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Legal Marriage In Thailand But Is He Stilll Single In Uk?


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This question for my husband, He is just curious about after he’s married me in Thailand, the marriage is only legal in Thailand, right. Can he marry again without divorce me first? It means that he is still single when he is stay at UK. He is at UK right now. Anybody know about this? I just don’t want my husband get into the problem if he wants to marry someone there. We have a legal marriage certificate at thailand. I don't know what will happen to him if he is just saying that he never married before. Thanks

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This question for my husband, He is just curious about after he’s married me in Thailand, the marriage is only legal in Thailand, right. Can he marry again without divorce me first? It means that he is still single when he is stay at UK. He is at UK right now. Anybody know about this? I just don’t want my husband get into the problem if he wants to marry someone there. We have a legal marriage certificate at thailand. I don't know what will happen to him if he is just saying that he never married before. Thanks

Unless he has registered your marriage at the british embassy he is still single in the UK...

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I may be wrong on this, but I thought as long as you have the marriage certificate, you are legally married in the eyes of British law, its only if you just do the wedding ceremony (with the monks for the whole village type affair) and not back it up with doing the certificate are you not married in the eyes of British law (do you understand, sorry its late and I'm tired)

After all, I am legally married to my wife (have the Cert. and we can if we want devorce in the UK)....

Edited by solent01
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This question for my husband, He is just curious about after he’s married me in Thailand, the marriage is only legal in Thailand, right. Can he marry again without divorce me first? It means that he is still single when he is stay at UK. He is at UK right now. Anybody know about this? I just don’t want my husband get into the problem if he wants to marry someone there. We have a legal marriage certificate at thailand. I don't know what will happen to him if he is just saying that he never married before. Thanks

Unless he has registered your marriage at the british embassy he is still single in the UK...

Oh really ? Would you like to elaborate on that ?

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"Under the Foreign Marriages Act, any marriage that is valid in the country where it took place is also valid in the UK.

Therefore, if she were to marry you in Thailand that marriage would be valid under Thai law and so would also be valid under UK law, so she could apply for, and should receive, a spouse visa to the UK."

I have pasted this from a reply in the Visa Section, quoted from a response by GU22, thanks for that.

It is a legal marriage it is recognized in the UK, so he cannot marry again in the UK without getting a divorce first.

Hope that helps

Good luck


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"Under the Foreign Marriages Act, any marriage that is valid in the country where it took place is also valid in the UK.

Therefore, if she were to marry you in Thailand that marriage would be valid under Thai law and so would also be valid under UK law, so she could apply for, and should receive, a spouse visa to the UK."

I have pasted this from a reply in the Visa Section, quoted from a response by GU22, thanks for that.

If is a legal marriage it is recognized in the UK, so he cannot marry again in the UK without getting a divorce first.

Hope that helps

Good luck


Oh sorry i was led to believe it is not legal in the uk, unless it was registered with the embassy or back in the uk. After all unless you get the marriage certificate translated and stamped from the ministry of foriegn affairs then how does anybody no what the piece of paper you are holding actually says.

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Precisely. A legal marriage in Thailand is recognized as such in the UK. think posters like Johnsurin who jump in with authoritative answers to questions like this that are so completely wrong should maybe find a new water buffalo to consult......

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If you are legally married at the amphur in Thailand & then try to marry inthe UK you will be a bigamist.

Just to give you an example;

I have been married to my thai husband (registered at the amphur) since Sept 03 & have NEVER had to register it in the UK or at the Brit embassy. He got a residency visa based on it, I got a mortgage & changed my surname at my UK banks based on it & we have NEVER registered it anywhere except that the amphur in Thailand.

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Precisely. A legal marriage in Thailand is recognized as such in the UK. think posters like Johnsurin who jump in with authoritative answers to questions like this that are so completely wrong should maybe find a new water buffalo to consult......

ha ha good one roamer :D . Sorry if i was mistaken on this matter, i just cant understand how the uk authorities can establish if you are married in another country unless you or the thai government inform said authorities.

Hopefully you can answer these as i am in the same position, (legally married in thailand with a child) and would also like to know as i shall be trying to get a visa for my wife to come to england in the next couple of months or so. thanks for any constructive replys. :o

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before you can marry in thailand you have to get an affirmation of freedom to marry. Your marriage is then lodged at the MFA in BKK I beleive it is at this point that the information is on record. For a spouse visa application you will need to provide a translation of your weddeing certificate & this is what the embassy use as proof of the legality of your marriage.

But I do beleive it is the individuals responsibilty to be honest when wanting to marry. Even in the UK it is the responsilinity of the individual to provide proof they are either unmarried or divorced/widowed before marrying so anyone could say they are unmarried even if untrue. This is bigamy but uless someone checks then it may never be discovered!!!!

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before you can marry in thailand you have to get an affirmation of freedom to marry. Your marriage is then lodged at the MFA in BKK I beleive it is at this point that the information is on record. For a spouse visa application you will need to provide a translation of your weddeing certificate & this is what the embassy use as proof of the legality of your marriage.

But I do beleive it is the individuals responsibilty to be honest when wanting to marry. Even in the UK it is the responsilinity of the individual to provide proof they are either unmarried or divorced/widowed before marrying so anyone could say they are unmarried even if untrue. This is bigamy but uless someone checks then it may never be discovered!!!!

That seems to be along the lines of what i have been told Boo. Thank you very much for the information as i need to deal with this when i try and get my wife and baby son to the UK, it was NOT however about indulging in bigamy, as i am a loyal husband and father... :opost-36093-1173129643_thumb.jpg

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before you can marry in thailand you have to get an affirmation of freedom to marry. Your marriage is then lodged at the MFA in BKK I beleive it is at this point that the information is on record. For a spouse visa application you will need to provide a translation of your weddeing certificate & this is what the embassy use as proof of the legality of your marriage.

But I do beleive it is the individuals responsibilty to be honest when wanting to marry. Even in the UK it is the responsilinity of the individual to provide proof they are either unmarried or divorced/widowed before marrying so anyone could say they are unmarried even if untrue. This is bigamy but uless someone checks then it may never be discovered!!!!

True. Bigamy, like masturbation, can be hard to detect. Boo, slight correction, you only have to provide proof of marital status if you claim to be widowed or divorced. Johnsurin good luck with your settlement app.

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This question for my husband, He is just curious about after he’s married me in Thailand, the marriage is only legal in Thailand, right. Can he marry again without divorce me first? It means that he is still single when he is stay at UK. He is at UK right now. Anybody know about this? I just don’t want my husband get into the problem if he wants to marry someone there. We have a legal marriage certificate at thailand. I don't know what will happen to him if he is just saying that he never married before. Thanks

your question is kind of confusing. it sounds like u want to get rid off him on one hand, then on the other hand u imply a hint of ... maybe jealousy. i dont know but i can tell u the facts.

before u got married to him he had to apply for a document called: "affirmation of freedom to marry" (bai sot) with the british embassy. regardless of nationality every farang has to obtain this from his or her respective embassy.

once this document is issued they change the marital status from single to married in their databases. that means that if your spouse attempts to get remarried without a settled divorce, he or she will not get permission to marry.

therefore, is ur marriage legally binding in the UK? it absolutely is. period.

if he attempts to marry without a divorce will he get into trouble in the UK? most likely yes and maybe not a friend of mine tells me that some officials in the UK are just too lazy to check, resulting in bigamy marriages.

finally let me point u to this link: http://www.britishembassy.gov.uk/servlet/F...d=1068717516870

hope this will help

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If you are legally married at the amphur in Thailand & then try to marry inthe UK you will be a bigamist.

Just to clarify this Boo, are you saying that if you legally marry in Thailand and register it at an Amphur and then marry again legally to the same person in the UK, for the sake of family and Friends who couldn't make the ceremony in Thailand, this is bigamy?

I have just checked the OED and their definition of Bigamy is. ' crime of going thru form of marriage whilst previous marriage is still in existence'.

This would suggest that the second marriage ceremony, even to the same person is bigamous?

What's your thoughts? or anybody elses for that matter.

Good Luck


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If you are legally married at the amphur in Thailand & then try to marry inthe UK you will be a bigamist.

Just to clarify this Boo, are you saying that if you legally marry in Thailand and register it at an Amphur and then marry again legally to the same person in the UK, for the sake of family and Friends who couldn't make the ceremony in Thailand, this is bigamy?

I have just checked the OED and their definition of Bigamy is. ' crime of going thru form of marriage whilst previous marriage is still in existence'.

This would suggest that the second marriage ceremony, even to the same person is bigamous?

What's your thoughts? or anybody elses for that matter.

Good Luck


Moss, the OED is not a legal dictionary. I can assure you that for legal purposes bigamy is in law, the offence of marrying a person while already lawfully married to another.

You haven't been out to consult with the water buffalo's as well have you ?

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Bigamy is when one individual is married to two people at the same time; a person doubly married is a bigamist. Many countries have specific statutes outlawing bigamy, making any secondary marriage a crime.

Note that these laws aren't limited to cases of traditional polygamy, where the spouses know about each other. They also cover cases such as a man who breaks up with his wife, and without divorcing her, marries another woman. It even covers the occasional case of a man who sets up a second family with a second wife, keeping his dual marriage a secret from one or both of them. In both of these cases, the effect of these laws is to protect people from being married under false pretenses.

Also note that laws vary from country to country.

sorry forgot to mention the source. wikipedia.com

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I can assure you that a marriage in Thailand is recognised as a legal marriage in the UK.

Registering the marriage at an embassy is totally irrelavent.

I was married in Thailand - and this was in the days before any affirmations, or any other documents were required from the embassy - and was diiorced in England through the British courts.

Your husband should get a divorce before he marries again otherwise he will be committing a serious crime.

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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i also think a bit of confusion stems from the fact, that there is no legal obligation to register your marriage with the British embassy. I remember having this discussion with a freind years ago, he got married/ registered his marriage in an amphur office here but because he didn't register it with Embassy he was convinced he was not married under British law, and no matter how hard i tried to convince him he was, he wouldn't have it.

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before u got married to him he had to apply for a document called: "affirmation of freedom to marry" (bai sot) with the british embassy. regardless of nationality every farang has to obtain this from his or her respective embassy.

once this document is issued they change the marital status from single to married in their databases.

I doubt that they change your details from single to married after an application for an "affirmation of freedom to marry" this is just a document that states you are not married etc... in England, Its not permission to get married or a statement that you definitely will get married.

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I recall on another uk based thai website the discussion about marrying legally in thailand then wanting to have a legal marriage in the UK to the same person, the general answer was that although not "technically" commiting bigamy there was a chance you could get in trouble cause why would you need to legally marry someone you have already legally married!!!!!

If you have had the legal amphur wedding in thailand then you can have a blessing in the UK at church or a non religious service without the registrar present but if you got the registrar involved, when asked for proof you had not been married before or asked to produce proof that the prior marriage ended due to death or divorce, you wouldn't be able to as your marriage to the person you were wanting to marry again would stil be legally binding. God confusing or what!!!

To the poster who is wanting to get his wife & son a UK residency visa, your son (if yours biologically & you are listed on his birth cert as his father) is entitled to his own British passport so no need for him to get a visa.

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lucky u brits et al

i'm legally married in thailand but am still registered as single here until israel approves our papers showing we were legally married in bangkok (couldnt even do it at the local amphur ) :o:D l!!!!!!! even though i did have to register in the embassy in bangkok.....its been two months so far........

still waiting here for them to decide that we are indeed married...... :D :D had to bring all his papers translated stamped mfa etc .

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as many people have written it does not have to be registered at the embassy to be seen as legal in the UK, however if he decides to effectively be a biggamist and marry again then there will be no problems unless someone checks or tells the authorities, there is no way i believe for the UK to keep track of the Thai Amphur records?

I would suggest of course he doesnt do this as these thing have a nasty habit of coming back to haunt you when you least want it!!

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as many people have written it does not have to be registered at the embassy to be seen as legal in the UK, however if he decides to effectively be a biggamist and marry again then there will be no problems unless someone checks or tells the authorities, there is no way i believe for the UK to keep track of the Thai Amphur records?

I would suggest of course he doesnt do this as these thing have a nasty habit of coming back to haunt you when you least want it!!

It's not simply a matter of Amphur records. All marriages and divorces registered in Thailand are recorded in a national database. However neither the UK or any other foreign government has a right to audit them.

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Unless he has registered your marriage at the british embassy he is still single in the UK...

Erm..... wrong.

If you registered your marriage in Thailand at the local amphur then you are absolutely legally married and English/Scottish law will regard you as such.

Even if you jumped over the broom stick in the village, you may still be regarded as 'married' in terms of settling a divorce/relationship breakdown/distribution of wealth.

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If you are legally married at the amphur in Thailand & then try to marry inthe UK you will be a bigamist.

Just to clarify this Boo, are you saying that if you legally marry in Thailand and register it at an Amphur and then marry again legally to the same person in the UK, for the sake of family and Friends who couldn't make the ceremony in Thailand, this is bigamy?

I have just checked the OED and their definition of Bigamy is. ' crime of going thru form of marriage whilst previous marriage is still in existence'.

This would suggest that the second marriage ceremony, even to the same person is bigamous?

What's your thoughts? or anybody elses for that matter.

Good Luck


Moss, the OED is not a legal dictionary. I can assure you that for legal purposes bigamy is in law, the offence of marrying a person while already lawfully married to another.

You haven't been out to consult with the water buffalo's as well have you ?

Roamer, I am quite aware of the shortfalls of the OED, I consulted it purely on the basis of clarification of the term bigamy instead of speculating like is the want of many on these boards.

Hence my follow up question on the legal determination of the term from the informed members of the board, can I direct you to Boo's answers further up the this thread.

As for consulting with the Water Buffalo, can I assure that they would be further up my list in respect to some other guys who post, please in no way think I am referring to you on this matter :o

Good Luck


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Bigamy is when one individual is married to two people at the same time; a person doubly married is a bigamist. Many countries have specific statutes outlawing bigamy, making any secondary marriage a crime.

Note that these laws aren't limited to cases of traditional polygamy, where the spouses know about each other. They also cover cases such as a man who breaks up with his wife, and without divorcing her, marries another woman. It even covers the occasional case of a man who sets up a second family with a second wife, keeping his dual marriage a secret from one or both of them. In both of these cases, the effect of these laws is to protect people from being married under false pretenses.

Also note that laws vary from country to country.

sorry forgot to mention the source. wikipedia.com

quite simple, really......look at the source of the word......BIgamy......BI as in BIcycle[two wheels]

or as in BI carbonate...[two carbonates]

It means being married to TWO persons at the same time

If you marry THREE persons at the same time....this is TRI gamy.....which is not a crime!!!!!!

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