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Fiber Optic Cable - Installation? Company Mysteries.

Thomas J

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I was wondering if anyone knows about the installation limitations from the various companies offering Fiber Optic internet.  I am in a housing area that does not have fiber optic.  I am approximately 75 - 80 Meters from the pole on the main street.  I know that both TOT and 3BB are on the main street.  Trying to get any information from customer service personnel or worse yet the company websites is like trying to eat jello with chop sticks. I see that TOT offers installation for $890 Baht and 3BB supposedly is running a promotion that offers up to $5,000 baht towards installation. However they both conveniently fail to disclose any limitations on the distance they will install the cable for, or in the case of 3bb what the installation cost of $5,000 baht includes or excludes.   Does anyone know if there are distance limitations or what the typical cost is? 


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Sorry, I can´t answer all of your questions but a few years back (3 or 4) 3BB brought a cable to our house and the next pole (connection point) was about 500 meter away. Initially they said it would be something like 1500 THB. In the end the guy who did it just wanted that we buy him a pack of cigarettes

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A distance of 75-80 metres is nothing nowadays and shouldn't cost anything. TOT ran fibre for over a km down my Soi for free and that was 5 years ago.


If you're in a mooban there could be issues with getting permission to string the cable though. 


I would just apply for the service and see what happens.

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Like thedemon said, 80 meters is nothing for a fiber optics run.  But a company can't run it where they are not allowed to....like if they are not allowed to run a line into you moobaan....or they have decided not to service your moobaan because too many other ISPs service it already.


Just check with the ISP you are interested in....they will tell you whether they can service your residence or not.  


Heck, when I moved in to my home in western Bangkok moobaan a little over a decade ago the moobaan only had one ISP which was TOT.  A few years later True was allowed to come into the moobaan....and years later AIS Fibre....and over the last 6 months 3BB. 

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   Three years ago, 3BB strung almost 1km of cable from the village at the main road to my rural home at no charge and I was their first customer in the area. Now there is another customer 200 meters beyond mine. A year ago April, I changed over to Fiber Optic and they restrung F/O cable at no charge also.



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