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For Gawds Sake Get A Second Opinion!


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Started getting up 3/4 times a night for a Pee, so decided to have a PSA Blood Test. It was 13! 4 is as high as it wants to be......So I went to Sri Racha Hospital to see a Urologist. He ordered an MRI, Catscan and a Ultra Sound tests. He also did a Rectal exam with the dreaded finger. "You have Cancer" he said "And it has got into the Lymph Nodes.

"So I will cut your balls off. Give you an injection every three months, and you will have to take a pill every day to keep your Testosterone down". I gulped. Well wouldn't you?. "How much will all this cost, doctor?" I asked. "Special price for you, as you do not have insurance,

25000bht for the operation. 30000bht every three months for the jab and the pills are 250bht each".

I said I would think about it and staggered out to my Car.

THE BIG 'C'........Suddenly I began to see the World differently.

The beautiful Trees and Plants. The Birds (both kinds). The warmth of the Sun. Everything looked wonderful..........

I told my Quack in the UK by Email. "Get a second opinion" he replied.

So I did. At The Queen's Hospital in Satahip.

I told the Urologist there about the diagnosis and showed him the test results. ""Where are the results of the Biopsy?" he muttered.

I said the Urologist had said he was SO sure I had Cancer that a Biopsy wasn't necessary.

With a hard look he insisted that no one can say you have Cancer unless a Biopsy shows it be there......

I had a Biopsy a few days later. After an agonising three days the results came back.......they were NEGATIVE!

"All you have Sir, is a quite bad Prostate infection which we will treat with some Antibiotics" the doctor assured me " Come back in three months for another PSA".

The infection seems to have gone now, as I am just getting up once a night. I am taking Saw Palmetto. A Herb that is good for Prostate health and Zinc Suppliments.

So today, although I am nearly 40000bht worse off, I am much happier

and I still have my Balls! :o

Edited by Luckydog
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"Always get a second opinion." Excellent advice.

When my girlfriend was living in Thailand she had painful periods. Most women suffer some form of discomfort/pain during this time of month.

I suggested to her that she go to her local hospital near Tapla and speak with a doctor. She did.

The doctor conducted the internal digit test and informed her that she was in urgent need of a hysterectomy. There was apparently no ultra sound or CAT scan equipment at this hospital.

The doctor booked her in for the operation.

My girl telephoned me ( I was in Australia) to inform me. She was in tears. She was due to arrive in Australia one month later having obtained her spouse visa.

I told her to immediately ring her doctor and cancel the hospital booking.

After she arrived in Australia I took her to a local Sydney female doctor. This doctor had a good talk to her and told her that painful periods were normal. End of consultation, pay at the front desk.

<deleted> !!!!

I took her to another medical clinic where she spoke with another female doctor. This particular doctor asked the simple question, "What type of pill are you using?"

The doctor referred to her computer to look up the ingredients of the pill. She then prescribed another brand of pill.

My girlfriend changed to the new pill and now has pain free periods.

Had she taken the advice of the Thai doctor, she would now be minus her innards.

I have little faith in Thai doctors, and little faith in some Australian doctors too.

I echo the words, "Always get a second opinion."

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The prices offered you for the work proposed were also a dead giveaway of a scam in progress.

We who have reached the "senior" stage are faced with more frequent night urination even with healthy prostates, as they do normally enlarge in the elderly.

Definition of elderly: When you reach that time in your life when you no longer worry about how it looks, only as to whether it works"

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a dear friend of mine, after some symptoms, went to his gp who told him he had an enlarged prostate. nothing to worry about. a few months later he found out he had cancer and his 'enlarged' prostate was now the size of a grapefruit.

pete then went in for major surgery to extract the offending part and is in recovery now. the cancer was contained within the prostate. he is a very lucky man.

i fully back up the second opinion crowd.

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A doctor at a Kaiser hospital in Los Angeles provisionally diagnosed colon cancer when I came to be examined because of copious blood in my stool. He made the diagnosis after examining a stool specimen and ordered a colonoscopy a few days later. I went through the 'big C' mind trips Luckydog describes while waiting for the colonoscopy.

As it turned out the doctor who supervised the colonoscopy was Thai. He asked about exposure to parasites and I told him I'd recently travelled a lot in Burma. After the colonoscopy he ordered a test for parasites, found amoebas, wrote a prescription for metronidazole and that's the end of the story.

A simple test for parasites and I could've avoided the unpleasant colonoscopy. Actually the colonoscopy itself was OK it was the purging the night before that I hope never to repeat again. :o

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So today, although I am nearly 40000bht worse off, I am much happier

and I still have my Balls!

Pleased to hear that.

However, what would have happened if you'd seen the second doctor first, and vice-versa ?

Perhaps we need a quorum.

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So today, although I am nearly 40000bht worse off, I am much happier

and I still have my Balls!

Pleased to hear that.

However, what would have happened if you'd seen the second doctor first, and vice-versa ?

Perhaps we need a quorum.

If he'd seen the 2nd doctor 1st, and followed his advice (as he did), he wouldn't have needed to go to another doctor.

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Started getting up 3/4 times a night for a Pee, so decided to have a PSA Blood Test. It was 13! 4 is as high as it wants to be......So I went to Sri Racha Hospital to see a Urologist. He ordered an MRI, Catscan and a Ultra Sound tests. He also did a Rectal exam with the dreaded finger. "You have Cancer" he said "And it has got into the Lymph Nodes.

"So I will cut your balls off. Give you an injection every three months, and you will have to take a pill every day to keep your Testosterone down". I gulped. Well wouldn't you?. "How much will all this cost, doctor?" I asked. "Special price for you, as you do not have insurance,

25000bht for the operation. 30000bht every three months for the jab and the pills are 250bht each".

I said I would think about it and staggered out to my Car.

THE BIG 'C'........Suddenly I began to see the World differently.

The beautiful Trees and Plants. The Birds (both kinds). The warmth of the Sun. Everything looked wonderful..........

I told my Quack in the UK by Email. "Get a second opinion" he replied.

So I did. At The Queen's Hospital in Satahip.

I told the Urologist there about the diagnosis and showed him the test results. ""Where are the results of the Biopsy?" he muttered.

I said the Urologist had said he was SO sure I had Cancer that a Biopsy wasn't necessary.

With a hard look he insisted that no one can say you have Cancer unless a Biopsy shows it be there......

I had a Biopsy a few days later. After an agonising three days the results came back.......they were NEGATIVE!

"All you have Sir, is a quite bad Prostate infection which we will treat with some Antibiotics" the doctor assured me " Come back in three months for another PSA".

The infection seems to have gone now, as I am just getting up once a night. I am taking Saw Palmetto. A Herb that is good for Prostate health and Zinc Suppliments.

So today, although I am nearly 40000bht worse off, I am much happier

and I still have my Balls! :o

I got a 2nd opinion, a 3rd opinion, & a 4th opinion & I still don't know what to do.

The 1st Doctor who did the Biopsy said I had cancer bad & should cut right away (apparently he didn't read the report at all)

The 2nd Doctor said I didn't have cancer (apparently he didn't read the complete report).

The 3rd Doctor said he didn't know if I had cancer.

I read the report & at the end it said I had a Suspect Spot, so I ran a 2nd test. The 2nd test said I had Microscopic cancer Stage 1.

The 4th Doctor said it's so small why cut? AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :D

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Started getting up 3/4 times a night for a Pee, so decided to have a PSA Blood Test. It was 13! 4 is as high as it wants to be......So I went to Sri Racha Hospital to see a Urologist. He ordered an MRI, Catscan and a Ultra Sound tests. He also did a Rectal exam with the dreaded finger. "You have Cancer" he said "And it has got into the Lymph Nodes.

"So I will cut your balls off. Give you an injection every three months, and you will have to take a pill every day to keep your Testosterone down". I gulped. Well wouldn't you?. "How much will all this cost, doctor?" I asked. "Special price for you, as you do not have insurance,

25000bht for the operation. 30000bht every three months for the jab and the pills are 250bht each".

I said I would think about it and staggered out to my Car.

THE BIG 'C'........Suddenly I began to see the World differently.

The beautiful Trees and Plants. The Birds (both kinds). The warmth of the Sun. Everything looked wonderful..........

I told my Quack in the UK by Email. "Get a second opinion" he replied.

So I did. At The Queen's Hospital in Satahip.

I told the Urologist there about the diagnosis and showed him the test results. ""Where are the results of the Biopsy?" he muttered.

I said the Urologist had said he was SO sure I had Cancer that a Biopsy wasn't necessary.

With a hard look he insisted that no one can say you have Cancer unless a Biopsy shows it be there......

I had a Biopsy a few days later. After an agonising three days the results came back.......they were NEGATIVE!

"All you have Sir, is a quite bad Prostate infection which we will treat with some Antibiotics" the doctor assured me " Come back in three months for another PSA".

The infection seems to have gone now, as I am just getting up once a night. I am taking Saw Palmetto. A Herb that is good for Prostate health and Zinc Suppliments.

So today, although I am nearly 40000bht worse off, I am much happier

and I still have my Balls! :o

The best herbs for prostate that i have found are called "Clinicals" manufactured by Suisse. They will give you far better results than any other herbal product. You can order them over the net.

And lucky you got a second opinion.

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If he'd seen the 2nd doctor 1st, and followed his advice (as he did), he wouldn't have needed to go to another doctor.

:o No, he wouldn't have ... but he's exhorting us to get second opinions. It shows the importance of trust in our doctors.

I wonder if people are more likely to seek a second opinion if the news is bad and to accept the first opinion if the news is good.

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I wonder if people are more likely to seek a second opinion if the news is bad and to accept the first opinion if the news is good.

That's a good point however, how many people go to their doctor when they are feeling well?

If you are going for your annual prostate prod and the doctor tells you that everything is fine, do you then insist on a blood test to confirm his "fine" diagnosis? I do.

Prostate problems occur during our adult years of life. By then we should be well aware of any changes in our system. Changes, such as slow urine flow, frequency problems etc., should alert us that there may be a problem.

With "problem" in mind we go and visit our local GP.

If the doctor then tells you your world is about to cave in, you should seek a second opinion.

If on the other hand, you believe that your system is not functioning correctly which indicates to you something may be wrong, and the doctor tells you to stop worrying everything is OK, you should still seek a second opinion.

I think that is what the OP is suggesting. For important medical issues that could have an adverse impact on your life, you can't afford to accept the opinion of just one medical practitioner, especially when your bodily functions indicate otherwise.

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For important medical issues that could have an adverse impact on your life, you can't afford to accept the opinion of just one medical practitioner, especially when your bodily functions indicate otherwise.
Agree. I trust some doctors' judgements more than others, though, so "whose" opinion

will also be an important factor.

I got a 2nd opinion, a 3rd opinion, & a 4th opinion & I still don't know what to do.

The 1st Doctor who did the Biopsy said I had cancer bad & should cut right away (apparently he didn't read the report at all)

The 2nd Doctor said I didn't have cancer (apparently he didn't read the complete report).

The 3rd Doctor said he didn't know if I had cancer.

I read the report & at the end it said I had a Suspect Spot, so I ran a 2nd test. The 2nd test said I had Microscopic cancer Stage 1.

The 4th Doctor said it's so small why cut? AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Mugopp - wow ... where are these doctors, who apparently don't even read the reports ? Good luck & keep trying. Hope someone can recommend some more reliable doctors.

Edited by WaiWai
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I kind of trust Western-trained doctors, but not most of the Thai doctors, unless they have earned extensive post-doctoral study in the west.

As for prostate exams, there are two: the rectal, and the PSA blood test. I was in a huge trial in the 1990's in the USA, to see which exam better predicted prostate cancer. I wonder if the results have been published.

I had PSA tests in Thailand on my previous annual physical exams, but I don't think we did it this week. I've never had the rectal exam in Thailand. I'll go back in this week and get the PSA.

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I got a 2nd opinion, a 3rd opinion, & a 4th opinion & I still don't know what to do.

The 1st Doctor who did the Biopsy said I had cancer bad & should cut right away (apparently he didn't read the report at all)

The 2nd Doctor said I didn't have cancer (apparently he didn't read the complete report).

The 3rd Doctor said he didn't know if I had cancer.

I read the report & at the end it said I had a Suspect Spot, so I ran a 2nd test. The 2nd test said I had Microscopic cancer Stage 1.

The 4th Doctor said it's so small why cut? AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :o

The only one of these 4 who sounds remotely competent is the 3rd doctor, assuming he then recommended a second biopsy.

Don't know where you are finding these guys, but I strongly suggest you go see a top specialist. Since the lesion is so small you may well be a candidtae for non-surgical treatment, but you should get treatment of some kind. I can recommend Dr. Thanoo Choovichian at Samitivej Hospital. You can see his qualifications and schedule on this link:


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So today, although I am nearly 40000bht worse off, I am much happier

and I still have my Balls!

Pleased to hear that.

However, what would have happened if you'd seen the second doctor first, and vice-versa ?

Perhaps we need a quorum.

If he'd seen the 2nd doctor 1st, and followed his advice (as he did), he wouldn't have needed to go to another doctor.

Aaaaah! 20X20 hindsight is a wonderful thing.......

I know now that the first thing one should do if you are getting up fpr a Pee at night is to take antibiotics to get rid of any infection that might be there. Then if necessary, have a PSA, a PSAf test and a Urine test to see how things are BEFORE having a Biopsy.

Edited by Luckydog
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Started getting up 3/4 times a night for a Pee, so decided to have a PSA Blood Test. It was 13! 4 is as high as it wants to be......So I went to Sri Racha Hospital to see a Urologist. He ordered an MRI, Catscan and a Ultra Sound tests. He also did a Rectal exam with the dreaded finger. "You have Cancer" he said "And it has got into the Lymph Nodes.

"So I will cut your balls off. Give you an injection every three months, and you will have to take a pill every day to keep your Testosterone down". I gulped. Well wouldn't you?. "How much will all this cost, doctor?" I asked. "Special price for you, as you do not have insurance,

25000bht for the operation. 30000bht every three months for the jab and the pills are 250bht each".

I said I would think about it and staggered out to my Car.

THE BIG 'C'........Suddenly I began to see the World differently.

The beautiful Trees and Plants. The Birds (both kinds). The warmth of the Sun. Everything looked wonderful..........

I told my Quack in the UK by Email. "Get a second opinion" he replied.

So I did. At The Queen's Hospital in Satahip.

I told the Urologist there about the diagnosis and showed him the test results. ""Where are the results of the Biopsy?" he muttered.

I said the Urologist had said he was SO sure I had Cancer that a Biopsy wasn't necessary.

With a hard look he insisted that no one can say you have Cancer unless a Biopsy shows it be there......

I had a Biopsy a few days later. After an agonising three days the results came back.......they were NEGATIVE!

"All you have Sir, is a quite bad Prostate infection which we will treat with some Antibiotics" the doctor assured me " Come back in three months for another PSA".

The infection seems to have gone now, as I am just getting up once a night. I am taking Saw Palmetto. A Herb that is good for Prostate health and Zinc Suppliments.

So today, although I am nearly 40000bht worse off, I am much happier

and I still have my Balls! :o

I support Sheryl's recommendation of Dr Choovichian at SamitivejHosp, Bangkok. I have locally advanced prostate cancer and use him for PSA tests and blood counts. But Samitivej is a large international private hospital, so be prepared for the bill. My checkups and routine blood tests take about 1 hour. Cost 4000 baht. Still cheaper than many western hospitals. But If you do need inpatient treatment including radiotherapy etc., expect around 500,000 baht for a 3 day admission. That why I'm going back to Australia for mine, which is largely covered there by public and private health funds.

Glad that you only seem to have prostatitis. But be mindful of the statistics and have regular checkups. Currently in Australia and most western countries 1 in 4 men over 50 have some form of prostate problem, and 1 in 2 ! men over 70 have prostate cancer (yes 1in2) there is lots of good stuff on the net about it all and useful info about alternative treatments, diet and lifestyle etc. The US leads the field in research - they also have the highest incidence of CA. In thailand as with many asian countries the rates are quite low, thats why the advice is varied except for the big private hospitals as they just dont have the experience even though Thai medical expertise is generally good.

Cheers, Tim

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I was 37 when i had a prostrate problem, having a pee after sex put me om my knees and crying with pain, same as some of you describe, 3/4 times a night for a pee, many times i had to go to docs and have a prostrate massage through back passage, after this i would be fine for many days, different docs gave me different drugs but none worked, one doc told me to have plenty of sex, this was difficult of course because knowing the pain afterwards, in the end, i went to hospital and had my prostrate gland "bored" out, but 3 months later the pain was back!! I gave up all sorts of foods and drink, tried everything different but to no avail, got me wondering why the doc said have plenty of sex, so out came the medical books [no internet then!! } to find out exactly what this gland did, i havent seem this mentioned on these posts but the gland produces a slippery fluid to help sperm travel up the pennis, to my mind, if this is not produced the gland will swell and reduce urine output, consequently our love life has been ajusted to include a lot of foreplay to produce this secretion, ive been trouble free for 18 years now, hope this helps you sufferers,

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I was 37 when i had a prostrate problem, having a pee after sex put me om my knees and crying with pain, same as some of you describe, 3/4 times a night for a pee, many times i had to go to docs and have a prostrate massage through back passage, after this i would be fine for many days, different docs gave me different drugs but none worked, one doc told me to have plenty of sex, this was difficult of course because knowing the pain afterwards, in the end, i went to hospital and had my prostrate gland "bored" out, but 3 months later the pain was back!! I gave up all sorts of foods and drink, tried everything different but to no avail, got me wondering why the doc said have plenty of sex, so out came the medical books [no internet then!! } to find out exactly what this gland did, i havent seem this mentioned on these posts but the gland produces a slippery fluid to help sperm travel up the pennis, to my mind, if this is not produced the gland will swell and reduce urine output, consequently our love life has been ajusted to include a lot of foreplay to produce this secretion, ive been trouble free for 18 years now, hope this helps you sufferers,

Poor Lad. Hope you are a bit better now.....Incidentally, do you know that STDs like Chlemidya (?) can cause inflammation of the Prostate ?

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