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Interbank Transfer Failed - Money Gone from My Account

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I pay my rent via internet transfer from my Bangkok Bank to the landlords Kbank account. I have been doing this 2 years no problems. Paid as usual on the 11th Feb. Agent called me on 16th and said landlord had phoned and she hadn't received payment. Checked my account online and money gone.


Went to the local BB branch and told them. Money gone nothing we can do I was told then told to go see Kbank. I knew they could not do much as not my bank but still went to branch in same shopping centre. They were quite good in that they put me onto their call centre. Had a chat with him and he said I needed to file a query via my bank. I said ok i will go back to bank. He told not to goto branch as they don't know I needed to phone there call centre. Went home and did so. After all details taken they said money should be in landlords account by 7pm next day the 17th Feb. Didn't hear anything for a few days so assumed all ok. Then on 26th agent called again and said still no money. Phoned bank again with previous case number but they said they would submit another query. They phoned the next night and told me transfer was successful. I informed agent as such.


Then again today the 1st Mar agent messaged again and said still no money in account. So I just said I have paid and have proof and submitted queries 2 times so I am not doing any more.


I asked agent could they collect the money and pay the landlord but no reply as yet. That is often what is done in Oz but don't know about here.

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