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What Social Effects Will Farang-thai Relationships Have On Thai Society?


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while i understand that most of these girls are just scamming farang and not going to stay married to them long term, i still think it will have some effect.

also, if there are more leuk krungs in isaan, its possible that we might see an influx of leuk krungs in the various nightlife venues in the immediate future.

Sorry if I sound harsh but this has all the signs of a newbie who doesn't have a clue about Thailand. :o

Put the lonely planet away and live a little more before trying to paint a whole group like this.

Edited by cdnvic
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"First assumption --- guys like girls from Isaan <how many of these guys ever met someone socially that was NOT from Isaan?>"

Now you are the one making assumptions. Tisk Tisk.

Actually jdinasia is right here. As mentioned earlier by another poster as well... in terms of numbers, farang-Thai relationships are still fairly insignificant. Sure, sometimes it SEEMS like these pairings are everywhere, but it'll depend on where you look.... kind of like (incorrectly) concluding that America is one big melting pot of interracial harmony by watching MTV Spring Break at Daytona Beach.


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You guys dont think the mass exodus of thai women marrying old farang will have an effect on thai men in that region? what are those guys supposed to do? marry a cow?

it seems like the culture in that reason could really be screwed up in 20-25 years if farang continue to come to thailand in exponential numbers.

while i understand that most of these girls are just scamming farang and not going to stay married to them long term, i still think it will have some effect.

also, if there are more leuk krungs in isaan, its possible that we might see an influx of leuk krungs in the various nightlife venues in the immediate future.

also, china has a sever lack of women and chances are alot of chinese men will come to thailand to purchase a wife the way farang are doing it now -- all of this spells BAD NEWS for local thai men. How will they react?

Before it gets that far Thai man will start attacking farang and Chinese both of these groups will be afraid to go to Isaan. Will you go to Pakistan to get a wife?

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You guys dont think the mass exodus of thai women marrying old farang will have an effect on thai men in that region? what are those guys supposed to do? marry a cow?

it seems like the culture in that reason could really be screwed up in 20-25 years if farang continue to come to thailand in exponential numbers.

while i understand that most of these girls are just scamming farang and not going to stay married to them long term, i still think it will have some effect.

also, if there are more leuk krungs in isaan, its possible that we might see an influx of leuk krungs in the various nightlife venues in the immediate future.

also, china has a sever lack of women and chances are alot of chinese men will come to thailand to purchase a wife the way farang are doing it now -- all of this spells BAD NEWS for local thai men. How will they react?

The Local men will start attacking Farangs and Chinese men to keep them away.

Think about this will you go to Pakistan to get a wife it will be much cheaper and you can have 3 more no problem. However the locals their will cut off your head.

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while i understand that most of these girls are just scamming farang and not going to stay married to them long term, i still think it will have some effect.

Personally, though I am not in the Isarn scene and don't have a wife from there, I think you understand wrong. Replace 'most' with 'many'.

I think that farang-thai children will obviously be better off then if they were raised by a thai father who was a rice farmer, but at some point, you have to question whether thai culture is in jepodary.

All cultures that try to remain the same are in jeopardy. Culture is a survival tool for a society in the here and now (and the future, if they want to be proactive), not some holy grail to hang on to until extinction as so many, mainly the elders, want to make it for their own self-interest.

Wonder why the Thai have so many problems these days with their young? (Yea, I know, everybody's got problems). Coz the young are adrift, the times are changing/have changed but the elders try and drag them back to an old culture that cannot function in a modern world.

'The times they are a'changing' is an old saying which has always been true. It's just the speed of change that is new.

Adapt or die.

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You guys dont think the mass exodus of thai women marrying old farang will have an effect on thai men in that region? what are those guys supposed to do? marry a cow?

I think if you look at the big picture the numbers are not so significant as to really throw things out of balance.

I think this is correct. In my wife's tiny village (I've only found 1 map that shows it) I was amazed to find there were 19 farang/thai couples. Still plenty of female pickings running around though. (And if the wifey didn't watch me so closely....... :o )

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I don't know about your country but in mine, if you want to live among the dark skinned rural poor, you can move to Mississippi. Imagine how welcome you will be under those circumstances and you can pretty much figure the rest out.

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"First assumption --- guys like girls from Isaan <how many of these guys ever met someone socially that was NOT from Isaan?>"

Now you are the one making assumptions. Tisk Tisk.

Not based upon assumption .... but thanks :o

Live here for some time sean ... and you will see what reality is like here. You'll have to get out of the nightlife areas and you'll have to learn Thai though .....

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JD.... I have been here for only 3months, but I have learned alot about Thai culture. A few people on TV know me in real life, I work at a prestigus international school and also teach english to underprivilaged thai kids who canot afford to go to an acredited international school to learn. I am also learning Thai from one of my female friends. I find the nightlife scene in Thailand interesting, however I do not particapate because of fears of trafficking of women in LOS. I am eager to learn thai because I am considering doing a documentry on the effects of Farang on thailands society and ecosystem. Thank you for your suggestions, also what reading material do you recommend about thai history and politics?

Also, I have some farang friends and they all told me that farang like dark skinned girls and think they are the best looking and understand english and farang the best and make the best girl friend and wife in thailand for a farang.

thank you again.

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JD.... I have been here for only 3months, but I have learned alot about Thai culture.

Bookmark that post and re-read it in a couple years.

I am considering doing a documentry on the effects of Farang on thailands society and ecosystem.

Yay....another one. :o

You're still in the "Wow, look at the bar girls... this is the Thailand I saw in the movies! Good thing that crank in the bar taught me everything about Isaan women" stage.

Settle down, sit back and just watch, learn, and stop making your mind up so fast. You haven't learned squat. You are acting as if you've already made up your mind about Thailand and many of it's people. That makes for boring documentaries by ill-informed people on some kind of crusade.

If you really want to learn about Thailand, stay away from the nightlife for awhile, as it (and your hormones) will cloud your vision. Spend your weekends in the country, and make some Thai friends who aren't from the entertainment industry.

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JD.... I have been here for only 3months, but I have learned alot about Thai culture.

Bookmark that post and re-read it in a couple years.

I am considering doing a documentry on the effects of Farang on thailands society and ecosystem.

Yay....another one. :o

You're still in the "Wow, look at the bar girls... this is the Thailand I saw in the movies! Good thing that crank in the bar taught me everything about Isaan women" stage.

Settle down, sit back and just watch, learn, and stop making your mind up so fast. You haven't learned squat. You are acting as if you've already made up your mind about Thailand and many of it's people. That makes for boring documentaries by ill-informed people on some kind of crusade.

If you really want to learn about Thailand, stay away from the nightlife for awhile, as it (and your hormones) will cloud your vision. Spend your weekends in the country, and make some Thai friends who aren't from the entertainment industry.

SB, this is good counsel from CDN. Start attending the school of life. There are no fees and it's about twice as good as the best college. Get to know the real Thais, they won't bite you, in fact the majority are amazingly tolerant and nice people. forget the farang/Thai syndrome and mix. BTW, you can safely ignore most of the television footage on LOS, it's uninformed crap.

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"First assumption --- guys like girls from Isaan <how many of these guys ever met someone socially that was NOT from Isaan?>"

Now you are the one making assumptions. Tisk Tisk.

Actually jdinasia is right here. As mentioned earlier by another poster as well... in terms of numbers, farang-Thai relationships are still fairly insignificant. Sure, sometimes it SEEMS like these pairings are everywhere, but it'll depend on where you look.... kind of like (incorrectly) concluding that America is one big melting pot of interracial harmony by watching MTV Spring Break at Daytona Beach.


If there were 1000 Farang-Thai couples in every province in Isaan, only in Amnat Charoen and Mukdahan would that involve more than 1% of all that province's Thai women aged 20-44. A rich source of amusement, speculation and gossip for the locals perhaps, but hardly a well-spring of social change.

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Why the worry about that maybe the thaimen go angry cause there are no more woman available???

I think that there were not to many men available, cause 1 out of 3 at least,seem all gay to me....

What about that!!Mixed races is not a problem ,I mean many have loek krung female children as well,or not?

Just doom scenarios...........

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i would think the chances of a luk krung being loved in a stable family environment, with both parents and a steady income to give them a comfortable standard of living and a bright future would be higher than those from thai-thai households. that's a good thing isnt it?

i think these kids will make a valuable contribution to thai society when they grow up. that's what i am teaching my son to do.

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If I make a documentry its going to be in a honest light. id select a wide range of farang:



english teacher

tattooed expat

jet-setter (non backpack/english teacher) must make $50K+/year

Then I would select a wide range of women in the nightlife establishments from all the different regions of Thailand...

Then I would monitor their relationships over the course of 5 years to see what happens and what events unfold, I might even mix it up by letting the women being filmed know that i am available physically (not emotionally) if they want it - i think this adds a reality/dramatic moment to a documentry to give it more life and less text book feel.

also, if i had started the doc last year i could have gotten a feel how the coup effected these different farang and thai relationships.

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Why is it that every wannabe film maker and author who decides to "investigate" Thailand is obsessed with the bargirl aspect of it? Not to discount the fact that it's a part of Thai life, but it's certainly not to the point that many of these lame documentaries would lead people to believe.

I think the case is more likely that Sean is just obsessed with these ladies and "I'm doing this for research purposes" is a way that the OP hopes to fool others (and himself) that it's more noble than primal.

Not that I'm trying to tag everyone coming to Thailand as being like this, but there's plane loads of new "researchers" arriving in Bangkok every day trying to fool themselves and others of their real interest in being in Thailand. The story has been played out many times on these pages over the years. :o

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I have actually directed two shorts in college on Brazillian EcoSystems. Perhaps Farang are interested in the nightlife aspects because it is a unique opertunity to teach alot of different people about why the women might be working there for and how they feel about it, and also how they interact with other men. also, see my reality twist to the whole thing.

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I have actually directed two shorts in college on Brazillian EcoSystems. Perhaps Farang are interested in the nightlife aspects because it is a unique opertunity to teach alot of different people about why the women might be working there for and how they feel about it, and also how they interact with other men. also, see my reality twist to the whole thing.

When do we get to see these, SB? They might be better than the naff coverage we get here.

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JD.... I have been here for only 3months, but I have learned alot about Thai culture. A few people on TV know me in real life, I work at a prestigus international school and also teach english to underprivilaged thai kids who canot afford to go to an acredited international school to learn. I am also learning Thai from one of my female friends. I find the nightlife scene in Thailand interesting, however I do not particapate because of fears of trafficking of women in LOS. I am eager to learn thai because I am considering doing a documentry on the effects of Farang on thailands society and ecosystem. Thank you for your suggestions, also what reading material do you recommend about thai history and politics?

Also, I have some farang friends and they all told me that farang like dark skinned girls and think they are the best looking and understand english and farang the best and make the best girl friend and wife in thailand for a farang.

thank you again.

you should try to polish up your spelling then.

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