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Shackled Bahraini footballer in Thailand 'upsetting' - Australia Prime Minister


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6 hours ago, z42 said:

Top marks to tha Aussie pure he might not be the squeakiest of squeaky clean characters domestically, but kicking the diplomatic BS into touch and telling it like he sees it is really admirable in my book.

The Thais I personally know are sharing the posts highlighting the galling treatment of this man, I hope the pressure isn't taken off them, Thailand holds all the cards here in this case, it is simply up to them to do the right thing. But there is an issue we can't discuss that is surely having a key effect on this case. I hope the Thais are brave enough to seek it out and see it for what it is.

He isn't an aussie

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5 hours ago, Lucius verus said:

All prisoners are chained and /or shackled in LOS because that's how the system works here.

Why is everyone jumping up and down in disgust about this one person?.

The power of social media over the sheep.

Most Australians couldn't give a toss about this convicted felon.


PM Morrison is getting ready for a Federal  election and will use tabloid stories like this one to deflect away from domestic issues most of which are bad.

Agree its only the criminal support groups who are shedding tears

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5 hours ago, yogi100 said:

UK cops handcuff prisoners.

In the USA prisoners are sometimes led into court with shackles around their ankles and wrists.

Your comment must be put in perspective.

In the USA a  person on trial is restrained only if violent, or have attacked others in court previously, or have attempted to escape. US judges, when there are juries present, even in the most strict of jurisdictions, do not like to have  people on trial in restraints because it can prejudice a jury and give cause for a mistrial or vacating of a conviction.


the USA is no different from other jurisdictions in that regard, except that because the USA has a larger population, it  has more violent criminals.





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Hang on a minute !!!! Australia issued the arrest warrant on the basis they thought he was guilty

of crimes, which is seriously doubtful as they said he was playing football on live TV during the

period of the offences. 

Someone needs to get to the bottom of this & sort it out. As it stands he has been found guilty 

& needs to serve 10 years in a Bahrainee jail

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