka wow that's it!


It's an Asian Koel. I love having them around. Check out the audio on this site.



Um, does it have a color or is it clear? :o

What about the physical size?

"Several shrill calls" describes many birds. Can you give a better description? Is it a "hoop, hoop, hoop type call?

Is it a "ka wow, ka wow, ka wow" sound or more of a "ta ta taa wap, ta ta taa wap"?


Yes, The ka wow,ka wow that's it!


It's an Asian Koel. I love having them around. Check out the audio on this site.



Thanks, That is it. I thought it was some kind of Cuckoo but wasn't sure. There are loads of em behind our house along with just about everything elase.


Thanks, That is it. I thought it was some kind of Cuckoo but wasn't sure. There are loads of em behind our house along with just about everything elase.


Enjoy them while they are around. Some day somebody may come along and decide to burn the field, cut the trees, etc and they will move on. The Tahi name is "nok kawow"!!



yeah...we got loads ob dese birds living in the undeveloped land behind our house...never have seen one and dey live in de bullrushes rather than de trees...

also got loads ob de hoop, hoop birds...never have seen one ob dem either... :o

de next major shopping item shall be a spotting 'scope widda tripod to put on de magnificent new terrace over looking de rear aspect...mebbe can pick one up cheap in de middle east...


The Nok Kawow is what I have renamed "The annoying wooo wooo bird" :o

We've got several around our house, a neighbor actually had one as a pet in a cage for awhile, until the wooo wooo sound sent everyone mental and we all begged her to let it go.


It's just amazing how you guys understood each other by doing bird calls over an internet forum.

You're really bird experts!


nah...not really...the ka wow and hoop, hoop birds are common...I got a couple ob little guys outside that have a call resembling a mockingbird but wouldn't know how to describe it...


There is a big Pah/Jungle behind our house and I am always hearing this bird. It makes several shrill calls. It is very common in Thailand and you hear them in background even on TV shows.

I haven't been able to get a picture of it because it is either too far away or on thick growth. It is especiually active at sunrise and sunset. I am thinking it is a Cuckoo but don't know what their call sounds like. I was hoping someone might now for sure.



If it is a cuckoo, just don't tell anyone. There are some stupid thais who are afraid of such birds as they bring death and therefor the like to kill these birds.....

I guess not many are that crazy but better don't tell someone...

If it is a cuckoo, just don't tell anyone. There are some stupid thais who are afraid of such birds as they bring death and therefor the like to kill these birds.....

I guess not many are that crazy but better don't tell someone...

Yesterday morning there was a Grey Heron standing on the bank of one of the fish ponds. He took off soon after I went outside so he didn't give me much time to watch. What a graceful bird in flight. A real bonus.

When I described the bird to one of the workers he said "oh yeh, my brother and I shot one of those many years ago. We don't see them around anymore but it's ok because there's not much meat and they don't taste so good."


When I described the bird to one of the workers he said "oh yeh, my brother and I shot one of those many years ago. We don't see them around anymore but it's ok because there's not much meat and they don't taste so good."


It's OK because they don't taste good?

Sooner or later we won't be hearing much of those ka-wows and hooop hooops...

just because they're mai aroi

sad world

lucky me...

I'm delicious...

nah...not really...the ka wow and hoop, hoop birds are common...I got a couple ob little guys outside that have a call resembling a mockingbird but wouldn't know how to describe it...

When I was just starting to read post number 1, I was silently saying to myself, "Best of luck!"

But hey, You nailed it!

It's amazing how rich Thai flora and fauna is.

I just hope they'll take care of what's left of it.

I also hear those ka wow sounds from morning to lunch time.

What really interests me are the numerous birds that gather on the power lines at dusk.

They gather in large number and leave behind a pile of droppings on the pavement.

I don't know what kind of birds they are, but their freakin' noisy!

Any clue?

What really interests me are the numerous birds that gather on the power lines at dusk.

They gather in large number and leave behind a pile of droppings on the pavement.

I don't know what kind of birds they are, but their freakin' noisy!

Any clue?

More than likely they are Mynah birds.



OK wise guys.. whats the bird that goes :

hoo poo.. hoo poo poo.. hoo poo... (repeated)

a can o' chang to the first correct entry

What really interests me are the numerous birds that gather on the power lines at dusk.

They gather in large number and leave behind a pile of droppings on the pavement.

I don't know what kind of birds they are, but their freakin' noisy!

Any clue?

More than likely they are Mynah birds.


Mynah birds are the ones with shiny black feathers and it has a yellow band across its head.

I really can't see it because they perch on the highest power line and they do so when it's already getting dark.

Mynah birds in captivity can be trained to imitate sounds...

If those birds up there are Mynah birds...

they might be trying to sound like the traffic below.

they're driving me nuts with their chirping!

What really interests me are the numerous birds that gather on the power lines at dusk.

They gather in large number and leave behind a pile of droppings on the pavement.

I don't know what kind of birds they are, but their freakin' noisy!

Any clue?

More than likely they are Mynah birds.


Mynah birds are the ones with shiny black feathers and it has a yellow band across its head.

I really can't see it because they perch on the highest power line and they do so when it's already getting dark.

Mynah birds in captivity can be trained to imitate sounds...

If those birds up there are Mynah birds...

they might be trying to sound like the traffic below.

they're driving me nuts with their chirping!

Mynah's are natural mimics - especially in the wild.. they often learn to imitate other wild birds (and car alarms, loudspeakers, anything really..) much to the confusion of the humans that are trying to watch them..?!?!


the mynah birds who live in my garden and breed on the roof live very well on the dogs kibble they find lying around... drive me crazy when i want to have a nap in the afternoon and one sits on the open window and makes sounds like my cats or dogs and even like the door closing sound! :o:D:D


I have both birds around the house in Bang Plee - the other one is rarely seen, but the woop woop is large, reddish, long tail and a regular visitor to our garden

So what's the real name of the woop woop bird?

I have both birds around the house in Bang Plee - the other one is rarely seen, but the woop woop is large, reddish, long tail and a regular visitor to our garden

So what's the real name of the woop woop bird?

yeah...I've seen the woop, woop bird you describe as it descends inta the bullrushes behind the house...never seen it perching anywhere though...

I've got a coupla pairs of mynahs hangin' around outside the bedroom window but I've never seen them talkin'...maybe they are the mockingbird culprits that I described inna previous post?...was thinkin' about a bird feeder out the back but would haveta keep the cats offa de terrace...mynahs are cute liddle buggers...they hop rather than strut...


I love the mynah birds as they’re the best warning we have for predators like snakes or monitor lizards being in the garden - they go mental.

The woop woop bird – the wife reckons Thai’s call it a nok khapood. It’s a beast of a bird – kind of chicken size, sometimes when it lands on our fence we hear the impact – lovely long tail feathers, reddish colour. What’s its English name anybody?

what's the real name of the woop woop bird? Anybody.

It's called the Greater Coucal Centropus sinensis - sorry, can't recall the Thai name at the moment.


Patrick thanks for that, seems we posted about the same time.

Had a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Coucal and certainly looks my bird but refers to "Its head and body are purple black, the wings are chestnut above and black below, and the long tail is dark green" but i'm convinved its a red not dark green colour.

So can any rural thai's help us out here. Is it the Greater Coucal? And is the Greater Coucal known as nok khapood?

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