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When the Thai's ask along with how much do you earn, are you married, do you have any chidren etc.?

The classic "How old are you?"

I always ask them "On the inside or the outside?"

After you reach thirty or so you don't get any older on the inside, you just get older on the bits you can see.

Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.

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Probably the 60 and the 70 were the only decades in which youth around the world had the most in commom. the media papers and Tv was growing and we were curious and got to know each other. The first young people started travelling with their backpack.

Around 1978 I meet the first Australians,Americans and New Zeelanders in Europe. There were no books about travelling. The worldmap was the only thing. The most went to London

Thanks Khun Ana, well-written and substantial.

You are writing about the times that Bill Clinton was sitting at The Dam square in Amsterdam, holding a joint in one hand and "Europe on 5 Dollars a Day" in the other. It was also still possible to drive an old Volkswagen bus to India, there it broke down and I hitch-hiked back to Amsterdam.

Funny, that you also mention 'Woodstock'.

Grand-dad Limbo.

When the Thai's ask along with how much do you earn, are you married, do you have any chidren etc.?

The classic "How old are you?"

I pretty much think the first question very much outweighs all the others.

Not specific to Thailand but maybe, sometimes, more obvious here,...


I always used to laugh at my mum and dad listening to Geogre Benson. Bob Seger, Boney M, Rod Stewart ect ect when they told me the music i liked when I was a teenager or twenty something would be old music to the new generation. Now what they have told me has come true . Maybe I am trying to fight the ageing process (just turned 30) . But I still think most of these modern day bands (if u can call them that, don't see a guitar or drumkit in sight) are just hacks covering old songs. My biggest bitch is that boyband doing a cover of Murray Heads "One Night in Bangkok" . Maybe I am just a grumpy old fatt who can't except the 80's and 90's are history:P

or being old is when the hairdresser asks you if you want the hairs on your ears trimmed for the first time

its the shock of first noticing that some of your pubic hairs are turning grey and the even bigger shock when you realise that you are considering getting some hair dye to reverse the process. :o

or being old is when the hairdresser asks you if you want the hairs on your ears trimmed for the first time

its the shock of first noticing that some of your pubic hairs are turning grey and the even bigger shock when you realise that you are considering getting some hair dye to reverse the process. :D

:o yes yes!

Mine are thinking about it, that's for sure! :D

I try to keep up to date with new music and usually frizbee it out of the car after the first song or two and resort back to the old favourites/easy listening.


I first met my wife about a year and a half ago. At that time my hair was about half grey and half brown with a small, but tastful, bald spot on top. As I am considerably taller than her, she didn't notice that until I started sitting down a lot. :D

Since then, the greying process has kicked into high gear and my wife noticed that I suddenly looked much older! :D

Getting older is funny though, I still feel the same as I did a couple of decades ago, I just look older! :o

Some years ago I looked at the Woodstock movie. It was like looking in an imaginary mirror. I saw myself again and realised what I spiritually lost.

This feeling was much stronger than when I look in a real mirror.

Should be the other way around, or am I mixing up things?

It was like an actor feeling that the role he plays took possession of him and that the own substance is lost. Help!

The acid is much weaker these days, and you'd have to import it.

Try a mix of Lao-Kao, Ya-Ba and Ketamine to remind you of the good old days...

Some years ago I looked at the Woodstock movie. It was like looking in an imaginary mirror. I saw myself again and realised what I spiritually lost.

This feeling was much stronger than when I look in a real mirror.

Should be the other way around, or am I mixing up things?

It was like an actor feeling that the role he plays took possession of him and that the own substance is lost. Help!

The acid is much weaker these days, and you'd have to import it.

Try a mix of Lao-Kao, Ya-Ba and Ketamine to remind you of the good old days...

You must be joking...get some good Khon Kan Crippler, roll a 'nother one & away you go! :o

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