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I <deleted> up my visa run - What to do?

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Hey guys, my visa is ending today 4th and my plan was to go in 2 hours to plane to Laos, do there visa and tomorrow fly back. But just now I found out I have to schedule myself for Laos embassy and first available day is on 14th. So basically I can't go to the embassy tomorrow. I already paid for the hotel and for my flight. What I can do now? I already did border run twice this year, so If I'm correct I can't access Thailand for the 3rd time in a year by land.


My plan:


Fly there anyway, try to go embassy, probably got denied. Stay one night in Laos and next day fly from Laos to Bangkok and get this 30 days classic tourist visa. I was thinking I could go by van to the border, cross by land and then fly from Udon Thani to BKK, but I think I'm not able to do that since I did the border run twice this year already. So I think I'm gonna try to get on the flight (Laos > BKK) and hope they will let me in in BKK. Is this so risky? I have a printed ticket for 27th of May to my home country (4th of april > 4th of May > extend 30 days) + 20k baht on me. 


Should I abort my flight and this plan and rather buy the ticket to somewhere else and do visa run there?




I'm in Thai from August last year, I always did the border run to Myanmar (got 30 days) and then extended for 30 days at immigration. Since I did that twice this year already, I was planning to do a visa run to Laos this time.


Thank you so much for your help, Nick



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You could go to Savannahket and get a SETV there. You don’t need to book an appointment.


No one can answer whether or not you’ll be denied entry using VE. But as you’ve stayed so long as a tourist already the chances are high using VE.

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11 minutes ago, elviajero said:

You could go to Savannahket and get a SETV there. You don’t need to book an appointment.


No one can answer whether or not you’ll be denied entry using VE. But as you’ve stayed so long as a tourist already the chances are high using VE.

So you think I should just miss my flight (lose money for ticket + for hotel) and book a new flight to Savannahket a try to do visa there?


Im just checking and the flights there are crazy - via Vientiane and cost a lot. I know no one can tell I will be allowed to enter country again, but what is best for me now moneywise and by time? My flight to Vientiane is in 2 hours (6AM) (bkk > udon thani and then border cross by van)

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Update: Im going now to my flight anyway and will decide what to do once, Ill reach Vientiane. Probably stay one night in hotel if I already paid for it. Hopefully you can guys help me what to do. I still think that trying to flight back to BKK and enter on this 30 days visa is still a chance, but really dont know what I will do if they denie me. Thanks so much guys in advance

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Recently it was mentioned that an agent could be paid to get a short notice cancellation slot for an online appointment at Vientiane for around 1500 baht. Not sure if there's any risk attached to this or if it's still the case - there's some discussion of it in this thread:



Edited by lamyai3
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Guys, it couldn't get any worse than this. I miss my check in by 3min, bcs i was trying to figure out what to do. Seriously.... 


So now I cant even make it to get there lol. So wasted money for ticket and hotel. Very sweet. Now im stucked at DMK airport, hopeless and dont know what to do. 


If i fly somewhere, ill be prolly not able to do visa by tomorrow anyway. Isnt it better for me to stay here until sunday and fly then, pay overstay could be cheaper, than paying for hotel for many days somewhere. 



Can you please help me, whats my best shot right now money/time wise? I dont care if i get 60 days visa or classic tourist 30 days. I plan to leave in May anyway ???? Thanks so much for your kindness. Fml

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5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Just looked on the Airasia site and they have a flight today at 12 midday to Vientiane for 3000 Baht or a flight to Udon thani for 1500 Baht at 7.55 AM and then get a bus from UT to Savanakhet

Thanks for your kindness. If i would get today to Savanakhet, Ill be not able to be there on time to get my visa done by tomorrow and fly back right? So going to Savanakhet means I have to spend there all weekend? If I go to Vientiane, i can spend there night since I already paid for a hotel, and buy tomorrow flight back to BKK and hope they will let me in? If not, Ill be in the same situation as now, but will waste even more money and time, right? What do you think its best for me? Im really clueless what to do. 

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Since you're at Don Muang anyway, a domestic flight to one of the airports close to Mukdahan is best. Just did a quick check and the cheapest option flight is to Ubon Ratchathani at around 1800 baht on either Nok air (0930) or Airasia (0745 or 1100). From there it's about three hours bus to Savannakhet. At least there you can still do a walk in application for a new SETV without dealing with the online system. 

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If i go Savanakhet, ill be not able to get there by 11am anyhow. So can apply on friday and collect on monday. U guys think that just to fly to Vientiane, spend there one night and without visa return tomorrow is stupid idea? Is really applying in Savanakhet for visa tmr and returning on monday my only hope? Isnt it better for me to fly there on monday, pay overstay 2000 and then do it? This 2k overstay is probably still cheaper than spending there weekend. Although i dont know how can this overstay may affect me in future stay in Thailand if i decide to stay here longer on ED visa or something like that. But i understand, that flying anywhere and applying for visa will not get me back to bkk sooner than monday/tuesday next week. It will also cost me much more money for hotel. So im still thinking flying to Vientiane amd back tomorrow without Visa is my best option. But im really amateur in this. I wanna also say I really appreciate your kindness. It means a lot to me. 

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13 minutes ago, nickcapolla said:

Thanks for your kindness. If i would get today to Savanakhet, Ill be not able to be there on time to get my visa done by tomorrow and fly back right? So going to Savanakhet means I have to spend there all weekend? If I go to Vientiane, i can spend there night since I already paid for a hotel, and buy tomorrow flight back to BKK and hope they will let me in? If not, Ill be in the same situation as now, but will waste even more money and time, right? What do you think its best for me? Im really clueless what to do. 

The Consulate at Savanakhet closes at 11 (30) AM for visa applications , so, unless to get get on a flight quite soon , you arent going to get there in time .

   So, either get to Savankhet by tomorrow and spend the week-end there whilst waiting for your visa , or fly straight back and hope that they let you in .

   If you do decided to fly straight back. avoid flying in to DM airport because they often refuse people entry

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6 minutes ago, nickcapolla said:

If i go Savanakhet, ill be not able to get there by 11am anyhow. So can apply on friday and collect on monday. U guys think that just to fly to Vientiane, spend there one night and without visa return tomorrow is stupid idea? Is really applying in Savanakhet for visa tmr and returning on monday my only hope? Isnt it better for me to fly there on monday, pay overstay 2000 and then do it? This 2k overstay is probably still cheaper than spending there weekend. Although i dont know how can this overstay may affect me in future stay in Thailand if i decide to stay here longer on ED visa or something like that. But i understand, that flying anywhere and applying for visa will not get me back to bkk sooner than monday/tuesday next week. It will also cost me much more money for hotel. So im still thinking flying to Vientiane amd back tomorrow without Visa is my best option. But im really amateur in this. I wanna also say I really appreciate your kindness. It means a lot to me. 

You can get cheap hotels in Vientiane and Savanakhet for 300 Baht a night

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To add insult to injury, Thai embassies are closed next Monday as well (8th April), so yes this makes Savannakhet an unappealing option. Too bad, this would have worked yesterday.


In your shoes I'd be tempted to try what you suggest and chance flying in visa exempt. However, it's worth finding out what the current situation is at the embassy regarding agents while in Vientiane. 

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3 hours ago, nickcapolla said:

I always did the border run to Myanmar (got 30 days) and then extended for 30 days at immigration. Since I did that twice this year already,

That is "calendar " year .

It starts over again in January .

Have you done two land border runs since January ?

If you had and extended them both , you would be OK until the end of April .

If you did a land border run last year , you can do one more this year 

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Also time, not being to able be at "home" is also problem for me, since i have some responsibilities. But whatever, this can be solved somehow. getting today by 11am to Savanakhet its not possible anymore. If i fly to Vientiane, can I return from there to Bangkok without flying to DMK? Or can I fly somewhere else and return tmr not to DMK? I have 10mins to buy ticket to udon thani by air asia and be there 9.30. is it a way for me ill be able to get on the embassy in Vientiane by 11? Hope to find this agent there and get visa even without appointment?

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

That is "calendar " year .

It starts over again in January .

Have you done two land border runs since January ?

If you had and extended them both , you would be OK until the end of April .

If you did a land border run last year , you can do one more this year 

Yes i did them bot this year. I needed to do it this way for specific reason (i spend there only 14days and then left)

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4 minutes ago, nickcapolla said:

 10mins to buy ticket to udon thani by air asia and be there 9.30. is it a way for me ill be able to get on the embassy in Vientiane by 11? Hope to find this agent there and get visa even without appointment?

Its an hour from Udon Thanni to the border , then an hour crossing the border , then 30 minutes to the Embassy , 3 hours minimum from Udon Thani to the Embassy 

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6 minutes ago, nickcapolla said:

I have 10mins to buy ticket to udon thani by air asia and be there 9.30. is it a way for me ill be able to get on the embassy in Vientiane by 11? Hope to find this agent there and get visa even without appointment?

No idea about the current situation regarding agents, but best option seems to be the 0930 flight to Udon Thani. You can get to Vientiane and plan the next move from there. 

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Ok, bought the ticket. Im gonna be 9.30 in udon thani. Seems like I cant make it to ambassy before 11 even if i order taxi driver and yell at him leo leo. Trying to get there even late and try to negotiate seems not like an option even if i would try to tip them right? So i guess ill go there tomorrow morning to at least find out for you guys if these "agents" exists there and then for airport. To my information i can fly back only to dmk and pray they will let me in (in thai since august 2018, did border run twice this year). I have 20k on me + ticket for may to my homecountry. 


Have also prepared pics of me with thai girl and some sonograph picture of baby (will try to tell them my girl is pregnant). If they ask why i fly back home im gonna tell them she goes with me to give birth there.  Will be dressed nicely and start to cry if they denie me. Will be looking for a que with a guy instead of girl. Any other tips?


Also if i found out these agents really exists, i may apply for visa tomorrow and fly back on tuesday and play it safe. Can i fly somewhere else to thai from Vientiane to avoid dealing with them on dmk? Do you guys think i should try something different? Also can you give me tips how to get to Vientiane from udon thani after i leave airport? Thanks so much guys. Guess ill be praying all night tonight. 

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The immigration fake application to get 7 days extraa is interesting idea if you know you gonna overstay. Thanks for the tip.


Quick update, im just about to get to van to border. One of my friend who did Laos run told me he came 2.30 to ambassy last year in November and some shady guys in wooden house next to ambassy got him visa for next day for 1k extra. So this is what I aim for now. Will update you. (Also im little bit scared this will be last time i see my passport).


Also got an idea which is probably very naive, but ill ask anyway - what if after i cross border will try to immediately cross border back? Maybe i will run into lucky person who will not see I already crossed by land twice this year? Or they have some system which they notify them immediately and im risking getting some denial stamp which may not help me on my journey later? 


Also guys I want to thank you so much for your help. It means so much to me. Its awesome when you are down to see many "random" people to appear and trying to help me. You guys rocks!

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6 minutes ago, nickcapolla said:



Also got an idea which is probably very naive, but ill ask anyway - what if after i cross border will try to immediately cross border back? Maybe i will run into lucky person who will not see I already crossed by land twice this year? Or they have some system which they notify them immediately and im risking getting some denial stamp which may not help me on my journey later? 



They have the Visa exempt stamps numbered 1 &2 and if you did try to come back for a 3rd , they would refuse you entry and then you'd have to go back to Laos and ask them to cancel your Laos exit stamp 

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4 hours ago, sanemax said:

Get a bus from Vientiane to Svanakhet ?


Try VNE if you can't get a slot, go down to Savanakhet.


They are getting increasingly desperate these sorts of posts...

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2 hours ago, nickcapolla said:

Ok, bought the ticket. Im gonna be 9.30 in udon thani. Seems like I cant make it to ambassy before 11 even if i order taxi driver and yell at him leo leo. Trying to get there even late and try to negotiate seems not like an option even if i would try to tip them right? So i guess ill go there tomorrow morning to at least find out for you guys if these "agents" exists there and then for airport. To my information i can fly back only to dmk and pray they will let me in (in thai since august 2018, did border run twice this year). I have 20k on me + ticket for may to my homecountry. 


Have also prepared pics of me with thai girl and some sonograph picture of baby (will try to tell them my girl is pregnant). If they ask why i fly back home im gonna tell them she goes with me to give birth there.  Will be dressed nicely and start to cry if they denie me. Will be looking for a que with a guy instead of girl. Any other tips?


Also if i found out these agents really exists, i may apply for visa tomorrow and fly back on tuesday and play it safe. Can i fly somewhere else to thai from Vientiane to avoid dealing with them on dmk? Do you guys think i should try something different? Also can you give me tips how to get to Vientiane from udon thani after i leave airport? Thanks so much guys. Guess ill be praying all night tonight. 

If/When you get the Tourist Visa you should be ok to use a Land Border again again (2 limit is on Visa Exempts) so come back the way you'd originally planned via UT

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19 minutes ago, sanemax said:

BTW , if you do go to Savanakhet to apply for a visa , you have to show a Thai bank statement with 20 000 Baht in , cannot be cash

It can be a foreign bank-statement too, with the equivalent of 20K Baht.


5 minutes ago, Thaiarrow said:

"The immigration fake application to get 7 days extraa is interesting idea if you know you gonna overstay. Thanks for the tip."


Interesting information provided. Was not aware that the accommodation was used in this way.

Yes, it is ideal for situations like this one, where things go sideways. 

No need to ever overstay - you can even apply on a Monday, if your permitted-stay ended during the weekend or holiday, and not be hit with an overstay.

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3 hours ago, nickcapolla said:

without visa return tomorrow is stupid idea?

Entering by air?  In my opinion, yes, it is.  No one can tell you the odds of being denied-entry. 

I would not even try to enter at a Bangkok Airport with a Tourist Visa, unless you have spent less than 15 days in the country in the past 6 months, and less than 30-days in the last year.  They don't have a known policy/standard - just make up imaginary rules and deny-entry on a whim.


3 hours ago, nickcapolla said:

Have also prepared pics of me with thai girl and some sonograph picture of baby (will try to tell them my girl is pregnant). If they ask why i fly back home im gonna tell them she goes with me to give birth there. 

You have the psycology right - tell them you will marry her in your home country and live there forever with her.  Remember, they hate her for loving you (= "traitor" in their minds) even more than they hate you.  They want her to leave forever with you.

Still, it is a gamble I would not take.


If there was a flight direct to Chiang Mai (not routing through Bangkok), then less likely - but they sometimes deny for repeat, back-to-back Visa-Exempts, also.


If you have done 2x land-border Visa-Exempt entries already, you cannot do another one.

I know it is late for this advice - but for others - best to always save land-border visa-exempt entries for emergencies (cases like this) - using a Tourist Visa in all other cases.

Edited by JackThompson
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