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Public disillusioned with self-serving politicians: poll


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Self serving politicians are not limited to Thailand, please don't let the people delude themselves to think that the UK, North America are any different to what they have, it is only more overt in this country than in others. I feel it is not proper to comment on the matter as if my home country is any better, the only way it is better is the ability for it to be hidden. More democracy, the more ways to cheat and steal.

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An overwhelming 87.1 per cent of people surveyed also viewed the current political developments as illegitimate while only 12.9 per cent believed the new prime minister and government would be legitimate.


Where were these people when the polls were open? Just goes to show you can make a poll say anything you want. 

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it's good to see that the overwhelming opinion of the contributors here is against the junta, but there are some practical things foreigners can do to help (the old 'don't get involved' is a great line for novices), for example, you can encourage thai friends take up memberships with the future forward party, it's 200thb a year and the benefits are impressive, free stuff, participation in mass online votes, future forward shirts and bags and hats are available, i've got heaps myself, wear them around Big C, 9/10 ten onlookers will give you a smile, just saying

Edited by perthuniversity
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20 hours ago, webfact said:

the political leaders were hitting the self-destruct button

Not possible.  They will not self destruct.  The populace may become less happy with them, but there is not much they can do about it since the coups take over and keep control as they have for decades. 

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20 hours ago, Kasane said:

Pure drivel. Everyone I talk to in Thai immigration confirms a rising tide of Eastern travellers, many of them well heeled. While the mostly poorly funded Westerners, with reputation of being alcohol guzzelers and sex seekers is declining. And Thai society disdain for the second category of visitors is getting more visible day by day. 

Fascinating statement. Everyone I talk to in the tourist industry says the opposite. Let's see. Who to believe? The real people on the ground, making their livings from tourism? Or he stooges working for a government with an agenda?

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