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Boris Johnson says PM May's Brexit deal is 'dead': Evening Standard newspaper


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4 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Go back and read all the threads we have been saying them for the last 3 years and bored of constantly repeating ourselves.

LG, the people who voted to leave did so in good faith, believing what the campaigners told them.  If those pledges were ever possible then we would have left today with at least our dignity intact and a viable workable deal.  As that was never possible, the last three years have been spent hoping that, by some miracle, a positive Brexit could achieved.  Reality is that it was highly unlikely that it could be achieved which is why those who promised it ran for the hills.


The Brexiteers have been let down far more than the remainers

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2 minutes ago, billd766 said:

That is factually correct.
Why did he open a second branch in Ireland?
Now keep thinking.

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5 hours ago, puipuitom said:

Yes, an historic , overwhelming, landslide, above any dream majority of 51,88 %. Only a mare 48,11 % voted for "remain". So, why uyopu British did not leave per direct ? Close the N-S Irish border, and stay on your own ? 

And over 13 million couldn't be bothered to get off their arrassses to vote.

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UDI should be declared at 2300hrs tonight as per the original plan/election manifestos & LML should urgently consider a 'Miller' route in order to declare this unnecessary fortnight extn null and void.

Edited by evadgib
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1 minute ago, Laughing Gravy said:

He is right Bill, my point being that any Tom, Dick and Harry can do it and shows what a load of rollicks it is. If I can do it from China anyone can do it and shows just how invalid it is. I can't believe people are getting excited by an online petition that can and is easily manipulated, hence my 3 votes.

Not getting excited by an online petition. Getting excited by parliament voting for 2nd referendum on Monday. Remain/CU Brexit.

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1 minute ago, Laughing Gravy said:

No never heard of that one. Ever heard of putting your country first!

That's why I voted remain. Why did you vote leave? Because you believed all the BS that the leave campaign sold you? Not looking good now, is it?

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1 minute ago, Laughing Gravy said:

A bunch of self serving liars with many will get what they deserve, at the next GE.

Obviously you don't watch interviews from MP's as there are some who want a no deal so your 'no one in parliament' like most of your posts are baseless and downright lies.

Not any more. They've all jumped ship. Name one.

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10 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

No you are wrong. The MPs are arrogant and self serving. The EU's arrogance in the belief that they can turn a referendum result around. Like they have done many times before. Arrogance of the highest order.

Are we discussing the same issue?? 

I can't remember that there have been many referendums in UK in former years. When was it? 

And when EU tried to turn the result concerning these many referendums which you are mentioned.?

Google did not say anything. But you will help, won't You? 

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50 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Not any more. They've all jumped ship. Name one.

Whats it like being wrong all the time. Here is one.


Another 4.



Oh go on then. Here is another.




I could go on with more but you are embarrassed enough, although it shows yet once again you make such wild, unsubstantiated claims over and over again.


No doubt you will try and claim otherwise, which is your usual tactic instead of 'manning up' and admit that you are wrong once again.




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33 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

Are we discussing the same issue?? 

I can't remember that there have been many referendums in UK in former years. When was it? 

And when EU tried to turn the result concerning these many referendums which you are mentioned.?

Google did not say anything. But you will help, won't You? 

Obviously you haven' been keeping up with the news the last 3 years. Are you saying the EU are not trying to reverse the result. if you are you do not know what you are on about.


I was also referring to the EU in general with all referendums that have happened and their influence on governments to ignore results.


I tend not to use google as they are too biased. EU influenced, but if you are going to talk rubbish, it is best to get your facts right.





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