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on the 7th December, I took my VFR400 to the town's only 'big bike' garage. The work I listed as wanting to be done was:

a service (clean plugs, change oil, change lubricant...)

fit a new exhaust

New paint job + repair the faring as it had been dropped (not by my, I feel the need to add)

We agreed on a price for the job and I made sure he understood the above jobs. I even gave him a Haynes VFR400 manual I bought on Amazon for about 30quid, just to make sure he got it right!

I confess: I'm stupid. I paid the 13,000 baht UP FORNT... I had the cash on me and i stupidly thought it show that I was a 'good customer'.

I was told it would be ready at the start of Jan, then his gran died = time in the temple. No worries (saw his shaved facial hair etc). Recently, he fell off his Hayabusa (doing 300 km/h - sprocket seized up, very lucky boy to still be here) = work delayed as he couldn't move properly.

Anyways, as the title of this post might let on, it is now 3 months since giving him the bike and it is yet to be done. The exhaust is on. The paint job is almost done, but the bike is still spread throughout his shop.

Given that 'TiT' and the special 'ROE' about potential 'loss of face' issues etc, how do you think it best to go about telling this chap 'enough is enough'? Also, it must be factored into the equation that he is always surrounded by mechanic/biker mates, hence, me going in there shouting and causing him to lose face is seriously out of the question. Don't get me wrong, he is a pleasant enough bloke, but I am not stupid enough to through a wobbly on him in front of buddies...

But, potential health risks aside, I'm going down to speak face to face and I want some advice on what sort of thing I can say that will get the job done. Of course, given that he's already got the cash, my position is not from one of strength...

Any helpful words of advice other than 'you're a daft muppet for paying him upfront'...?



If he's the only big bike mech. in town your options are limited. Have a chat and give him 2 weeks to put it together. When 2 wks. are up and no real progress made,load it up and take to nearest city with a mechanic. Your money is lost so refund is out of the question.


The Diplomatic approach, if lanuage is not a major problem, would be "What can We do together to get this bike finished in 2 weeks, as I need it for "Whatever" trip on that date"

Make it a "We" rather than a "You" kind of thing....



Since you are already VERY aware of your mistake, the only option you have is to stop in the shop as often as you possibly can. Be polite and ask how the work is going even if you asked the same question yesterday. He will soon tire of getting pestered and will finish the bike just to get rid of you.


that sounds good, spend so long in his shop talking about anything that he has no time to do any other work

pretty soon with no income as he has no time for work cos of you and being bored stupid by your anecdotes he will either fix your bike or pay you to stay away :o

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