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Boris Johnson says PM May's Brexit deal is 'dead': Evening Standard newspaper


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41 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Will that be after you learn how to do percentage calculations? It was the majority choice.
Maybe that’s why you think trade deal negotiations are also too difficult.


72.2% of the voting aged populous voted in the referendum. 

51.9% of voters chose Leave. 

72.2 x 0.519 = 37.4%

62.5% of British voters did not vote Leave, a very clear majority.


If trade deals are easy to negotiate, why haven't we managed to negotiate any of substance?

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I'm not interested re JRM or the rest of them.
I voted LEAVE as I do not want the UK to hand over its sovereignty to unelected beurocrats who sre hell bent on achieving their aim ie
A united states of europe.
Also..my home city Glasgow has been going downhill gor the last 20 or so years due to immigrants from eastern eu countries and islsmic countries..many of them illegals who are involved in scummy organised crime.
Rg..child prostitution.
People trafficking..heavy drugs etc.

I'm still trying to find a leaver who can explain how Britain will benefit from leaving? So far I just got replies like "we want our own rule, do our own trade deals, fishing etc." Days of the Empire are over, British fishing industry will not go back to a guy with a boat, how many deals has Fox organised: Liechtenstein, Israel, may be Cuba, and 4 other countries of no great consequence. What is going to change as EU rules were integrated into British regulations  trade rules etc? These are there to stay otherwise you can't trade with the outside world.
This presently ongoing Brexit circus is not going to convince the world that Britain will be a reliable trading partner. 
Btw I'm not a Brit and I'm not an EU fanatic but ppl should look at reality. Why did Rees Mogg move his company out of Britain and to an EU country?

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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12 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Given that she will almost certainly be defeated today, I think we need to look at the indicative vote options again.

One thing that was said by many Tory MP's they only voted against...

So if you take in to account the fact that many abstainers may well vote in favor of a number of options my prediction is Mondays Indicative debate/vote may well see Ken Clarks Customs Union option and maybe the Common Market 2.0 put to a referendum, with Revoke.  

I am strongly pro European, and have been against anything other than Remain all along. However if there is no willingness to compromise on all sides we will drown in a cesspit of our own inflexibility, as May is currently doing. Your post BB is sound, and Ken Clark is a highly experienced politician (And a real human - he actually has other interests) who is prepared to compromise. Common market 2 is not a pill that is too bitter to be swallowed. No deal Brexit - unless by accident - is surely dead, the votes against it have been overwhelming. However with the matter residing in the HoC featured below, anything could happen.

Screen Shot 2019-03-29 at 11.15.37.png

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72.2% of the voting aged populous voted in the referendum. 
51.9% of voters chose Leave. 
72.2 x 0.519 = 37.4%
62.5% of British voters did not vote Leave, a very clear majority.
If trade deals are easy to negotiate, why haven't we managed to negotiate any of substance?

Only 48.1% voted Remain.
72.2 x 0.481 = 34.7%
65.3% did not vote Remain. An even bigger majority for LEAVE. Why do you people keep churning your nonsense out?
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28 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

and Ken Clark is a highly experienced politician (And a real human - he actually has other interests) who is prepared to compromise.

I was going to say he also has a lot of experience in the cabinet office, more than a lot of the present incumbents combined.


K.C. 4 P.M.???

Edited by Basil B
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4 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

Apparently Jacob Rees-Mogg signed the anti-Brexit petition 8,000 times and Idi Amin 700 times.  I don't have the figures for Osama bin Laden (Source: column in this week's Spectator)


I liked that article, and I suspect they were correct in their assumption that it is most likely that the fake names are added by Leave supporters attempting to discredit the petition.

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5 hours ago, Loiner said:

The Zombie Deal will be voted on today, without the Political Declaration. Looks like it will be a closer vote than its’ previous two killings but will still be downed by about 20 votes minimum.
What next? Time for the Remainers to accept that they cannot overturn the will of the masses. Leave No Deal.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Unfortunately for you, the real work begins on Monday. The indicative vote, yesterday, clearly showed that there are at least 2 front runners that may gain a majority in Parliament. No deal isn't even on the menu.


It's likely that a combination of the front runners will be successful. A referendum combined with either May's deal or Ken Clark's customs union, which has the advantage of doing away with the need for a backstop (DUP happy) and causing less havoc to British business during the transition.


So there you have it, Referendum on revoke article 50 or remain in the customs union. Up to you.

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14 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


I liked that article, and I suspect they were correct in their assumption that it is most likely that the fake names are added by Leave supporters attempting to discredit the petition.

I seem to recall Laughing G claiming somewhere to have voted at least 3 times and we all know he is not a remainer...

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6 minutes ago, tlandtday said:

Exactly as I have figured.  Let the people vote and if you don't like the result you simply negate Brexit.  Keep voting until it is defeated.  The elites win again. 



Nope. Won't be the same questions on the referendum. You, in your infinite wisdom, charged the government with leaving the EU, no strings attached and financially beneficial to the UK. 


Theresa May, after 3 years of negotiations, came up with a deal that was acceptable to the EU (they always had the right to the final say). Now the government can't agree on that deal or any other method of exit.


You will be given the right to vote on whether to accept that deal or scrap the whole thing. That's democracy.

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3 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:

37.2% voted to leave, it was a minority choise as they are about to find out.

If I were a Brit, I would be a Remainer, but - as has been made clear on many many occasions in just about every democracy in the world - if you don't vote, not only do you not count but you don't get counted.

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57 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Unfortunately for you, the real work begins on Monday. The indicative vote, yesterday, clearly showed that there are at least 2 front runners that may gain a majority in Parliament. No deal isn't even on the menu.


It's likely that a combination of the front runners will be successful. A referendum combined with either May's deal or Ken Clark's customs union, which has the advantage of doing away with the need for a backstop (DUP happy) and causing less havoc to British business during the transition.


So there you have it, Referendum on revoke article 50 or remain in the customs union. Up to you.

Just done some calculations based Wednesdays Indicative vote.

Based on the fact that many only voted against what the they did not want.

Factored in those who do not vote: Speaker 1, Deputy Speakers 3, Tellers 4, Sian Fann 7, Vacant seat 1, there were 634 MP's who voted less any paired or absentes.

so I have calculated the following:

How MPs voted          
  For Against Abstainers For + Abstainers  
Customs union 264 272 98 362 Above 317
Common Market 2.0 188 283 163 351
Revoking Article 50 to avoid no deal 184 293 157 341
Confirmatory referendum 268 295 71 339
Labour's Brexit plan 237 307 90 327
EFTA and EEA membership 65 377 192 257 Bellow 317
No-deal exit on 12 April 160 400 74 234
Malthouse Plan B 139 422 73 212
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