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Anyone with an economics background?

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I'm trying to write a story and I'm having some problems with global macroeconomic issues. Anyone with an economics background that would be interested in sharing some ideas with me, I'd appreciate it. I'm trying to transition from a capitalist, acquisitive system to a system where the wealth distribution disparity is more reasonable. Consider this science fiction. ???? I'm not interested in discussing the merits of the idea, I'm looking for how to make it happen. Thanks.

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COMMENT (wishes to be anonymous): I'd have thought any of the Nordic economies would give you a model to purse - Denmark, Norway, Sweden

They're the most equitable systems that we have. I'm trying to transition from a 'me' society to one more attuned to measuring success by how much you help others to be as close to equal as possible. A system of this sort was partially created in Huxley's The Island. I'm trying to create a society wherein nobody has, say, 10x or 20x 'more' than the poorest person. Anything in excess of whatever value I decide upon goes back into the system to bring the bottom closer to the top. The entire socioeconomic structure would have to change. Military as we know it will be obsolete. Other than defining the new rules, I'm really stuck on how to -- for lack of a better word -- confiscate the overage that exists in the 1% and bring them down closer to the median. This can be a process of decades. It's not going to happen overnight or even in a single generation.

COMMENT (wishes to be anonymous): One useful rule might be that no-one's salary can be more than X times greater than the lowest salary in the same organisation. Overpaid bosses are the bane of the capitalist system IMHO. I'm not sure why the military would be obsolete - we're rapidly moving towards a machine-based military - drones, for example

This idea is part of the script, but on a global scale, not just per organization or business. The military will be re-tasked towards supporting society instead of oppressing it. Assume Big Brother on steroids level of surveillance planet-wide. The idea is to remake society, realign its thinking entirely; a multi-generational process.

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