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Automatic watering system for my hedge

Isan Farang

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Due to the fact i am not at present full time whare i will plant my new hedge i plan to set up a auto watering system and just checking on the folowing.


1. I have a 1000l storage tank being fed from the road supply, would i need a pump or would the weight of the tank water be ok to flow through the 1/2in plastic feed line.

2. I need to run the line around 130m so i plan to set the tank in the center and run 2 lines at 75m per line. The earth surface is flat so no restrictions.





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If your mains supply is fairly consistent, why do you need a tank?  For irrigation using small spray jets (about 30 per line with 4 lines each about 50m), we use a B1200 1/2 HP (to wit) pump that handles 2 lines at a time.  With a pump, there's no need to keep the tank centrally located (you might want to place in some shade) and it wouldn't make sense to raise the tank as you would then need a pump to supply..

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Would someone have a link to the type of pump i require with a timer included. The water storage tank is a must as the mains supply varies.


I would need to connect to the 1in tap as per the picture


All my tanks will go in a covered purpose built area when my building man gets going, but for now this is a temp set up in order to get my hedge planted.




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That size area might be better served with something a little more substantial in the pressure dept and maybe consider future additions.


The photos below shows a small 4 zone 1 inch sprinkler setup (2 spare zones) and controller that currently serves two sprinkler lines watering mostly perimeter hedges. One approx 80M the other over 100M. Hedges are watered from screw in nozzles on lines off the main 1 inch lines which run mostly full distance. 


Tank is 2500 L on well water with sediment filter to protect sprinkler nozzles.  Pump is a standard 1hp centrifugal available everywhere in many different flavours. Pump is called by the zone controller when required.







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Don’t worry about the tank, get a digital tap timer and connect it to the mains and program it to water at the time you have best pressure. If you need more or less water adjust the duration. If it’s he pressure is still a bit spotty program several times a day.

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