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EU's Barnier makes last ditch Brexit offer, Britain 'not impressed'


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16 hours ago, vogie said:

It is no good having a plan if Barnier doesn't show any interest in it and his sole objective is to make it as difficult as possible for the UK to leave. But you are correct, the remainers in government have certainly not helped, but ultimately the buck stops at Barniers door, and nobody elses.

So all we can do now is.

Plan the derail, derail the plan.????

On 1st read I honestly read this as "Ultimately the Bus stops at Barniers door" and had visions of Boris driving it (the bus) right up there (Barnier's door)... 


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4 hours ago, dunroaming said:

We are all Europeans, even when Britain leaves the EU.  Something the Brexiteer masters remind of us every time they make their statements.  "We are leaving the EU, not leaving Europe."  I am sure that cheeses off a lot of Brexiteers ????


 I think you underestimate the feelings of many Brits. We certainly do not dislike our fellow Europeans. We are just waiting for them to smell the coffee, and follow our example. As seems to be the case already with many people in Europe.




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15 hours ago, rixalex said:

There will never be a consensus. That's not a reason for not implementing a democratic decision. General elections never result in a consensus, but the result still get delivered - well they do in functioning democracies.


For democracy to work it relies on the losers accepting the decision. In this case the losers, which account for more than 80% of parliament, haven't. That's why things are in a mess. If the losers had won 52/48, the result would have been delivered a long time ago. Terrible things will happen if they are allowed to get away with this. This isn't democracy.

Think about it a little bit... ... Picture the scenario where the "Losers" (Remain) had actually won...


Now contemplate about what it is that they would need to deliver after winning... Nothing...


So you're absolutely right, the result would have been delivered a long time ago (several decades ago in fact) because there would be nothing to deliver... 


Obviously Remain didn't win and the problem now is there isn't a credible plan to deliver the "Winners" choice so we all find ourselves in this cluster <deleted> (NB I'm not blaming the Brexiters, I place the blame firmly on Cameron's government for not thinking it through & planning for Brexit from the moment they decided there would be a referendum, to not plan for both sides of 2-way vote is disgraceful & the fact that there were no plans needed if the result was Remain shows they didn't plan at all).


Edited by Mike Teavee
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13 hours ago, Caldera said:

Just let these fools exit without a deal and let them deal with the fallout. I don't see why the EU should waste time and resources on renegotiating. The EU will be just fine without the UK.

And how exactly would that solve the Irish Border problem?


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56 minutes ago, nontabury said:

The only electoral fraud committed, was by Heath and his cronies, who managed to deceive me, and many millions more into voting to join the EEC in 1975, in what we were conned into beleiving was a trading union,and nothing more. And yes it did take us fourty years, to rectify a wrong, unfortunately the establishment and their blinkered and brainwashed supporters are now intent on overturning the Democratic vote of the people.

what aspect of your life took a hit in them 40 years.

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46 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 I think you underestimate the feelings of many Brits. We certainly do not dislike our fellow Europeans. We are just waiting for them to smell the coffee, and follow our example. As seems to be the case already with many people in Europe.




i see the he still has one foot still in europe,your dream is not going to happen,back to watching repeats of dads army

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

The only electoral fraud committed, was by Heath and his cronies, who managed to deceive me, and many millions more into voting to join the EEC in 1975, in what we were conned into beleiving was a trading union,and nothing more. And yes it did take us fourty years, to rectify a wrong, unfortunately the establishment and their blinkered and brainwashed supporters are now intent on overturning the Democratic vote of the people.

Basil Fourty.

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6 minutes ago, nontabury said:

On a personal level, one of the reasons I sold my business, was the knowledge that the unelected Bureacrats in Brussels, representing big business, were intent on burdening me with even more unwarranted petty bureaucracy. As a citizen of the U.K the list is endless. Perhaps you can amuse me with why,in your opinion,we should remain shackled to this so called union,and become its colony.

It was the EU burdens wot done it.

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42 minutes ago, nontabury said:

On a personal level, one of the reasons I sold my business, was the knowledge that the unelected Bureacrats in Brussels, representing big business, were intent on burdening me with even more unwarranted petty bureaucracy. As a citizen of the U.K the list is endless. Perhaps you can amuse me with why,in your opinion,we should remain shackled to this so called union,and become its colony.



1 means very little 2 our laws are more barmy than any EU laws 3 fair point 4 we trade as it is retaining the better EU option,ps uncle Don is not going to give us what people were told 2-3 years ago 5 means nothing to 99.9% of the population 6 wont happen and we could opt out and is nothing different to and nato probably better if anything 7 means nothing but patriotic waffle      

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52 minutes ago, nontabury said:

On a personal level, one of the reasons I sold my business, was the knowledge that the unelected Bureacrats in Brussels, representing big business, were intent on burdening me with even more unwarranted petty bureaucracy. As a citizen of the U.K the list is endless. Perhaps you can amuse me with why,in your opinion,we should remain shackled to this so called union,and become its colony.



seems you were are a one off,being in the EU has brought us record employment,very strange you refer to petty EU beuaraucracy yet this is big issue that businesses dont what after leaving the EU yet its what its going to bring,a lot more involved in what happened to you than a bit paperwork imo,to easy to blame the EU

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21 hours ago, Topdoc said:

This is MB's fault. He is the negotiator and he has presented a deal that the UK cannot accept.
Keep in mind none of these EU 'officials' can be voted out of office.

Keep in mind: there is no democracy in Europe where anyone can be "voted out of office".

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21 hours ago, Topdoc said:

This is MB's fault. He is the negotiator and he has presented a deal that the UK cannot accept.
Keep in mind none of these EU 'officials' can be voted out of office.

That is wrong. The UK is offering deals. The EU does not care. You leave or you stay ... the deal you offer is YOUR PROBLEM.

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15 hours ago, Krataiboy said:



I hate this 'modern' american TV interview bullshit. Why is she always turning and looking to the camera? That is super impolite and does not give her any credits.

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25 minutes ago, Enki said:

That is wrong. The UK is offering deals. The EU does not care. You leave or you stay ... the deal you offer is YOUR PROBLEM.

Yes. Do talk us through the UK offer on the Irish border re the backstop.

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14 hours ago, Loiner said:

The referendum was democratic and won by the Leave vote, even if you didn’t like it. No trolling there.
Where was your fraud?

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

The fraud is: the referendum is just a referendum and not binding anyone to actually follow it. Half of the "exit" voters only voted "just despite" because they did not believe that "they would win". Bottom line the true brexiters are less than 30% of the voters ... but the PM tries to make a brexit, hence: it is fraud.

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3 hours ago, nontabury said:

I don’t agree with you sentiment, however I do hope that you are correct regarding the outcome.

 What you should know, is that the majority of those who support remain on this, and other Brexit threads are in fact like you, none Brits.

While those who do support our leaving this so called onion, are Brits.

Perhaps in time, you will come to realise that we have taken the correct step, and hopefully you and your likes, will soon realise that it’s in your best interest to follow us. After all that is what the unelected Bureaucrats in Brussels are afraid of.




Yeah, that is the problem with EU haters: you are simply plain stupid. I don't recognize all flags (and bluntly: I stopped at number one) Number one is Turkey ... and Turkey is not a member of the EU or any organization associated to the EU.

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

Don't worry about it, it is common knowledge that remainers struggle to decypher what is written on the sides of buses and usually offer their own interpretation of what is actually written.

Well it wasn’t the Remainers who wrote the lie plastered all over the Brexit bus.


But, hey Brexiteer blames everyone else for Brexit lies.


Nothing new in that.

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  5 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

On 1st read I honestly read this as "Ultimately the Bus stops at Barniers door" and had visions of Boris driving it (the bus) right up there (Barnier's door)... 


2 hours ago, vogie said:

Don't worry about it, it is common knowledge that remainers struggle to decypher what is written on the sides of buses and usually offer their own interpretation of what is actually written.


Oh the irony :)...  it seems that some people struggle to decipher what is posted and usually offer their own interpretation of what is actually written.


P.S. I'm not a Remainer, Remoaner or Eumainer, I didn't get a vote & if I had, believe there wasn't enough information on the 2 choices at the time to make an informed decision so would have abstained - And before anybody says it was a simple In/Out choice, gracefully exiting with a comprehensive Trade Deal & the Irish Border issue sorted is a completely different Option than crashing out with nothing sorted. 


I personally think leaving the EU is going to hurt the UK, but the UK voted to leave so also believe it will hurt just as much (if not more) & for longer if we don't leave, at least in some meaningful way...  


UK is fractured now & I honestly cannot see how we can get ourselves back together again, short of finding a common enemy we can unite against...


Edited by Mike Teavee
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8 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:


  5 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

On 1st read I honestly read this as "Ultimately the Bus stops at Barniers door" and had visions of Boris driving it (the bus) right up there (Barnier's door)... 



Oh the irony :)...  it seems that some people struggle to decipher what is posted and usually offer their own interpretation of what is actually written.


P.S. I'm not a Remainer, Remoaner or Eumainer, I didn't get a vote & if I had, believe there wasn't enough information on the 2 choices at the time to make an informed decision so would have abstained - And before anybody says it was a simple In/Out choice, gracefully exiting with a comprehensive Trade Deal & the Irish Border issue sorted is a completely different Option than crashing out with nothing sorted. 


I personally think leaving the EU is going to hurt the UK,

but the UK voted to leave so also believe it will hurt just as much (if not more) & for longer if we don't leave, at least in some meaningful way...  


UK is fractured now & I honestly cannot see how we can get ourselves back together again, short of finding a common enemy we can unite against...


"P.S. I'm not a Remainer, Remoaner or Eumainer"

You have to be something Mike, can I put you down as a 'reliever?'????


You said "I personally think leaving the EU is going to hurt the UK," 

I think the EU is going to try hurt the UK for wanting to leave, and being in that kind of relationship is neither healthy for both sides.


"UK is fractured now & I honestly cannot see how we can get ourselves back together again, short of finding a common enemy we can unite against..."

Maybe the UK was divided before the Brexit Referendum, but it took the referendum to bring it to the light.



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On 3/9/2019 at 7:24 AM, Topdoc said:

This is MB's fault. He is the negotiator and he has presented a deal that the UK cannot accept.
Keep in mind none of these EU 'officials' can be voted out of office.


Barnier is a commissioner.  We vote for our local MP in the UK, the winning party gets to chose the PM and then the PM gets to propose our commissioner.  We also get to vote for an MEP, and our MEP's get to vote on the other commissioners proposed by the other heads of other member states.  So actually, Barnier can be voted out, either by Macron or should he be chosen by Macron again he could be voted out by other MEP's.

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16 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Barnier is a commissioner.  We vote for our local MP in the UK, the winning party gets to chose the PM and then the PM gets to propose our commissioner.  We also get to vote for an MEP, and our MEP's get to vote on the other commissioners proposed by the other heads of other member states.  So actually, Barnier can be voted out, either by Macron or should he be chosen by Macron again he could be voted out by other MEP's.

Sorry, but Barnier is not a Commissioner. The French Commissioner is Pierre Moscovici.

Edited by damascase
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