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Why Would Someone Do Such A Silly Act - Disrespecting Such A Great King


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Swiss man pleads guilty to lese majeste

(dpa) - A Swiss man on Monday pleaded guilty to five charges of defacing portraits of His Majesty the King, at a closed hearing at a Chiang Mai court.

Oliver Rudolf Jufer, 57, will be sentenced on March 29. He was arrested last December.

Lese majeste laws make it a crime to insult or to belittle the monarchy.

The charge carries a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison. If Jufer's crimes are considered separately, he could conceivably be sentenced to 75 years in jail.

This is from the Bangkok Post-


here something i notice and would like to point out -

YEs i agre ethat some of the country That farang and asian come from enjoy some degree of FREEDOM -

But That does not mean you can behave like an ass. especially being here as a GUEST >

I myself have alot of respect for the KING here .

can't say the same about some other king ot queen -

Bascially the Thai king Have done alot for the people Everyone Love him and adore him .

Look at his birthday event - people do it out of their heart -

for a simple reason - he is a king for the people .


I don't get it why would someone show such disrespect to such a great man .

I say - send him back to his country - Jailing such a person only waste tax payer money .

Edited by Ta22
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A little bit of edification on this matter if I may.

Topics concerning the Royal Family are banned because, apart from other reasons, the laws regarding Lese Majeste are very strict. Any comment might be taken in the wrong light and cause the site to be closed down. (We can not moderate real time and ensure no such comment gets through.)

We at Thai Visa also greatly respect and revere His Majesty and do not wish to give any avenue for idiots like that Swiss fool to vent their sad feelings.

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