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Which Vaccinations for a Puppy

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Hi everyone.  We are getting conflicting advice from vets as to what injections my 6 month old shih tzu puppy needs and when. He has had the basic ones when he was very small. We are now told that he needs one for ticks and one for Rabies.  As we lost a kitten to an intense allergic reaction to a jab when she was not much older than the puppy, we are wary of the minimum he needs and at what age.   I would know what to do in the UK, but conditions here are very different. He is indoors for the vast majority of time and then the rest in an enclosed garden, but at some point, we do want to take him to the beach etc. Anyone any advice based on their own experience and knowledge? 

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We have a Jack Russell, he's now 4 months old, & has had these. The injections cost 250 baht each, & the vial contains 4/5 compounds. So in total not expensive at all.

There's a thread on worming & ticks on here somewhere.



2019-05-27 17.48.14.jpg

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The rabies injection is a once a year deal as far as I'm aware. That said perhaps pups get a course of shots for this and the annual shot is just a top-up?


As for the ticks, I have been using Bravecto on mine; this is an orally taken medication which will last for 3 months. This seems to work well as I haven't seen a tick one either of them since starting to use. That said, if the vet is injecting them either ask him to stop or don't give additional treatment to them.

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I give mine the 5 in one shot at 2 months ( Distemper, Para-influenza, Leptospirosis, Corona-virus, Adenovirus) with a booster of same every year.  Rabies at 6 months with a booster every year.  AS far as ticks  I used injectable ivermectin for years which seem to lose it's effectivity.  I now use  Frontguard, a spot on application every 3 months.  I buy it from Lazada as it's cheap there  and much cheaper than Frontline.  If your dog already has ticks it might take a couple of applications to rid them completely.  I've used it for years and never find a tick even on one of my 7 dogs whose left esr used to be a "tick hotel".


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