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Brexit: What will happen in the British parliament on February 14?


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26 minutes ago, Enoon said:


It is the EU legislation that specifies the date.


Their 2 year deadline from the notification.


You hit it on the head, it is up to the 27 nations (not the UK or even EU parliament) to grant an extension of Article 50 if TM asks for it, and I am unsure if she has the mandate to request it, and it requires all 27 countries to agree, every country will have demands, Spain wants Gibraltar, France wants unrestricted fishing rights in UK waters, Ireland no boarder,  Poland unrestricted travel/work in UK.


TM has more chance of Getting JC and all his MP's voting for her deal....

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4 minutes ago, Basil B said:

TM has more chance of Getting JC and all his MP's voting for her deal....

Since the Hard Brexiteers can muster less than 100, she doesn't need all of Labour's MPs. As we head for the end, expect the Hard Brexiteer crew here to increasingly freak out.

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1 minute ago, SheungWan said:

Since the Hard Brexiteers can muster less than 100, she doesn't need all of Labour's MPs. As we head for the end, expect the Hard Brexiteer crew here to increasingly freak out.

As most MP's are against Brexit they are likely to take control and do the sensible thing, revoke article 50, which does not need EU approval, then suggest they may in the next parliament after thinking it out properly put it to another referendum.  

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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

Why would anyone want to use this figure of "17.4 of 66 million = 26.4%" when it also includes people like babies, young children and teenagers under the age of 18. There are about 20 million of the population that are illegible to vote. Would it not be less confusing if you just used the appropiate figures of the actual voters.

it is you Brexiteers that keep quoting 17.4, just like the misleading £350million on the side of a bus, even still I did include the disenfranchised and those who could not or did not vote, it is more correct than much of what Vote Leave said in the referendum campaign, even their election expenses were fraudulent.  

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2 minutes ago, vogie said:

17.4 million is not misleading, it is the actual voters that voted leave, whilst your figure is totally meaningless. It shows nothing, only what you want it to show.

Bring the bus out when you're desperate, do you believe everything you read on side of buses, I know I don't. We have had nothing but nearly 3 years of project fear, blatant lies from the remain side, so I wouldn't get too rightious or even blinkered.

I am not getting desperate...


I just pointing out misleading propaganda, why not quote 51.8% instead of 17.4million? not exactly an other whelming majority, why not just say to the 48.2% "go to hell, we won". because in reality that is what brexiteers are saying.


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42 minutes ago, Basil B said:

I am not getting desperate...


I just pointing out misleading propaganda, why not quote 51.8% instead of 17.4million? not exactly an other whelming majority, why not just say to the 48.2% "go to hell, we won". because in reality that is what brexiteers are saying.


Not relevant until PR supersedes FPTP in elections.

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28 minutes ago, vogie said:

But there was misleading propaganda from both sides, surely you must at least agree with me on that, but be under no illusion most people knew what they were voting for, whether leaver or remainer.

I would also have no problem using 51.8% as opposed to 17.4 million, both figures show a true reflection on the result, also I would have no problem in saying 1.3 million more of the electorate voted to leave, they all are figures that people can relate to. I suppose if you think that 1.3 million is not an overall majority, that is up to you.

One thing is clear we should think like many other countries, which require something more than a simple majority in any referendum, this should have been the same for the Scottish referendum, would make sense because then no one would be calling for a rerun, I think even you would see the sense there.


As for the lies, misinformation, distortion of the facts, scaremongering, etc, yes, I agree but who was telling the biggest porkies I think we will disagree, politics is a dirty business.  


"but be under no illusion most people knew what they were voting for, whether leaver or remainer." I strongly disagree on that, ask anyone who voted leave and you will probably get 20 or more reasons why, ask anyone who voted leave what the expected, and you will get 17.4millon answers...

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2 minutes ago, Basil B said:

One thing is clear we should think like many other countries, which require something more than a simple majority in any referendum, this should have been the same for the Scottish referendum, would make sense because then no one would be calling for a rerun, I think even you would see the sense there.


As for the lies, misinformation, distortion of the facts, scaremongering, etc, yes, I agree but who was telling the biggest porkies I think we will disagree, politics is a dirty business.  


"but be under no illusion most people knew what they were voting for, whether leaver or remainer." I strongly disagree on that, ask anyone who voted leave and you will probably get 20 or more reasons why, ask anyone who voted leave what the expected, and you will get 17.4millon answers...

You'd better start you poll now. Not much time left. 

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Nothing will happen on the 14th February, it is the 28th February that May is making her final pitch or at least her deadline until she changes it again.  She is running the clock down and threatening the MPs with a no deal Brexit or her deal knowing that the MPs will never allow Britain to leave with no deal.  

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

Nothing will happen on the 14th February, it is the 28th February that May is making her final pitch or at least her deadline until she changes it again.  She is running the clock down and threatening the MPs with a no deal Brexit or her deal knowing that the MPs will never allow Britain to leave with no deal.  

Nothing will happen Thursday, it will just get deferred another 2 weeks,  nothing will happen 28th it will be differed another 2 weeks, then another 2 weeks then...


As for JC he needs to wise up, we had a name for girls like her, "a p*** teaser".  

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9 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Breixteer's either like to pretend or genuinely are ignorant of how Britain's representative parliamentary constitution works.


They cling to the result of an advisory referendum regardless of any thoughts of consequences or the detail required for government to follow and implement that advice.


They actually clamor for something that the parliamentary system was designed to stop. And when/if they get it they'll be the first to cry.

It's the former, indisputably

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8 hours ago, evadgib said:

It didn't need to for the 17.4m who knew what they wanted from the onset.

Why don't you tell us then? We know what you don't want, what do you want?


I asked several days ago if any Brexiters could tell me what they, themselves, personally expected to Benefit from Brexit? No responses.


Not only do selfish Brexiters not give a damn about others, they have no idea what they want! How dumb is that? It's purely tribal.

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