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This is probably one for our esteemed member Sheryl.


Partner found a large lump in breast, under arm this past weekend. Took her to local hospital for mammogram next day. Examined by doctor. Told "no mammogram needed. It's OK. Nothing to worry about. Probably hormonal change"


It seems that I am more worried than she is. I am trying to convince her that she should indeed have some sort of test or mammogram to confirm, as I can't see a doctor being able to tell from an external examination, and that surely any lump should be thoroughly checked out.  She says, "He is the doctor. He knows what he is talking about."


I would like to take her to BKK to get her checked out. Any advice where to go? Who to see please? 




I can't give any advice on who to see. All I can say is IMHO the doctor she saw is criminally incompetent.

Try a PM to Sheryl.


Yes, she should get a mammogram to be sure, though it may indeed just be a cyst. If she is immediately pre-menstrual now, could wait until her period comes, if it has completely vanished at that point then yes, a hormone related cysts.


Even if she did not have a lump, if she is over 40 should have mammogram periodically.


For some reason, Thai hospitals make mammograms difficult to get. I just went through this with  a fmaily member,  doctor at regional government hospital barely examined her, would not  order a mammogram  (more specifically, did not mention it and when asked said: you'd have to consult a surgeon first, which would have meant a whole other day of waiting and then who knows how long a wait for the mammorgram itself). We are going to Bangkok today for it.


Any hospital in Bangkok can do this but unless she also gets a checkup package she will have to see a surgeon first to get it ordered.  Even the Chulabhorn hospital, which is specifically for cancer and cancer screening ,requires this. Don't ask me why, I have no idea.


I would suggest one of these;


1. http://www.chulabhornhospital.com/

Govt hospital under royal patronage. Least expensive option but you have to show up first thing in the morning, get a queue number and wait. I do not know if they would then be able to do the mammogram right away or have to come back for it. Maybe have your GF cal and talk with them.


2. St Louis or Bangkok Chrisitian Hospitals




In both cases need to see a surgeon first to have it ordered but should be able to do all in same day. No appointment needed.


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9 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Yes, she should get a mammogram to be sure, though it may indeed just be a cyst. If she is immediately pre-menstrual now, could wait until her period comes, if it has completely vanished at that point then yes, a hormone related cysts.


Even if she did not have a lump, if she is over 40 should have mammogram periodically.


For some reason, Thai hospitals make mammograms difficult to get. I just went through this with  a fmaily member,  doctor at regional government hospital barely examined her, would not  order a mammogram  (more specifically, did not mention it and when asked said: you'd have to consult a surgeon first, which would have meant a whole other day of waiting and then who knows how long a wait for the mammorgram itself). We are going to Bangkok today for it.


Any hospital in Bangkok can do this but unless she also gets a checkup package she will have to see a surgeon first to get it ordered.  Even the Chulabhorn hospital, which is specifically for cancer and cancer screening ,requires this. Don't ask me why, I have no idea.


I would suggest one of these;


1. http://www.chulabhornhospital.com/

Govt hospital under royal patronage. Least expensive option but you have to show up first thing in the morning, get a queue number and wait. I do not know if they would then be able to do the mammogram right away or have to come back for it. Maybe have your GF cal and talk with them.


2. St Louis or Bangkok Chrisitian Hospitals




In both cases need to see a surgeon first to have it ordered but should be able to do all in same day. No appointment needed.


Thanks Sheryl.


I will take her to one of those.


Took us 1 1/2 hours there today inclusive of registering, seeing the surgeon, getting mammogram and ultrasound and then again seeing the surgeon for result.


4,400 baht total  (St Louis)



48 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Took us 1 1/2 hours there today inclusive of registering, seeing the surgeon, getting mammogram and ultrasound and then again seeing the surgeon for result.


4,400 baht total  (St Louis)




That's where I was thinking of taking her. Had a look at booking an appoinmtent online, but it's all in Thai, so will have to wait for her to come home.


Did you ask to see any particular surgeon? 


The one I asked for had left for the day so we just saw the one who was there.


AFAIK they do not have any speciailizing in breast surgery so oen just seesa genral surgeon.


P.S. I should add that while we got the needed mammogram without issue  we were nto impressed with the surgeon and, as mentioned, they do not seem to have any specializing in breast. In her case the mammogram was considered normal and no cause found for persistent breast pain she has. We now plan to take the mammogram film from St Louis to see this doctor at Bumrungrad who specializes in breast and is excellent:




If you want you could go direct to her but mammogram will cost more than at St Louis.  Exactly how much I don't know but you could call and ask.


besdes being expert in the field this doctor is (1) a woman  and (2) a Professor at a leading medical school (Mahidol) both factors which might make your GF more amenable.



4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

P.S. I should add that while we got the needed mammogram without issue  we were nto impressed with the surgeon and, as mentioned, they do not seem to have any specializing in breast. In her case the mammogram was considered normal and no cause found for persistent breast pain she has. We now plan to take the mammogram film from St Louis to see this doctor at Bumrungrad who specializes in breast and is excellent:




If you want you could go direct to her but mammogram will cost more than at St Louis.  Exactly how much I don't know but you could call and ask.


besdes being expert in the field this doctor is (1) a woman  and (2) a Professor at a leading medical school (Mahidol) both factors which might make your GF more amenable.



Thanks Sheryl. Doctor's details noted.


I am still trying to persuade her to go to Bangkok and see a doctor asap., (as in this coming weekend.)

After much nagging her, she tells me she will go to see a doctor at Khon Kaen University Srinagarind Hospital when she returns home before Songkran. Their website doesn't show much, but it seems to be a big hub hospital for the Isaan region. Although I cannot find anything re: women's centre as it's mostly in Thai.




Shriphat in Chiang Mai charges Bath 3100 for mammogram. However, if anything found, they said they have to refer me to another hospital to see a specialised surgeon. 

I found Shriphat very efficient and "good value for money" in my previous visit  for husband check-up and urologist.

Thank you, Sheryl, as always, very spot-on!

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