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All cigarettes in Thailand sold in drab packaging starting September 12


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Standardised packaging reduces the attractiveness of tobacco products, eliminates tobacco packaging as a form of advertising, and increases the noticeability and effectiveness of pictorial health warnings???????


   Heroin addicts don't care if their heroin is in a plastic, or a paper container. They need it, that's all. 


There's a little similarity to cigarette smokers. They're both addicted to it. 



Edited by Isaanbiker
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I was visiting someone in the lung ward of Korat hospital and it was jam packed of smokers who were all dying very nasty deaths and mostly were around 50 to 60 years old. In the four hours i was there three people died in front of me. Anyone who thinks that this is a silly idea should visit a place like that.

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Just a silly comment...smuggling cigs is a huge business. Especially from Russia to northern EU countries. If a country requires plain packaging then the smugglers from a non plain package country have a slight problem.

However, it is like the Mexican Wall trump wants to build...the frustrated Mexicans say...we will get over it.

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4 minutes ago, crickets said:

I was visiting someone in the lung ward of Korat hospital and it was jam packed of smokers who were all dying very nasty deaths and mostly were around 50 to 60 years old. In the four hours i was there three people died in front of me. Anyone who thinks that this is a silly idea should visit a place like that.

I understand your point, but I don't' think that fewer people will smoke when they started their new packaging. 


  They should show documentaries of such places as a warning for young people who believe that it's cool to smoke.


Please have a look at Indonesia where kids of any age can buy and smoke cigarettes totally legal.  










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15 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:

Standardised packaging reduces the attractiveness of tobacco products, eliminates tobacco packaging as a form of advertising, and increases the noticeability and effectiveness of pictorial health warnings???????


   Heroin addicts don't care if their heroin is in a plastic, or a paper container. They need it, that's all. 


There's a little similarity to cigarette smokers. They're both addicted to it. 



Its the people that such as children that dont smoke yet that they are targeting. It works.

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1 hour ago, glennb6 said:

why not ban cigys? why not ban cigars? why not ban alcohol? why not ban talking rudely? why not ban high fructose sodas? why not ban greasy sugary donuts?


some people don't get it and never will.


I don't give a sh*t what you do as long as it doesn't infringe on my freedoms, so stay the *uck out of my life and my addictions, habits, and enjoyments!

And once you've gorged on these products, & become a burden on society....?

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2 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

The world has gone mad. Should I look forward to plain packaging on the much more hazardous for health alcohol containers? Then we can roll the plain packaging out to sugar containing soft drinks, then any food containing fats etc etc. Should never let the loons get a foot in the door, it never ends there.


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I do not quit get the idea. How is this going to stop or even discourage people from smoking ?


smokers will smoke no matter what package it comes in and new smokers do not start smoking because of pretty packaging . 



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To reduce the use of tobacco requires cultural change. If you are over 60 you can remember when almost everyone smoked, doctors, celebrities and sports figures. As a very young child, I loved watching the cigarette commercials. "Light up it's springtime," "Winston tastes good like as cigarette should," and I'd rather fight than switch."


While you may find many negative things to say about the UK and US, they did an admirable job over the years to change the cigarette culture. This included banning the advertising of tobacco products,health warnings on tobacco products, education in the schools, taking action against tobacco companies, raising the age of smoking and purchasing cigarettes, and limiting areas where you could smoke. Also there was an awareness of the hazards of second-hand smoke.


The USA was able to significantly reduce the number of smokers. In the 1960s the percentage of adult smokers was estimated to be around 70%. This was reduced to around 30% by the 1990s, all while cigarettes were legal. To ban cigarettes would have the same effect as the banning of alcohol in the US in the 1920's -  the creation of criminal enterprises. We would go from bootlegging to buttlegging. 


Changing cigarette packaging is one small step in changing the smoking culture. It will require a cultural change much like the tobacco campaigns to change the traffic culture in Thailand. 



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3 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

The world has gone mad. Should I look forward to plain packaging on the much more hazardous for health alcohol containers? Then we can roll the plain packaging out to sugar containing soft drinks, then any food containing fats etc etc. Should never let the loons get a foot in the door, it never ends there.

Awww!!! Poor fellow.....you need pretty pictures on your cancer sticks, do you?  And re your comment concerning "much more hazardous for health alcohol containers"! ??? Really!!!  Much more hazardous to health??  Many of my friends and some family members have died from the effects of smoking tobacco, but I know of only one friend who died from alcohol abuse!!  Alcohol, in my experience, while a potentially hazardous to health commodity, has no where near the degree of hazardousness that tobacco presents!!!  And plain packaging on my beer products wouldn't matter a toss to me!!!  Wrap 'em all up in plain packaging...suit me fine!!!


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Well, you know, in the USA, many localities are fighting to advance the smoking of marijuana so it can be "taxed and regulated".  This means big dollars into the coffers of government.  It is INSANE since for decades they have been trying to get us to quit tobacco and now want us to take up smoking pot.  Their golden COL adjusted pensions are desperately in need of CASH to shore them up.  Next we will have legalized prostitution nationwide to go with our tobacco, pot, and gambling.

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As long as smokes are readily available in your local 7-11, there's going to be smoking. You see the government making a show of it's anti-smoking policy, in the same way you'll see heroin addicts shouting loudly about the curse of drugs. It's evil, but it's something that must continue!!!!


Interestingly in the UK, a great deal of smoking has been prevented by encouraging people to consider the option of vaping...

But the USA's FDA takes a very interesting line, treating the most successful alternative to smoking almost as a vehement crime seeking to stop it in it's tracks.


I had an issue with my neighbor - he smoked in his house and car, and occasionally outside. Having quit a year ago I sometimes have a bad reaction (sometimes it's just a smell, sometimes it turns my stomach) and so I gave in my temptation to buy a new vape, and passed my old one over to him with a fresh bottle of Mango juice that cost me 300 baht.


I asked him not to give me any money until he'd had it for a month, then either return it or give me whatever he'd saved.... 2 months later he brought me 1,600 baht (as he'd spent money buying juice - but still saved this amount in the first two months).


One company I worked at, having seen 4 people in the office had secret vapes in their bags I talked to the manager about his drivers. I also made the same suggestion to him - and gave him my pod vape with half the original pods still sealed up. He says half the drivers who smoked now seem really chuffed that they can have a vape in the car, and after a while they start to find that they stop smoking because the smell is so bad and they're always scared their customers will notice.


Really, the solution isn't simply 'enforcement'. Having quit, I never mimic the idiots who quit before me who would tell me I should quit. It never worked, it just made me feel bad, angry, and subversive.


Two times I quit before, the whole excuse/reason I had to start again was to spite people who wanted me to quit.


I fully applaud the UK for their policy in this - why not promote better ways of avoiding smoking whilst making it clear that smoking won't be tolerated? Also promote the benefit that there's no need to even try to avoid people if you're using a low power/low vapour device - you can vape inside whilst you watch TV.


It makes 'enforcement' more palatable - and we all know that there's no way that any kind of enforcement in Thailand is impossible, entirely based on corruption, and also random to the extent that you can continue to commit your antisocial crime and regard any 'enforcement' as a simple case of bad luck.

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2 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

This filthy poison should be either banned of priced at 500 baht a packet

If they follow the example of Canada,  cigarettes WILL in the not to distant future be your 500 baht a pack!! Face it!! 60 baht (current price in typical small Thai store) for a 20 pack of SMS cigarettes, is easily affordable for the Thai teen!  If one doesn't get addicted as a youth, the chances of becoming an addict are slim to nil!!  Low prices and peer pressure plus society friendly atmosphere are what makes an addict!  Tobacco companies have always known this and, as long as the government whistled with them, the tobacco companies attempted to "get the kid hooked young", EVEN THOUGH THEY KNEW full well how poisonous their product was!! Once they could get a young teenager addicted, they knew that they had a customer for life!! 

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2 minutes ago, Tingtau said:

If they follow the example of Canada,  cigarettes WILL in the not to distant future be your 500 baht a pack!! Face it!! 60 baht (current price in typical small Thai store) for a 20 pack of SMS cigarettes, is easily affordable for the Thai teen!  If one doesn't get addicted as a youth, the chances of becoming an addict are slim to nil!!  Low prices and peer pressure plus society friendly atmosphere are what makes an addict!  Tobacco companies have always known this and, as long as the government whistled with them, the tobacco companies attempted to "get the kid hooked young", EVEN THOUGH THEY KNEW full well how poisonous their product was!! Once they could get a young teenager addicted, they knew that they had a customer for life!! 

Prices have no effect on the smokers just created higher crime .


in Oz , pack is almost $30 and people continue to smoke. 


Teens will just steal to be able to afford a pack. But government loves to use higher price excuse, makes them billions in taxes

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13 minutes ago, Tingtau said:

If they follow the example of Canada,  cigarettes WILL in the not to distant future be your 500 baht a pack!! Face it!! 60 baht (current price in typical small Thai store) for a 20 pack of SMS cigarettes, is easily affordable for the Thai teen!  If one doesn't get addicted as a youth, the chances of becoming an addict are slim to nil!!  Low prices and peer pressure plus society friendly atmosphere are what makes an addict!  Tobacco companies have always known this and, as long as the government whistled with them, the tobacco companies attempted to "get the kid hooked young", EVEN THOUGH THEY KNEW full well how poisonous their product was!! Once they could get a young teenager addicted, they knew that they had a customer for life!! 

As a former smoker of some duration and usage, I agree with you.  Taxing the daylights out of cigarettes is a surefire way to discourage smoking and yes, they are the most pernicious and insidious of vices.

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