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UT Airport to Friendship Bridge


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Nok Air has changed its schedule, and now instead of a 6PM CNX to UTH flight there is a 6:50PM flight.
Was used to ride a minivan to the border but I'm not sure if they operate after 8PM (time of arrival). 
There is also a question of getting to the border in time. Back in November, it took much longer than an hour because of the massive construction on both sides of the highway. And finally, how easy would it be to get to Vientiane after 9PM (time of crossing the border)? Never traveled so late.

There is a daytime flight as well but the idea of crossing the bridge in daylite heat is unappealing.
What would be the suggestions?

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Get the day flight, get a taxi or minibus to the city centre and spend a few air-conditioned hours in Central or a farang bar/restaurant nearby. Then get a minibus from Central or the nearby bus station, or the train if there is one, to the bridge when it is cooler and suits u:



Edited by SunsetT
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