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My wife want a divorce, but I have some reasons to refused a divorce at this time.

I am a farang with a Thai wife and we both aggre to divorce and that should be easy.

I dont care about my wife, but I just don't want a divorce now, because I will loose a lot of money, my non o visa, my residency(next year), renew my licence, my pension gets me 260k extra a year when I am married etc. Her family and friends

is on my side, and she have to leave her family if she divorce. The reasons she wants to divorce is just about she is to young, greedy and stupid.

I offered her to still married about one more year, I will sign the paper and it will be best for me and hers economy, but she want me to sign the paper now.

If she goes to a laywer or the court, who have to pay and what about my non O visa extension?

I don't have condo or car in her name, all is in my fathers company who also live in Thailand, and she don't want anything, only me to sign the papers.

What can I do for delay divorcing?


Just keep refusing. It has to be consensual to be simple. Otherwise it is a Court matter. And that is a slow slow way to go. But if the relationship has broken down permanently, why persist with the ultimate likely inevitabilty. Divorce without shelling out money must appeal.


sportsman says:

"...I dont care about my wife ......but I just don't want a divorce now, because I will loose a lot of money, my non o visa, my residency(next year), renew my licence, my pension gets me 260k extra a year when I am married etc. "

and then he says:

"The reasons she wants to divorce is just about she is to young, greedy and stupid."


My wife want a divorce, but I have some reasons to refused a divorce at this time.

I am a farang with a Thai wife and we both aggre to divorce and that should be easy.

I dont care about my wife, but I just don't want a divorce now, because I will loose a lot of money, my non o visa, my residency(next year), renew my licence, my pension gets me 260k extra a year when I am married etc. Her family and friends

is on my side, and she have to leave her family if she divorce. The reasons she wants to divorce is just about she is to young, greedy and stupid.

I offered her to still married about one more year, I will sign the paper and it will be best for me and hers economy, but she want me to sign the paper now.

If she goes to a laywer or the court, who have to pay and what about my non O visa extension?

I don't have condo or car in her name, all is in my fathers company who also live in Thailand, and she don't want anything, only me to sign the papers.

What can I do for delay divorcing?

Just don't sign the papers until you are good and ready.

If she was to sue for divorce (in a court) she has to have grounds.if she hopes to succeed.

Adultery by a husband is not grounds for a divorce in Thailand. A man can sue on the grounds of adultery by the wife but not the other way around.

If you have been supporting her she can't sue on the grounds that you have not.

If you are not beating the crap out of her she can't use this as grounds.

If you compromise her reputation (tell everyone she is a whore, a slut or something as bad "even if she is all of what you say") she could sue you on these grounds.

I suggest that you bide your time, make sure all properties and possessions are well and truly protected and just sit it out.

She probably married you because she thought that you would be her meal ticket and now that the novelty has worn off she wants out.

If she does take it to court she will have to lodge around Baht 50,000 with the court to cover costs. her lawyer will also cost her a bit (if she doesn't pay in kind that is) You will need to retain a lawyer and also likely to need to have a interpreter / translator as all proceedings are conducted in Thai. (and your lawyer can not interprete for you in court when you are giving evidence)

Then if you defend the case it is unlikely that a court would hand down a decision inside 18 months at least.

Use your marriage for every bit of an advantage that it provides in terms of visa's, residence etc.


SPORTSMAN I neglected to mention that once you are divorced you won't get any more one year extensions based on marriage to a Thai. If you are 50 years old you can get an extension based on retirement, but you will need to have banking/income at the retiree rate of 800,000 baht. Good luck.


Is this a trick question?

It looks like a perfectly normal "angry" smiley to me.

So I give in what's wrong with it?

My wife want a divorce, but I have some reasons to refused a divorce at this time.

I am a farang with a Thai wife and we both aggre to divorce and that should be easy.

I dont care about my wife, but I just don't want a divorce now, because I will loose a lot of money, my non o visa, my residency(next year), renew my licence, my pension gets me 260k extra a year when I am married etc. Her family and friends

is on my side, and she have to leave her family if she divorce. The reasons she wants to divorce is just about she is to young, greedy and stupid.

I offered her to still married about one more year, I will sign the paper and it will be best for me and hers economy, but she want me to sign the paper now.

If she goes to a laywer or the court, who have to pay and what about my non O visa extension?

I don't have condo or car in her name, all is in my fathers company who also live in Thailand, and she don't want anything, only me to sign the papers.

What can I do for delay divorcing?

If your wife won't support your next 12 month extension at Immigration, the odds are you won't get another extension, married or not.

The reasons she wants to divorce is just about she is to young, greedy and stupid.


Mind you, your the one that married her, why?????????

Never ceases to amaze me.

Where did you meet? 7/11 Big C or is she a hooker?


Davie, he answered you in his post:

"...I dont care about my wife ......but I just don't want a divorce now, because I will loose a lot of money, my non o visa, my residency(next year), renew my licence, my pension gets me 260k extra a year when I am married etc. "

Pretty clear he had his own ulterior motive for getting married and it doesn't sound like that motive was love.

Sportsman, sounds like karma to me. You get what you give. I would beware avoiding divorce for too long, there are other much cheaper options than lawyers available in this country. :D


Thanks for some serious post.

My wife is not a hooker or someone I met in 7/11. I meet her in my friends weddingparty! I married her for love when she was 20. After about 3years together

she start complain about she not have enough money. I give her 15k every month, her sister is teacher and get only 8k a months. Later she complains that all her friends who married a farang have house and car in their name. I tell her that I not that stupid, but if we have a baby I will arrange something in her name. I start gave her 20k and after been married 2 years, then she start go out with friends almost every night. A couple of months ago, one of her friend told me that she met a rich american who wants to take her to USA. Thats why she want a quick divorce. I want proper residence paper before I signed (next year), if not she would not see USA so long I can delay it, about 3 years. I have her passport. Her family is upset and dont want to see her in their house anymore. I am only 42 and can not retired. Why do it easy for her, when I try to make a good life for she and her family too.

Maybe someone get the picture now! :o


Give the kid a break. She is half your age and you thought money would be all she ever needed in life. I guess you found out, there is more to life than cash.

How does someone your age get a pension. A young lady being tied down to

a pensioner. Your well being may be in jeopardy so be carful more than one way to get rid of a farang.


If you refuse to co/operate your wife can easy go to Amphur after 6 months and declare you no longer provide ( get me drift )

She can get then divorce in your abscence.

Give the kid a break. She is half your age and you thought money would be all she ever needed in life. I guess you found out, there is more to life than cash.

How does someone your age get a pension. A young lady being tied down to

a pensioner. Your well being may be in jeopardy so be carful more than one way to get rid of a farang.

Maybe a disability pension - especially if it goes up when you're married.

But he thinks he was generous, giving her 15k a month? My wife gets through a 20k personal allowance, 5k a week for housekeeping and all sorts of odds and ends. I usually pay our daughter's school fees and travel / entertainment. And this works out to less than half what my previous (non-Thai) wives got through!

Men earn the money - women spend it. 'Twas ever thus. But we're all stoooopid, ain't we.

I personally think this guy will have to revise his plans and seek a better way to stay in Thailand, if he can. Form a company, over 2 million baht, don't state the detailed objectives yet, get a work permit, use the pension as a source of funding / investment and do his own thing.

Needs indo-Siam or someone to tie up the details.

If you refuse to co/operate your wife can easy go to Amphur after 6 months and declare you no longer provide ( get me drift )

She can get then divorce in your abscence.

She can't just go to the Amphur if the marriage was not registered there in the first place.

And, as was posted "If your wife won't support your next 12 month extension at Immigration, the odds are you won't get another extension, married or not"

this is not strictly correct as I have had several one year visas based on my marriage to a Thai lady and never once has my wife "supported" or been involved in my application.

I have just presented our marriage certificate (original and a copy for them to keep) and hey presto "a one year NON-IMM "O" visa.


If your marriage ain't registered at amphur,then you ain't married in the eyes of the law. Thai wedding is not a legal and binding marriage.

But why fight it,if she wants out,then why not let her go. and if you ain't registered at amphur then you can't stop her and if she says get out,then ya better listen or you might find yourself in a lot worse trouble than you ever imagined.


Be very careful, if she's like the normal Thai bitch's and you piss her off to much she'll just get you knocked off like that poor American guy a few weeks ago.

You haven't got some large life insurance policy that she is aware of have you?

I have just presented our marriage certificate (original and a copy for them to keep) and hey presto "a one year NON-IMM "O" visa.
That is not an extension of stay and his whole purpose, at this point, seems to be using his marriage in an attempt to obtain residency. Visa can not be used for that and without her consent it is highly unlikely he will receive another extension of stay.
She can't just go to the Amphur if the marriage was not registered there in the first place.

What makes you think it was not? If she needs a divorce and he obtained extensions of stay it must have been a registered marriage.

Later she complains that all her friends who married a farang have house and car in their name

Sportsman, it's the classic "I want what they have" syndrome...

Around the world (definitely in the LOS) you find this pretty much everywhere you look. My neighbour has a new car...I want that too...

If you wanna hang on to her (obviously for various reasons) I would recommend doing it Thai style, i.e. digging in - simply refuse to budge on the divorce part. Offer to negotiate her monthly salary...most likely that would bring her back to the table (and maybe even hint at the real reasons behind her actions).

/// DFW

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