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Brexiteer Lords try to thwart law forcing May to request EU exit delay


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Also..for about 20 years..the money raised vis council tax..business rates etc etc by glasgow city council has been " raped " by scottish govts.
They disperse that money throught the highlands etc.
Result being that for almost 20 years..day care centres for the elderly..libraries..many other similar g.c.council funded units have been shut down.
The Glasgow roads by and large are an utter disgrace.
The city centre shopping areas are slowly dying..every year more punitive rates etc increases.
Parking in glasgow city centre for 8 hours a day for 5 days would destroy most families budgets.
Independence for scotland.
You're having a laugh.
It would be a case of free buckfast, methadone..with broo money slashed.
Also..sturgeon's salary is more than t may's. Work that out!!
Yhe chief exec of gccouncil's salary would make your eyes water!! as he makes gccouncil workers redundant.

For minimum of 15 years..Scotland would be a " GREECE WITHOUT THE SUN".
taxes would have to scream up thro the roof..remember Scottish people are the most heavily taxed in the UK just now.
As taxes scream up..businesses would shut down..more unemployment..increase in crime..health service, police, fire and rescue, social work, education etc etc funding would be cut.

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1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

I hear you Thingamabob but I hope you are not correct. English people are made of sterner stuff than most. And although we may not be as outwardly disruptive as the French we will remember and we will have our day.


Some really good things could come out of the Brexit saga, House of Lords dissolved, transparent BoEng, BBC loses right to licence fee, break up of the two major parties (dare I say PR), and the reunification of Ireland perhaps. Scotland might want their freedom and the UK's fishing industry rejuvenated.


You think the things you describe are "good"?


Sad. Another "Little Englander"

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4 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Also..for about 20 years..the money raised vis council tax..business rates etc etc by glasgow city council has been " raped " by scottish govts.
They disperse that money throught the highlands etc.
Result being that for almost 20 years..day care centres for the elderly..libraries..many other similar g.c.council funded units have been shut down.
The Glasgow roads by and large are an utter disgrace.
The city centre shopping areas are slowly dying..every year more punitive rates etc increases.
Parking in glasgow city centre for 8 hours a day for 5 days would destroy most families budgets.
Independence for scotland.
You're having a laugh.
It would be a case of free buckfast, methadone..with broo money slashed.
Also..sturgeon's salary is more than t may's. Work that out!!
Yhe chief exec of gccouncil's salary would make your eyes water!! as he makes gccouncil workers redundant.


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Yeah but all the loonies could run around wearing "I'm with Nicola" t-shirts and with saltire painted faces shouting "feedom"!

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8 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

The rest of the UK?
The UK population is divided, angry and disunited.Incited by the gossip press, demagogues and propagandists.
Unable to find a compromise between the two fractious camps.




You still talk about politics..... and are you referring to Project Fear ?


Much of the UK is prospering despite the uncertainty and inevitable divide created when voting is nigh on 50/50 (it wasn't, it was 52/48).

Edited by Jip99
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7 hours ago, FarangDoingHisThing69 said:

There is only one good solution to this. The monarchy must dissolve this incompetent corrupt and E.U. controlled government, and call elections after April 12th.


The monarch lost the power to dissolve parliament in 2011. Now, the two options are that parliament either automatically dissolves after 5 years, or parliament can be dissolved by a two-thirds majority vote in parliament.

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The monarch lost the power to dissolve parliament in 2011. Now, the two options are that parliament either automatically dissolves after 5 years, or parliament can be dissolved by a two-thirds majority vote in parliament.

Royal prerogative. This trumps pseudo democratic wolves watching their own henhouse.



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26 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

The rest of the UK?
The UK population is divided, angry and disunited.Incited by the gossip press, demagogues and propagandists.
Unable to find a compromise between the two fractious camps.

Hard to put it better. Previously we have had the limited embarrassment of being run by a venal Tory party, supported by people who are brain dead enough to believe the Daily Mail (Even Wikipedia has dumped them as being an unreliable source of information). Now we have surpassed our previous efforts, and presented ourselves as the ultimate farce government and opposition, leading a terminally foolish electorate. Countries all over the world are convulsed in laughter at our abject humiliation, as we pompously fantasise about bringing back the British Empire. However all is not lost, our wonderful PM has a new plan, see below.

Screen Shot 2019-04-05 at 12.07.04.png

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1 hour ago, FarangDoingHisThing69 said:

Royal prerogative. This trumps pseudo democratic wolves watching their own henhouse.


The law is quite clear on the matter. The monarch had the ability to dissolve parliament removed in 2011.


The monarch dissolving parliament won't happen again unless the law is amended by parliament.

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1 hour ago, blackcab said:


The monarch lost the power to dissolve parliament in 2011. Now, the two options are that parliament either automatically dissolves after 5 years, or parliament can be dissolved by a two-thirds majority vote in parliament.

If the government of the day cannot pass legislation parliament can be dissolved.

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2 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

If the government of the day cannot pass legislation parliament can be dissolved.

Parliament has already shown itself to care nothing about the electorate.


The last thing we need is for the monarchy to take over!


At the moment, most people (for some obscure reason) support the monarchy - they certainly don't need to be turned into a divisive figure head.

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Britain was never going to leave the EU without a deal.  Economic suicide and everyone with any sense knows that.  May tried to use it as a threat because it would also hurt the EU.  We are in chaos but to some extent it is orchestrated chaos.


May has written to Tusk asking for a one year extension which is a nightmare for me and any other small business in the UK that deal with the EU.  The uncertainty and the never ending can kicking has already sent many businesses packing, one way or another. I am moving my base to Europe (if we get a bum deal) but many don't have that option.  We need closure  and the British "politicians" seem incapable of delivering anything at all.


I have been against a second referendum all along but if the politicians cannot find a deal that has some semblance of being a positive then it really has got to be taken away from them and for the people to decide.  I would hope for a general election but if this means voting back in the same shower of idiots then what would that achieve?



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2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Parliament has already shown itself to care nothing about the electorate.


The last thing we need is for the monarchy to take over!


At the moment, most people (for some obscure reason) support the monarchy - they certainly don't need to be turned into a divisive figure head.

I'm not to sure about that DD. I do not know one person, back in the UK, that would support the monarchy staying after the present queen kicks the bucket.


The Germans run the EU. 

EU (along with the City) runs UK parliament.

German lady on the throne.


And we won the war (allegedly).

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2 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

I'm not to sure about that DD. I do not know one person, back in the UK, that would support the monarchy staying after the present queen kicks the bucket.


The Germans run the EU. 

EU (along with the City) runs UK parliament.

German lady on the throne.


And we won the war (allegedly).


My ex-wife was a rabid vegetarian. She told me no one she knew would eat dead animals (apart from me and I didn't count). Go with birds of a feather and you'll make the same noise.


As for your conspiracy theories - the UK has the same number of votes as Germany, France and Italy. It might be fair to suggest Germany influences the Euro zone far more. Many lobbying groups run the UK parliament, as happens in all Western "democracies". It ain't about serving the people. 


The current QoE is half Scottish for starters! 


We were victorious in 2 world wars, and also against the dictator Napoleon in the century before. So?

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4 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

As for your conspiracy theories - the UK has the same number of votes as Germany, France and Italy. It might be fair to suggest Germany influences the Euro zone far more. Many lobbying groups run the UK parliament, as happens in all Western "democracies". It ain't about serving the people. 

If you think that MEPs have any say in running the EU, then, then,,,,, I'll take up drinking. 

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31 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

I'm not to sure about that DD. I do not know one person, back in the UK, that would support the monarchy staying after the present queen kicks the bucket.


The Germans run the EU. 

EU (along with the City) runs UK parliament.

German lady on the throne.


And we won the war (allegedly).

The would - if Wills took over?


I'm not a fan of the monarchy obviously, but most seem to like charles and dianas' oldest son?

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If there is a Brexit Party candidate..then vote for him/her.

Britain was never going to leave the EU without a deal.  Economic suicide and everyone with any sense knows that.  May tried to use it as a threat because it would also hurt the EU.  We are in chaos but to some extent it is orchestrated chaos.
May has written to Tusk asking for a one year extension which is a nightmare for me and any other small business in the UK that deal with the EU.  The uncertainty and the never ending can kicking has already sent many businesses packing, one way or another. I am moving my base to Europe (if we get a bum deal) but many don't have that option.  We need closure  and the British "politicians" seem incapable of delivering anything at all.
I have been against a second referendum all along but if the politicians cannot find a deal that has some semblance of being a positive then it really has got to be taken away from them and for the people to decide.  I would hope for a general election but if this means voting back in the same shower of idiots then what would that achieve?

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