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Two big news items this weekend seem to have ducked under the radar over here in LOS. Are we so concerned with words from the two blondes that we are missing out on the real stuff? What with the poor exchange rate, anything that could add a few squids to our accounts should be welcomed!. There is very serious dosh to be had.


Firstly in the gaming world, the leading competition saw millions being handed out to the winners in the Fortnite finals. Particularly pleasing for me was that "Jaden Ashman, from Essex will split $2.25m (£1,8m) with his Dutch partner." Essex boy comes good!


Then we had the finale of the WTWC (World Thumb Wrestling Championships). Again, mega-dosh handed out. Though not quite as much as in Jaden's game, still plenty enough for drinks all round, on a busy Saturday evening, at the local.


There are other sports knocking on the door, up to even Olympic heights. Too many to list here, but worthy of a mention is 'spoof', that well known Dagenham pub game is making a comeback. And I'm particularly interested in 'spouse carrying'. In the latter, the husband has to carry his wife over a demanding obstacle course of some man-made circuit (straw bales and the like), and at half way the roles are reversed and the wife carries the husband over the return trip. Good reason for a family slim-'n'-trim!


"But I'm overweight and not as fit as I once was", I hear you say. My reply is, that in today's world there is something out there for all of us. Target fly fishing, coin spinning, breath holding, stone spitting and of course the two old favourites; pole squatting and being buried alive.


Could that chap sitting on the next bar-stool be a potential champion? Or that girl near the pole? And of course with such monstrous amounts of money involved - not least with youtube - trainers, coaches and agents would be needed; big time. Gets you thinking!


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