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Central Festival Pattaya Beach

Lazy Sod

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I would have been much more impressed if they had built it on Third Road. Second Road and especially Beach Road traffic is/was already horrendous. Now it's even worse. Planning?????

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I would have been much more impressed if they had built it on Third Road. Second Road and especially Beach Road traffic is/was already horrendous. Now it's even worse. Planning?????

That's a fair point but its doubtful the large investors involved in the project would have gone for it being away from the main action. Also some of the special unique SIZZLE aspects of the mall and Pattaya (the beach side views, entertainment area, restaurants, and glass elevator) would not be possible inland.

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Ok, this is what my Thai Staff call all the shopping centers.....

Real Name: Royal Garden Plaza

Thai Name: "Loyal"

Real Name: The Avenue

Thai Name: "Major"

Real Name: Central Center (old one)

Thai Name: "BIG-C"

Real Name: Central Festival Center (new one)

Thai Name: "Central Festival"

If you say the thai names to a motorbike driver, he will take you there. If you say the real names he will give you the big "I got no idea what you are talking about" smile, and happily drive you around in circles :-)

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The new one is "Central Festival" (short and easy name)

The other one is "Central Center" but everybody call it "Big C"

That is completely wrong.

The old one is "Central Festival Center"

The New one is "Central Festival Pattaya Beach"

Hi Meg_2003,

Maybe you should verify your information

before saying that someone is wrong... :D

The old one is "Central Festival Center"

YOU are wrong : The old one WAS "Central Festival Center"

They changed their name before "Center Festival" opened,

dropping the "Festival" in favour of the new mall.

This news was in Pattaya People and in ThaiVisa in January.

And about the name of the new mall, what do you read here on this picture ? :o


Central Festival :D

Well at least you've confirmed my original assessment i.e. that the names are very confusing.

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I was there today and all the food restaurants on the upper floors were full. The queue outside Sizzler was ridiculous. Remind me someone, can you revisit the salad bar as many times as you want? What do you actually pay for?

The Shabushi place is basically an all you can eat for 270 baht in 1 hour and fifteen minutes. I looked through the window and saw some right greedy b'stards. One Oriental bloke as fat as a Sumo looked like he was in sort of eating competition, grabbing at plates rolling past.

It was great entertainment watching at the big glass window. I'll take my camera tomorrow and grab some 'greedy shots'.

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The Shabushi place is basically an all you can eat for 270 baht in 1 hour and fifteen minutes. I looked through the window and saw some right greedy b'stards. One Oriental bloke as fat as a Sumo looked like he was in sort of eating competition, grabbing at plates rolling past.

It was great entertainment watching at the big glass window. I'll take my camera tomorrow and grab some 'greedy shots'.

It's an all you can eat buffet, so people eat what they can. I don't see how one can be greedy there.

If you try it yourself one day you'll discover that you can quicky lose your appetite with so much food constantly streaming past you.

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One Oriental bloke as fat as a Sumo looked like he was in sort of eating competition, grabbing at plates rolling past.

Thats the idea of the place, you grab the plate as it goes past... :o:D ...

I eat in there quite a lot and its good value for money....ps suppose you think I am a greedy ba*tard .....If you point a camera at me through the window for entertainment value...hope you have your Nikes on...... :D:D

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One Oriental bloke as fat as a Sumo looked like he was in sort of eating competition, grabbing at plates rolling past.

It was great entertainment watching at the big glass window. I'll take my camera tomorrow and grab some 'greedy shots'.

3 days now... where's the pics? It sounds like great material. :o

Anyway, look forward to them.



Just noticed this subsequently. Pay it no mind.

...If you point a camera at me through the window for entertainment value...hope you have your Nikes on...... wink.gif wink.gif
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Here's a tip for Fuji fans.

Next door (right side) from Fuji on the 5th floor is a restaurant called "Sukishi". They have menu items almost identical to Fuji with the addition of some Korean dishes and barbecue grill items. There are mini fume hoods above each table.

I've eaten there twice so far and I have to say that the quality of all the items I ordered were superior to the same items in Fuji. They are basically the same price and you pay the 10% service charge as in Fuji, but right now they have a 10% discount promo. I'm not sure if they're running the same promo in Fuji next door.

Another plus is that they give you a free discount card and you get a stamp for every 300 baht you spend. When you have accumulated 10 stamps you get 300 baht discount on your meal. I feel this is a huge improvement on the complicated (stupid) discount card that you must purchase from Fuji.

It's nice to see Fuji getting some healthy competition.

PS. Has anyone tried the new Japanese curry restaurant? I can't think of the name right now....It's opposite Fuji and looks really interesting, with a formula ordering system for size and heat of curries. I'm thinking of giving it ago soon but would love to hear a report if anyone has tried it.

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PS. Has anyone tried the new Japanese curry restaurant? I can't think of the name right now....It's opposite Fuji and looks really interesting, with a formula ordering system for size and heat of curries. I'm thinking of giving it ago soon but would love to hear a report if anyone has tried it.

I'll be trying out that place last.

The problem with Japanese curries is that they are totally unlike traditional Indian fatty curries. They taste O.K. but lack something, bigtime.

I was surprised that they employ a Japanese man to stand outside explaining the curries to passers by. How on earth did he get a work permit to do that?

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PS. Has anyone tried the new Japanese curry restaurant? I can't think of the name right now....It's opposite Fuji and looks really interesting, with a formula ordering system for size and heat of curries. I'm thinking of giving it ago soon but would love to hear a report if anyone has tried it.

I'll be trying out that place last.

The problem with Japanese curries is that they are totally unlike traditional Indian fatty curries. They taste O.K. but lack something, bigtime.

I was surprised that they employ a Japanese man to stand outside explaining the curries to passers by. How on earth did he get a work permit to do that?

by currying favors?

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PS. Has anyone tried the new Japanese curry restaurant? I can't think of the name right now....It's opposite Fuji and looks really interesting, with a formula ordering system for size and heat of curries. I'm thinking of giving it ago soon but would love to hear a report if anyone has tried it.

I'll be trying out that place last.

The problem with Japanese curries is that they are totally unlike traditional Indian fatty curries. They taste O.K. but lack something, bigtime.

What a ridiculous reply. Japanese curries are "unlike traditional Indian fatty curries". Could that be because Japan and India are different countries perhaps?

Obviously different people like different curries and I for one really enjoy Japanese curries (more than Indian curries).

The superior hygiene in Japanese kitchens compared to Indian kitchens is another big plus for me.

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Well, we hit the Big Central to-day , the food & grocery prices seem comparable , noticed lots of vacant soon to be shops??

Noticed over 80% of the shops had no customers at about 1 pm except Booths.

The No.1 card did me absolutely no good whatsoever when I tried to purchase a Nikon 49,000bht camera. Nor Mens Cologne , nor other bits & pieces .

Checked out the retail on the Internet back in Oz on the camera & it was 15,000bht less in Perth.

I guess the big deal is that it is a Big Mall on a Beachfront????

Anyway , had a nice snack there , bought some great fresh furit & Bread etc..gee , just like most other countries...........oh well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I know it is "just" a shopping mall but I truly believe yesterday was the biggest day in the history of modern Pattaya. It has crossed a bridge and there is no turning back. Not everyone is going to like what this really means in the long run.

Not necessarily, due to the recession. Although they could not have known when they started building it, they have opened at just the wrong time, and only those with deep pockets will survive.

In that event, a huge mall with lots of empty shops will only serve to emphasise that Pattaya is not the place to be building Bangkok style shopping centers. Jomptien would have been a much more suitable location, but there's no underestimating the stupidity ( and greed ) of developers.

The other thing in favour of those of us who love Pattaya as it is, is the traffic. If jams continue to be as bad as appears at present, it won't be long before those travelling from outside Pattaya will go to the other big places being opened elsewhere, like Sri Racha.

It is hard to understand the thinking behind opening a huge mall in it's present location, with all the traffic problems. It would only make sense if something like the rumoured elevated tram was actually going to be built, and there is no sign of that happening at present.

I'm presuming that the intention was to get customers from out of town, as ( IMO ) most Pattaya residents will do their main shopping in their usual places, especially if the prices in the new mall reflect what have to be high rents. Once the "thrill of the new" wears off, can't see locals fighting the traffic to pay higher prices for goods available cheaper elsewhere.

If for some strange reason, it does survive on local trade, it's going to be a disaster for the local small shopkeepers, who are already struggling to survive. Both of my trips in the last year have seen most shops bereft of customers.

I've got my fingers crossed for it to be a huge and expensive disaster. Long live "our" Pattaya!

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I guess the big deal is that it is a Big Mall on a Beachfront????

With plenty of choices of restaurants AND cool airconditioning, unlike all the other shopping malls in Pattaya.

Wow, just like in the Royal Garden Mall!!!!!!

All sarcasm aside, it is nothing like Royal Garden Plaza. For starters, you can easily work up a sweat in there (Royal Garden) and the choice of restaurants is WAY LESS. You should visit there yourself before you make ridiculous comparisons.

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Jomptien would have been a much more suitable location, but there's no underestimating the stupidity ( and greed ) of developers.

Perhaps you live in Jomtien and desire a shopping mall there, but to say that the new mall should have been built in Jomtien is ridiculous.

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That was a spot of bad news today on the tele; that one of the shops on the 3rd floor was actually selling copied clothes and not originals. They showed video of the Police investigating and speaking to presumably the owner of the shop.

Ed Hardy shop ?

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So it has a Fuji restaurant there then? that makes 3 in Pattaya doesn't it?

I couldn't find the new one on Central's or Fuji's website.

No, that's makes 4. There's one at Big C Sukhumvit, Big C - 2nd Road, Carrefour and now one at this new mall.

It's on the 5th floor, but they have a very good competitor right next door - Sukishi - which IMO serves better food.

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