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Thaivisa exclusive: "I'm standing by my man", says Thai wife of German trapped by social media


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15 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

The media has been blowing this up making him seem like a terrible man, but when it comes down to it we don't know what the actual charges against him are - past and present - it could be very minor and they're blowing it up because it makes good headlines and fits the narrative.


As for the wife supporting him - she could be either making the best or worst choice of her life - there's no way to tell unless we know what he's actually done.

I wonder if he was from Nigeria instead of Germany would you say the same thing. 

Edited by BoBoTheClown
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4 hours ago, tingtong said:


one could say the least that they are age appropriate to each...re: meal ticket.

of course the girl could be just a mia noi to a thai, or

the guy could pick one German lass that wouldnt only looking for the meal ticket but would do the "take away" too!!


they are husband-wife with a baby boy...and she isnt looking to take the easy way, but acting as a wife should.

why is that wrong?

Oh dear.

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3 hours ago, balo said:

Well, the good news is he will get the help he needs in Germany, there must be a reason for the paedophilia charges.  Hopefully he can be trusted when it comes to kids in the future. 

Once a pedo always a pedo.

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2 hours ago, billd766 said:

It is nice to know that though you have changed your avatar you still remain the same old ................................................................ self.

Yes. Hateful of pedophiles. and their apologists. 

Edited by fishtank
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Newspapers in Germany and the U.K have already paid her for her story.

She is standing by him for as long as she is getting money.

He will go to jail in Germany so she will have no chance to visit him.

Maybe someone will make a documentary about this and the gravy train will continue.

If he is not beaten in Thailand he has a beating ahead and he deserves everything he gets.

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Let us hope the charges against him are true and just. One never knows. I am no defender of pedophilia. But being accused of it, is a far cry than being convicted of an offense. Was he actually convicted of these charges? I think most drug charges are silly, inane, not beneficial for society and the entire war on drugs is lost. Give it up. Legalize all drugs. 


           Charges or rumours of pedophilia are more than enough .

            Guilty ,   the public are satisfied ..



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6 hours ago, the guest said:

When the ATM runs dry, she will be looking for another source of income !


No money, no honey!


     Chicken legs/wings , no money . 

    Plan B return to the bar, look farlang older better, money more pensions, have.

  Young faralangs , have high power too much, everytime.

 Small money, not good for take care, lady thai.   Old man, better more. 555


Edited by elliss
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12 hours ago, Matzzon said:

That quote was exactly what was expected of you to fit right in with all the other outdated and bitter posters here with a lot of their own misstakes in the closet to look back at.

I just have one question for you. Did you get your opinion and extensive knowledge of thai girls from Pattaya bar scene?

You were expecting that quote from me?  Do you know me?


Here is the answer to your just one question.


I have no knowledge of girls from the Pattaya bar scene.


Seems you are the one with some prejudices about farang men in Thailand.  


The German guys GF even openly said the guy financially provided for her, her son (from a different man), and her EXTENDED family. 



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1 hour ago, mindfulness said:

... interesting ‘drugs via the internet’ 

Viagra maybe.


yep crime of the century in Germany also ! 

What a wacko Earth we all live in. 


The lunatics sure are running the asylum !  

You read that the German police were seeking him for selling drugs via the internet and you made the assumption that it's likely viagra as opposed to any of the actual illicit drugs that police generally investigate and prosecute for?



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11 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

What a sad bitter man.  Speak for yourself - we are not all like you.  Some of us are here in our "prime" because of work, because of family, or just because we want to be - in my case all three.


Me too.

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7 hours ago, SammyT said:

You do realise what an impossible task that would be, right? Background checking every expat in their home country and every other country they've spent time in? If they decided to actually do that, you'd presumably just whinge about how much more expensive and cumbersome the immigration process was as well

They would have checking on me then.


In my 50 year working life I lived and worked in 38 different countries.

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On 7/5/2019 at 6:37 AM, inThailand said:

If the charges were bogus why did he flee? Why didn't he return to Germany? Surely, he would have gotten fair justice there. If the charges were here, thats a different can of worms.

Charged doesn't mean convicted. Maybe the Germans only want him in custody to put him on trial - and that can take ages in Germany. Maybe he was denounced in Germany while already in Thailand, maybe by an envious ex. 

I would hesitate to judge him. He is also innocent until found guilty. 

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11 hours ago, mindfulness said:

... interesting ‘drugs via the internet’ 

Viagra maybe.


yep crime of the century in Germany also ! 

What a wacko Earth we all live in. 


The lunatics sure are running the asylum !  

I would be very careful. 

I was charged with selling drugs in Germany a long time ago, and the German police also had a warrant. 

Rumours in my home town had it I had died in Pakistan. So all kind of users, junkies or dealers thought they could put the blame on me. 

And then the shit hit the fan: I came back with a passport full of visa and entry stamps. None of the 30 "witnesses" ever shown up for trial - and I had an alibi. 

Fortunately there was no such thing as Internet then. But anyway, I know how the Germans play prisoner's dilemma: "Give us a name, or we lock you up for conspiracy"

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21 hours ago, suz123 said:

I have not read this entire thread but if it was just about money, you would think that she could find another foreigner easily enough - she is young and very pretty.  She must know that the chances of her getting into Germany now are slim. So unless he was giving her and her family massive sums of money, there would be no reason to support the husband if not for real feelings....or at least some attraction, which she might not find with a much older foreigner



maybe he was the highest bidder,

or maybe the drug trade pays very well,

maybe she thinks there is a big pay day coming?

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Good interview!


I almost get the idea that whenever there is something on social media that makes foreigners looks good Thai immigration comes after them. I recall the guy who made Thai videos on Youtube that they came after as well for animal cruelty which was in the end a nothing burger. When that failed they came after him for making money online. As I said before there is a anti Western sentiment from the Thai government. 


Lets not forget that massive cave rescue where most of the divers were foreigners who volunteered to save those kids in the cave. All we heard was it was Thai divers until one of the documentaries showed the divers board in their video and more than 80% of the cave divers had been foreigners. All trying to help and in the end solved the problem. 


The only time a foreigner in Thailand is suppose to make the news is when they are up to no good. Much like the monthly deportations where is most cases the vast majority of people arrested are Cambodians or Burmese but that is not what pulls the headlines or photo-shots.


Then you look on this forum and you can swear that some are government trolls trying to jump on foreigners as well with their brown nosing skill sets that foreigners are evil and dont want to follow rules. A man pushes a cart down the road with his wife which I think is cute and puts us all in a positive light that we do not see ourselves above that of Thai people but as fellow humans. Still we will have the brown noses having a go at other foreigners when they dont even know the full story.  


Tells me more about the farang losers club than about Thai people themselves or for that matter for loyalty that you can get from Thai women. 



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3 hours ago, aqua4 said:

Good interview!


I almost get the idea that whenever there is something on social media that makes foreigners looks good Thai immigration comes after them. I recall the guy who made Thai videos on Youtube that they came after as well for animal cruelty which was in the end a nothing burger. When that failed they came after him for making money online. As I said before there is a anti Western sentiment from the Thai government. 


Lets not forget that massive cave rescue where most of the divers were foreigners who volunteered to save those kids in the cave. All we heard was it was Thai divers until one of the documentaries showed the divers board in their video and more than 80% of the cave divers had been foreigners. All trying to help and in the end solved the problem. 


The only time a foreigner in Thailand is suppose to make the news is when they are up to no good. Much like the monthly deportations where is most cases the vast majority of people arrested are Cambodians or Burmese but that is not what pulls the headlines or photo-shots.


Then you look on this forum and you can swear that some are government trolls trying to jump on foreigners as well with their brown nosing skill sets that foreigners are evil and dont want to follow rules. A man pushes a cart down the road with his wife which I think is cute and puts us all in a positive light that we do not see ourselves above that of Thai people but as fellow humans. Still we will have the brown noses having a go at other foreigners when they dont even know the full story.  


Tells me more about the farang losers club than about Thai people themselves or for that matter for loyalty that you can get from Thai women. 



Wow, you really do have a massive chip on your shoulder don't you - it's huge!


Nobody pretended the cave rescue was all Thai.  The foreign divers were widely acknowledged throughout, they have been lauded many many times publicly since, and some of them received royal decorations, and were invited back for the one year anniversary.


You live in a strange twisted (and fictional) world.

Edited by josephbloggs
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6 hours ago, pookondee said:

Sounds like typical Isaan logic:


if have money:

him not paedo-him very good man, take care very good


if not have money:

him paedo-very bad man, not take care

People with money would hardly spend their time grilling chicken on the side of the road.

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On 7/5/2019 at 12:25 PM, Isaanbiker said:

I'll eat my cat if she's with him because of love.


     It's all about money, honey. I had to use three toilet paper rolls for my tears after reading this story.


  Truly heart breaking. 





Does your cat have an edible HAT.

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My Step Grandson, was done for Yaba, and stealing, a few years ago, .... he WAS total lost. he did 2.5 years in prison, ... and then about another 1 year in army Boot camp, (With Hundreds of others ...) for Breaking his bail conditions, ... Probably failed the drugs test ...


His Good Thai wife stuck with him all of that time ! ... And is having her second baby now, like she is a REALLY GOOD THAI WOMAN I THINK ..... Her mother told her at the start, that she could come back to her home, (And leave him) ..... but she stayed in my Grandsons Home, His home, ........ My Step daughters Place. and well, pretty much just waited for him.


..... The Grandson is now pretty well totally rehabilitated.  Has a regular job in a factory making hard disks ... (TIA .... This is Ayuttahya ) .... ( and I do not think that they arrest Amphetamine Users around here, unless they are dealing or Stealing to fund their habit ! ? ... and I reckon that they KNOW.


So Standing my you man ! ... Is not only reserved for Folangs.

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On 7/5/2019 at 7:41 PM, jak2002003 said:

The German guys GF even openly said the guy financially provided for her, her son (from a different man), and her EXTENDED family.

And of course you see something wrong with that. She could just be stating that because she likes it and it makes him look even better. Who wouldn´t say yes to financial freedom. Do you know people in any country that would say no? Then comes the question, why do so many people try to make that look ugly in Thailand?

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