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I was watching a funny Chinese vampire movie, hi-la-ri-ous!

GF and me then began talking about ghosts, she told me about a few of her experiences. I never saw one, but did see a very strange thing happen as a kid, I may tell about it later on. From what I understand, Thai people are quite open on talking about ghost stories or their experiences with them. I was explaining to my GF that in North America, people talking about their experiences with ghosts or telling ghost stories may get weird looks or friends may think or say that "he/she only has one oar in the water". I am quite neutral on the subject but I do enjoy a good one.

I am curious, have you heard any good ones here in Thailand?Had an experience?

(I know a few stupid and funny ones will come up...go ahead :o )


About 14 years ago I worked in Fang with a group of other expats. We all stayed on the first floor of the only hotel in town. We noticed no Thai's were staying on that floor. One night one of the guys woke up and heard the sound of somebody walking around in his room. When he turned on the lights non-one was there. The next morning he asked about this at reception and was told that everyone knew about the ghost on the first floor. We all moved rooms.

About 14 years ago I worked in Fang with a group of other expats. We all stayed on the first floor of the only hotel in town. We noticed no Thai's were staying on that floor. One night one of the guys woke up and heard the sound of somebody walking around in his room. When he turned on the lights non-one was there. The next morning he asked about this at reception and was told that everyone knew about the ghost on the first floor. We all moved rooms.

Anyone know about the "Pee Pop" or "Pee Bop"? This particular type of female "ghost" would eat the insides of her husband :D My g/f says that when she was young, there was a Pee Bop in her village and she and other villagers went to see this Pee Bop to tell her to get out of the village, but she would not go. So the villagers got a monk to come and he threw water over the woman and her skin started to burn, as if the water was acid. My g/f went home then and never saw the woman again. Very difficult to get more details from her - she doesn't like talking about "pees". :o


when in the UAE my wife got hold of a box of thai soap opera video cassettes and kept watching a series about ghosts. Ghosts on thai tv are always portrayed as malevolent types. I asked 'well, aren't there some friendly ghosts?...' I wanted to tell her about Casper in the US but she regarded me as a man insane.

Nothin' wrong with ghosts...I see them sometimes stone sober and minding my own business. However, in rural places all over they are to be feared, I guess...


One former girl-friend used to call me pee-baa (crazy ghost) so I hope that she didn't regard me as malevolent.

One former girl-friend used to call me pee-baa (crazy ghost) so I hope that she didn't regard me as malevolent.

Nothin' to worry 'coz that gal obviously did not refer to you as a crazy "ghost" but rather just a crazy "elder brother". Two meanings of the word pee with just slightly different pronunciations.

In terms of Thai ghost stories long time resident Marc Holt has published a story on this subject at http://www.holtww.com/bc-dec03-tennisghost.shtml which makes quite a good read.

Nevertheless, I'd rather stick to that ol' Ghostbuster song ".... I'm afraid in no ghost". It's usually only the livings that give me an occasional chill. Indeed frightening for most is surely a glimpse into the mirror in the morning after "one night in Bangkok" but well not too ghostly - but just overly human. :o


My wife's Aunt missed school several times when she was young beacuse she had inadvertantly slept under a beam (in the roof) and a ghost was sitting on her cheast and she could not get up! Wonder if my boss would accept that excuse?


Hi All:

At my house in Hua Hin, I had several Thais say there were ghost(s).

For weeks, after coming downstairs my gf would trail shortly behind saying she could not sleep. She went to visit home for a bit, and I asked her if she was worried about me sleeping with another lady. She said no, because there was a ghost there (an old lady) and told about why she always came downstairs...she said nobody else liked me enough to deal with a ghost.

I laughed about it and told a Thai friend who had visited the house several times before, "Mam says there is a ghost in this house". Lek said, "Yes, an old lady."

Another time I was looking at a house that to rent. Outside was great, before we even walked inside the gf said 'mai ok!'. I had no idea what she was talking about, but really liked the house. When we went upstairs, there was an enormous 'shrine' (maybe the incorrect word?) with dozens of pieces of burning incense surrounding the pole in the center of the house.



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