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i have had venous stasis on my lower legs since 2005 when i had a dvt(deep vein thrombosis).

yesterday(sun) my right leg started leaking clear serum.

what can i do on a personal level to stop the leakage?

i really do not want to go to a hospital for this.

i do wear compression stockings.


in case i have to go to a hospital can any one recommend a vascular doctor and hospital in Bangkok.


The leakage is due to increased venous congestion. Beyond compression stockings best thing you can do is just keep the legs elevated while sitting and lose weight..even a slight weight loss will help.


Massage can also be helpful though the effect is temporary,


There is a traditional Thai massage clinic in I think (not sure) Nonthaburi area which specializes in this, but I can't find the post which detailed it. I think (again not sure) it was @JAS21 who mentioned it so maybe PM him. Otherwise any legitimated trained massesuse such as all gvt hopitals & health centers gave or Health Land chain. But effects will be short lasting, few days at most.


Weight loss  if needed and leg elevation are the main stays.


if the congestion remains worse than previously should have a doppler to check the patency of veins etc.  You may have developed some weakness of the valves of the veins. the tohger possibility to exclude is any liver problem that would be creating resistance to the return flow of blood.


Suggested vascular specialists:



He is also at Chulalongkorn (government teaching hospital) and can probably be seen there through their after hours clinic. Will cost much less than Bumrungrad but less convenient, but may be a wait list and you have to go in person to make the appointment.




(same Dr. different hospitals and she too is also is at Chula as well).


If you go to Chula best to have a Thia speaker along at least the first time to help navigate the red tape.





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