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Dog V Flipflops

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if you let him wander around freely he will soon be gone or run over by a car. cage him or give him his own secured space and his own flip flops to chew and play.

cute doggie by the way :o

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i can believe that :o my goldens and lab take bathes all the time, they even like to dive with their whole heads down. nothing more exiting for one of them to play with waterhose :D got huge buckets for them to bathe and play in. it's so hot anyway...

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Threaten him, wire his jaws closed, thrash him, pull his teeth out------------ HOLD ON, this is a puppy and I thought thats what puppies did, especially this breed as they love to carry things in their soft mouths.

So cancel the thrashings etc and try to understand that this is perfectly normal behaviour and yes he will grow out of it quite soon. In the meantime why dont you offer him an alternative "chew" such as a tennis ball.

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behaviour and yes he will grow out of it quite soon. In the meantime why dont you offer him an alternative "chew" such as a tennis ball.

some of my dogs never grew out of stealing things and chewing them up :D:o they are always looking for new toys :D

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curious actually as to why in all the muubaan houses w/flip flops outside, not one puppy or dog ever took any shoes; people 'borrowed ' them all the time though... dont know how the thai do things but watched my (thai)husband yesterday 'torturing' my boxer by teaching her new things all in one time, using our dinner liver (thai spicy) as treats. i never saw such an attentative boxer in my life!!! (he's teaching her wierd tricks that have no functional purpose other then fun)... he's never studied training, hasnt a clue that thats what he is doing but it works... and i saw him in thailand with the pups there and how they learned very very quickly not to come in the always open houses; not to chase the chickens, not to swim int he fish /eel ponds where the nets are; not to steal shoes... no hitting involved. so watch how others do it and try it also.

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tabasco...definitely tabasco or nam prik...sprinkle sum on de flip flops an' de dog will run howling...

my parents useta put tabasco onna my thumb in an attempt to prevent me from suckin' it when I was liddle...I learned howta wash it off when I was about 2 y.o. ...fooled them...also developed a hearty appreciation fer tabasco as an adult...tutsi's kitchen is not complete widdout an industrial sized boddil sittin' next to de pepper grinder...

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My Golden Labrador has a habit of running off with customers flipflops, or worse chewing them to bits. Any advice?


Folks take their <deleted> off here? Wow! :o Agree with DSK and other posters. Sweet dog, so contain him in one area if you want to keep him and then no shoe prob either. Or buy him his own pair of flips or rawhide chewies. Some people do take pedigree dogs and then bring them back for a reward...

Bina -- I laughed when I read about your husb. A few Thai friends (funny, all artists) could put my strays in a trance and teach them inane things like shake a paw, shake the other paw, sing, etc, in five minutes. Ya, how about go up the road and fetch the newspaper? :D

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bina, I'm not being rude but you always talk about your "Thai" husband, what national are you?

Bina talks about her "Thai" husband because he is Thai. Why the need for quotation marks? If you read just a few of her posts, you'd know her whole story. :o

Our neighbor got his dog to go to the nearby mom and pop store with a bag of money and a note and fetch back whatever small thing he needed to buy.

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After having many puppies through my house in the last 3+ years, I have a very quick solution. Buy one of those plastic tower drawer things & put a sign on it in Thai & English saying that the dog has a habit of chewing shoes & requesting customers to put their shoes into the drawers for safekeeping. I have two of those towers at my home & (as long as we remember to put our shoes in) no more chewing! :o

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