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Washing powder scoop


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33 minutes ago, fredob43 said:

Quite often only the big ones have scoops in them.

That may be as always buy the larger size Pao - which have found to work best with Japanese type top loaders that we use here (other detergents tend to accumulate as scum on outer tub area - but negative experience was several decades ago so perhaps current formulations of market leaders are better).

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8 minutes ago, KittenKong said:

I find that powder doesn't dissolve properly and leaves a nasty residue.


So I always buy liquid detergent, and the measure for that is by the cap-full.

Have not had that issue since change to Pao several decades ago - but indeed it was nasty using other powder detergents - they just did not work well in house water Japanese style top loaders.

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2 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Have not had that issue since change to Pao several decades ago

I always buy "USA" because it's the only one I can recognise the label for! Thankfully it seems to get things clean.




(Yes, I know it's Breeze.)



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24 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

Don't all washing machines these days  have a powder tray with "max" fill line ?  So why would you need a scoop ?

Auto top loads don't have a powder tray. Well my LG doesn't.

But it does have a cleaning cycle if you use that after several washes, the drum and inside stays clean. Mine looks like new and we have had it several years.

N/B And that's with the Thai wife doing the washing and looking after it all the time. Must tell you something.

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10 hours ago, KittenKong said:

I find that powder doesn't dissolve properly and leaves a nasty residue.


So I always buy liquid detergent, and the measure for that is by the cap-full.

Agree. I have, more than once, found my clothes with bleached marks on them from Thai detergents. Had to throw them away.


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Just now, malt25 said:

Every month or so I run my machine on a full cycle with NO washing in the machine. Put about 2 cups of vinegar in the water, No detergent. Always nice & clean.

Expect that helps but actually you might not see the crude unless you remove the inner tub - it is the outside of that and outer tub where the undissolved soap accumulates.  Have not had to run such cleaning operations using large Hitachi top loader with Pao detergent (the machine is almost 20 years old and used for several loads every day due extended family).   

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