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New Zealander who made "millions and millions" from drugs found dead in Thailand


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1 minute ago, Yatalaboy said:

Yes they do enjoy themselves so do we let it all in? flood the kids with drug temptations? Let their lives turn to sh*t? Don't tell me its a free world when they are surrounded by peer pressure & cheap thrills. Ice destroys lives families & communities, so roll out the gallows for the drug profiteers. The argument about 'alcohol & nicotine being the same' is for those trying to justify their drug habit or those that haven't had the experience.


Good education is key. 


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...the drug was a 'copy' of ecstasy. A well known party drug used by many 'clubbers'. Never seen them having any "misery" when they are enjoying themselves at night clubs.


Tell that to the many parents whose son or daughter died after taking ecstasy ????




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3 hours ago, Yatalaboy said:

Yes they do enjoy themselves so do we let it all in? flood the kids with drug temptations? Let their lives turn to sh*t? Don't tell me its a free world when they are surrounded by peer pressure & cheap thrills. Ice destroys lives families & communities, so roll out the gallows for the drug profiteers. The argument about 'alcohol & nicotine being the same' is for those trying to justify their drug habit or those that haven't had the experience.

I guess you must be pleased about all the opioid death in much of the world as they are being legally prescribed by the registered medics so irresponsibly, but so legally.

The legal drug pushers are getting away with it behind their cloak of faux responsibility and nothing is being done. Nothing.


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6 hours ago, soalbundy said:

They need drugs to enjoy themselves? a poor state of affairs.

And the use of alcohol of course is not associated with  ills on society,

No link to Domestic violence, road trauma, 

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5 hours ago, Deerculler said:

HE has been rehabilitated and will offend no more.

I have no sympathy for him or the ones who use drugs.

The users know the risks so it is up to them.

If there were no users pricks like Vincent would not make millions.


And of course alcohol use is risk free??


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3 hours ago, seahorse said:

Prohibition is not the answer. Education is. As evidenced by the Thaivisa members frothing at the mouth in this thread. 

Alcohol and drug education?? Now there is a novel idea.

Perhaps I should write a program>>>> oh wait in former life I recall I may have done so

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9 hours ago, Vacuum said:

I don't think they "need" the drugs, but they'll enhance the enjoyment. Is this not the reason why people use drugs?

... and isn't alcohol a drug as well?

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As usual a page of vitriol from the bitter & twisted miserable moaners.

The posters who lump Ecstasy (copy) with meth or Smack (heroin) or even weed, but never alcohol.

Look at yourselves in the mirror in the morning with a hangover and get back to me after some young people enjoyed themselves all night dancing & smiling on an E...

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16 hours ago, Vacuum said:

Well, what I understand from the link, the drug was a 'copy' of ecstasy. A well known party drug used by many 'clubbers'. Never seen them having any "misery" when they are enjoying themselves at night clubs.

Except for all those that died and those hospitalised

How many in Australia alone this yeat, I've lost count

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12 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

As usual a page of vitriol from the bitter & twisted miserable moaners.

The posters who lump Ecstasy (copy) with meth or Smack (heroin) or even weed, but never alcohol.

Look at yourselves in the mirror in the morning with a hangover and get back to me after some young people enjoyed themselves all night dancing & smiling on an E...

A very simple question:   if it's illegal why do it?

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I'm sure I've overdosed on alcohol numerous times during my life.  Can't remember ever having to go to a hospital for treatment.  I think drinking it enhanced the experience of whatever I was doing at the time. Don't think I'm addicted to it and have never broken into anyone's  home to steal to support my imbibing. But give it time I've probably still got a few years to go at 73.

Edited by AboutThaim
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On 3/4/2019 at 10:30 AM, thaiguzzi said:

Put that back in your court...

a very simply question - why not?

 Answer a question with a question, hey? Okay, I'll try and give you my best answer.


Although we are individuals, we all live within a community / society [no man is an island] and because we are individuals and because we live within this community, there must be rules/laws [whatever you want to call them] so that there is peace and harmony within the community. Otherwise, people would just do what is right in their own eyes. For example: "I like making love with 12-13 year old girls. It's a natural extension of my love for them."  "No, you can't do that. They're too young to be having sex with you."  Now, in their own eyes both these people are right. 


So, as a whole/as a group laws are made.  Why? For the good and the harmony of the whole. Don't get confused here. Laws are not made for the happiness of the individual [In fact, some laws can be a pain in the a......]. They are made with the good of the whole community in mind. It doesn't matter whether people think the laws are stupid laws or not. To break the law means that you are selfish; it means that you do not care about the community. Consider Thailand...the idiots who ride their motorcycles on the footpath are selfish. They not only break the law but they do not care the pedestrians who use the footpath. In fact, breaking traffic laws is a sure indication of your attitude towards others.


And the example in the first paragraph. The law re under-age sex is for the protection of young girls who are too mentally immature or lack the knowledge to fully  understand the emotional and physical  implications of having sex. Consider also the 3 metre rule for smokers. I'm not a smoker, but if I'm having a chat with my mate and he lights up, we both have to walk 3 metres from the doorways. Why? For the good etc of the whole community. It may be a pain in the a...., but we do it.


Are we entitled to break the law, at all?  I can imagine if a person is very sick, then breaking a few traffic laws to get him/her to the hospital would clearly be justified....so long as nobody else was endangered. We can also mention the Civil Liberties marches in the USA in the 1960's when there were protests against the unfair segregation laws. But there is a great difference between these actions and simply breaking the law for your own pleasure and self-indulgence.  If you don't like a law, then start petitions  etc etc to change the law.

Well, there are my thoughts on your question, so now it's back to you:

If it's illegal, why do it?



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On 3/4/2019 at 10:30 AM, thaiguzzi said:

Put that back in your court...

a very simply question - why not?

Jeez Geez, it was only rhetorical.


8 minutes ago, newatthis said:

Well, there are my thoughts on your question, so now it's back to you:

If it's illegal, why do it?


And breathe...

No need to write a story.

But here's a clue in my DNA Make Up;

 i have a tattoo on my L/H wrist, well over 35 years old now, blurred, difficult to read, but i know what it says...

"what we have here is a total lack of respect for the law".

You have a nice day out there.

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Let the maggots feast on his rotting carcass.. a befitting end to a person who profits of the miseries of others...
Ecstasy is the complete opposite of misery my friend ;)

Sent from my MI 5 using Tapatalk

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On 3/4/2019 at 4:29 AM, AboutThaim said:

Don't think I'm addicted to it and have never broken into anyone's  home to steal to support my imbibing.

Correct, and had other drugs been sold and controlled by the government, no one else would have to.

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On 3/5/2019 at 3:58 PM, Vacuum said:

Correct, and had other drugs been sold and controlled by the government, no one else would have to.

Not sure about that. The addicts would still need money to buy from the govt and when they get to the point where they just have to have their drug of choice they will do anything to get the cash tequired.

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