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Address registration

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Litte background:

I know that address registration of foreigner is a law that has existed for long time in Thailand but only reinforce few years ago only and being more and more strict.

I have been in Thailand for quite long time now (since 1991) but been working abroad during most of these years, back to Thailand very often, sometime for only few days, sometime few months. I own a house in Phuket which is my permanent address and registered this address in immigration few years ago when they started to reinforce this law. So I got this paper staple in my passport (notification of alien...something with my address on it). Also, I have been working in Myanmar for the last 7 years and as neighbor country, been in and out from Thailand very often (mostly every week), mostly for weekend only and bit longer when I have holidays. So when coming on a weekend ( coming on Friday evening and leaving on Sunday evening), no way to go immigration to notify the address (the same address anyway). However, each time I had plans to stay longer, the first thing I am doing the next day of my arrival is to go to immigration office to notify my address (good boy!). Forgot to mention that I am on Non O multiple 1 year (based on Thai child) for years now.


This time I came back from Yangon on 31 March evening as my contract in Myanmar is finish. So on the Monday 1st April, went to the immigration in Phuket town to notify my stay (same address). As I didn't notice the new "drive in" service, I parked my motorbike and went inside the office. I was then politely explained about the drive in that was just outside. So I walked out of the office and knock at the window of the drive in. The officer open the window and shout at me, saying that I must use my motorbike or car to use this service... fair enough... I jumped on my bike that was parked few meter away and drove to the drive in window (I didn't even need to turn on the engine of the bike as it was so close...). The officer took my passport and returned it to me a minute later with a new stamp "1st April" on the notification paper staple in my passport. Done!


Last Friday 19 April, I decided to go few days on holidays in Ranong with my family. We drove to Ranong on the Friday, booked an hotel Ranong. On Saturday, we did a day trip to Koh Payam. As I still have a 1 year multiple entry visa for Myanmar, we decided to visit the Myanmar islands in the south east of Kawthong on day trip. So we did 3 day trips to Myanmar islands on Sunday 21, Monday 22 and Tuesday 23. So every day going through immigration (Thai /Myanmar) in and out. So my last entry to Thailand was on 23 April. Each time I was entering Thailand, I had to fill the standard immigration form on which I was mentioning my hotel in Ranong as where I was staying.

On Wednesday 24, we stayed in Ranong only, relaxing and visiting the town.

On Thurday 25 (yesterday), check out the hotel and hit the road back to Phuket. Stopped in Khao Lak for a good break, lunch on the beach. Reached home in Phuket around 5pm.


This morning, as a good boy, headed to immigration office in Phuket town to notify my address as I left Thailand. Went straight to the drive in this time! The officer checked my passport and noticed that my entry date stamp was 23 April. He then started to shout at me, telling that I have 24 hours only to notify but we are 26 April already! I was subject to a fine! I tried to explain him my trip, that I left Ranong only yesterday, that I was staying in hotel in Ranong, that I arrived in Phuket only yesterday evening, that's why I was coming to notify only this morning!

After arguying with my wife who was with me, he finally stamped my notification paper with today date and let us go. He told my wife that I should have gone to Ranong immigration yesterday to notify that I was leaving Ranong for Phuket yesterday!

Did I do something wrong??


PS: during my check-in in Ranong Hotel, they requested my passport and did a copy for immigration registration


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24 minutes ago, jphasia said:

Did I do something wrong??


Just an officer thinking the rule stated it was needed 24 hours after arriving in the country. It is only required within 24 hours of arriving at the  residence.

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Just an officer thinking the rule stated it was needed 24 hours after arriving in the country. It is only required within 24 hours of arriving at the  residence.
Thanks. That was also my understanding. Also, if I am not wrong, I don't need to notify to immigration every time I am travelling within Thailand? For example, I am to Bangkok tomorrow for few nights, will stay in hotel, then will come back home in Phuket?

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