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I Have Forgot!

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GF applying for tourist visa in a week. I am acting sponsor she has letters of sponsorship, reciepts, phonebills, emails, photos , 49,000 bht in her account, she has no job.

I have just realised i have not sent copies of my bank statement only wage slips, have i messed it all up????? :o

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cheers dave, woke up this morning and it hit me, shit i thought i know what ive forgot to send, i have put letters saying to contact me if they need more info, do you think that will be ok, surely they wouldnt refuse her because i have forgot something, or would they???

GF seems to think it will be ok, as i have enclosed wage slips, (but what does she know, she has never applied for a visa before).

Tell you what , if she gets it (the visa) i am going to get rat arsed big style!! :o

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If your sponsor will be supporting you during your visit and/or paying for the cost of the visit:

evidence of funds from your sponsor, for example payslips or bank statements to show that her or she has enough money to provide for you

It'd be better and easier for all parties if she had your bank statements too. Anyway, I believe she can negotiate if asked for your bank statements. If the application was not turned down right there and then, she would be likely waiting for a couple of weeks for the interview anyway. So, she can negotiate to bring more documents with her when she comes for the interview. Thai students do that all the time at the US embassy. Depends on one's luck too, mind you.

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Yeh i am thinking of sending them quick, however my balance is not too healthy at the moment, but i can get my hands on some money to put in my bank to show i have money (just for the statement) any ideas how much would be sufficent for a 3 month stay?

Do you think £4800.00 showing in my account would be sufficent? /

345600 baht?

you also say fax it, where could i fax it too? any ideas?

I also can view my bank details online, could i send her a copy of my statement by email, would this be ok?

And would i just need to show a balance (i.e. one statement showing how much i have in there?)

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Have her find a place that has a fax machine ( near her house ) usually a internet cafe, photo shop someplace like that. Much more helpful if they have a phone line for a fax only. I had that problem and they kept answering the fax :o

That should be enough money in the bank, everyone understands that money is fluid. Tax returns, recent paystubs, bank statments a letter from your employer will help. I went so far as having a financal statment drawn up by my accountant. cost me $350.00 and I dont think that they even looked at it . But better to bring more than you need. I guess your not married but my wedding pictures did help I was told. Hang in there and try not to get to stressed out. It will happen when it happens and to worry about it wont help.

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I am now desperatly trying to get funds into my account, i have 2 weeks to get the money in (transfered from other accounts). wait for statement to come through, then send to thailand. I was going to send the printable statement from my online banking, but this states that this is not an official statement.

I will only be sending one statement of my savings account. Showing about £6800.00. This will also show that the majority of the money has only been in a couple of days due to transfers. Will this be ok?


Its all getting too much i will be glad when it is over!!!!

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I will only be sending one statement of my savings account. Showing about £6800.00. This will also show that the majority of the money has only been in a couple of days due to transfers. Will this be ok?

It stinks.

I hope you aren't borrowing this money, especially not at high rates of interest. Have you read the instructions for Immigration Officers (and implicilty for ECOs) at the IND website? These contain (or used to contain) warnings to be on the look-out for fabricated jobs, so I'd be surprised if they said nothing about suspicious increases in levels of savings. They'd be far more impressed to see that you were supporting her out of regular income, which I hope is the case.

If you've been consolidating your accounts, it may be worth trying to show that that is the case by using old statements - e.g. annual building society saving account statements.

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To be honest Spuds, when my then gf applied for her visa's (tourist and fiance) my bank statements weren't too healthy, due to travelling to and from Thailand many times each year, the Embassy weren't really interested in them. As long as you have a few statements they will move on to the next thing on the checklist. They will focus manily on your GF and her intentions.

A few payslips, proof of employment,mortgage or tenancy agreement, a bank statement is all they will want regarding your status. Much more important is the proof of contact etc. If your gf is applying for a tourist visa, they will not need to see that you have been supporting her, they WILL need to be shown that she WILL return, by proof of her own employment and incme , and any other commodities that will show this.

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