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UK seeks trade deal with New Zealand as it prepares for post-Brexit


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58 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Ah the first step to getting the empire back.

Soon countries like New Zealand, Australia, Canada and India will be queuing the length of Downing street to rejoin us. Finally a positive result from Brexit. 


An Indian academic as recently claimed that the British Empire milked over 9 trillion GBP out of India whilst it's rules. So don't expect many favors there.


They'll certainly want to discuss easier visa and immigration!!

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1 hour ago, sandyf said:

The farmers may well survive the bus but there is little hope of the sheep and lamb escaping the bullet.

Maybe they'll make it a red bus and promise the Welsh farmers 350m quid per week. They fell for it last time, pretty good odds they'll fall for it again.

Edited by samran
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10 hours ago, damascase said:

Yeah, right.......... but what will you buy from the UK?

One of the biggest exports from NZ is it's people, and plenty of UKers would be happy to escape to NZ in return, freedom of movement of skilled labour between the major countries of the Anglosphere Commonwealth (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and United Kingdom) seems quite viable.

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11 minutes ago, CaptainNemo said:

One of the biggest exports from NZ is it's people, and plenty of UKers would be happy to escape to NZ in return, freedom of movement of skilled labour between the major countries of the Anglosphere Commonwealth (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and United Kingdom) seems quite viable.

I think you make a good point, but isn't that one of your problems with the middle class and europe?

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54 minutes ago, CaptainNemo said:

Well, one difference is that for Leavers, the EU is foreign; and "ANZAC" is part of the family.

It's no secret that for many Brexiteers, it's not just about getting away from the EU, but also about running (back) towards the Anglosphere-Commonwealth (selectively); and we know that doesn't mean restoring the Empire, or freedom of movement with India and Nigeria, but might include some small island nations.


Aussies and Kiwis come to the UK to work and study, and vice versa, and it always felt wrong that it should be made more difficult for them than Europeans. There is a cultural bond between the UK and certain specific nations, and it needs reinvigorating. The impact of ANZAC citizens coming to the UK is not going to be the same as the EU. The populations are smaller, the people are still culturally close, and the political systems are still very aligned. There's some people trying to get the idea to get traction:




This severely misunderstands the Australian, NZ and Canadian skills based immigration systems which are largely based on non-discriminatory/non preferential entry schemes.


There is a major downside with 'white country' free movement. As you say young and skilled people would want to leave these countries would want to go try their luck in the big smoke of London, and in return we'd be over run with chavs, lowly skilled recruitment consultants from essex (arent they all?), moaning brexiter types and other assorted dregs.  


A lose-lose for the former colonies.


At best, you'll probably get a NAFTA type working visa which exists for skilled workers, or a E3 type visa which allows Australians to work in the US upon getting a job offer. But free movement? Aust/NZ/Canada wouldn't want it.

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22 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

We have Welsh and English Lamb. The best in the world. We export it to France and import theirs which is very good. In the UK new Zealand mutton goes to the Halal muslim market.

Curious, what will be left of the British export to the EU from 1 Nov onwards seen import duty according to WTO rules. see  https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/dds2/taric/taric_consultation.jsp?Lang=en

Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled :   (TN701)
0201 10
-   Carcases and half-carcases :    12.80 % over the CFR value + 1.768 EUR / kg
0203: swine        2,68 Euro per kg




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6 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

to see the UK leave or you are not from the UK, and want to keep getting the UK contributions.

No, we in the EU are no longer interested in your contribution.

The import duty on the products you hope to export to the EU: THAT is of interest. ( if… the present import from the UK to EU stays about 75% of now ). 

You already succeeded to reduce the GBP from € 1,40 to now a € 1,127 ( with hardly any increase in exports to the EU ) , so .. the second step, to bring it to € 0,80 should make British products - inclusive import duty - competative again.

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6 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

That's a typical remainer comment that can't abide seeing a country go outside of the EU. Obviously either you don't have the courage to see the UK leave or you are not from the UK, and want to keep getting the UK contributions.


Lots of countries outside of the EU doing great. the UK will be one of them.


Wake up don't you realise that you are getting shafted by the German dominated EU.


QUOTE: Wake up don't you realise that you are getting shafted by the German dominated EU.


Wake up! The war is over!

Ah, those islanders.

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See if I was a Leaver? I’d be interested in trade deals that supported our industries. I’d look at preserving our strong markets and then at building new ones.  I’m not sure how much time I would devote to pissing off my neighbours. I suppose it would depend on how much of my trade went their way, and how much of my economy relied on their industry.  Luckily, we have lots of other neighbours to trade with, right?

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On 9/17/2019 at 3:55 AM, welovesundaysatspace said:

The whole sentence that said that a trade deal with one of its smallest trading partners is a priority now?

No , the rest of the sentence stated that It would be the fist signed deal and it was a priority to get that first deal signed

Edited by sanemax
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On 9/16/2019 at 9:56 PM, sammieuk1 said:

How much can they buy the Luxembourg PM for as no show Boris disappeared only to reappear as the incredible bubbling buffoon in private because he couldn't handle some expat Brexit protesters.  hold them trade talks we ain't going nowhere soon????


 Correct ,  Boris is a loose cannon , out of his depth , a full blown chancer...

  New Zealand ,  the land of sheep.  Boris is most welcome.

 PS ,   take a friend , the sheep will listen to nice tie farage,  he loves a dumb audience ... 



Edited by elliss
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1 hour ago, puipuitom said:

Curious, what will be left of the British export to the EU from 1 Nov onwards seen import duty according to WTO rules. see  https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/dds2/taric/taric_consultation.jsp?Lang=en

  Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled :   (TN701)
0201 10
-   Carcases and half-carcases :    12.80 % over the CFR value + 1.768 EUR / kg
0203: swine        2,68 Euro per kg





yeah, being able to export your products to existing markets under the same terms kinda slipped the brexiters minds. Hard to blame them when you are blinded by the prospect of blue passports and bendy bananas.

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16 minutes ago, sanemax said:

No , the rest of the sentence stated that It would be the fist signed deal and it was a priority to get that first deal signed

Keep in mind that the negotiations haven’t even started. Making it a priority to get a deal signed is a bad starting point for negotiations, you put yourself in a vulnerable position. 

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18 minutes ago, sanemax said:

No , the rest of the sentence stated that It would be the fist signed deal and it was a priority to get that first deal signed

All well and good, apart from the fact that it doesn't say that.  



WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Britain’s Trade Minister Liz Truss said on Monday that striking a trade deal with New Zealand, one of its smallest trading partners, would be a priority, as her government desperately looks to line up post-Brexit agreements.

Admittedly it does imply that they are desperate to sign a deal, any deal.

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On 9/17/2019 at 4:23 AM, Slip said:

All well and good, apart from the fact that it doesn't say that.  


Admittedly it does imply that they are desperate to sign a deal, any deal.

“Striking a free trade deal with New Zealand is a very important priority for the UK, It’s one of the first trade deals we expect to strike.”

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17 minutes ago, damascase said:

Keep in mind that the negotiations haven’t even started. Making it a priority to get a deal signed is a bad starting point for negotiations, you put yourself in a vulnerable position. 

To be fair, informal talks have been going on for about 2 years. But Australia recognised the UK imperative of having ‘a deal’ pretty soon after brexit, so Australia and NZ will be willing to exploit this to have a pretty lopsided trade deal in their favour. 

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11 minutes ago, sanemax said:

“Striking a free trade deal with New Zealand is a very important priority for the UK, It’s one of the first trade deals we expect to strike.”

You (on one side), and Welovesundaysatspace and I (on the other) are looking at different sentences it seems.  He did identify the one he was looking at by referencing the 'smallest trading partner' quote, but fair play.  He did read the rest of the sentence that he was referring to.  You just referred a different one.  Easy mistake to make.

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On 9/17/2019 at 4:43 AM, Slip said:

You (on one side), and Welovesundaysatspace and I (on the other) are looking at different sentences it seems.  He did identify the one he was looking at by referencing the 'smallest trading partner' quote, but fair play.  He did read the rest of the sentence that he was referring to.  You just referred a different one.  Easy mistake to make.

OK , maybe you guys should read all the sentances in the article , rather than just a few half sentences here and there

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Let's face it, trade with Antipodeans is the obvious choice for Britain.

Shipping costs are trivial, with the magic of the internet we can talk to our partners whenever they are asleep, of course we can replace our European trade with ex-colonies.  

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55 minutes ago, sanemax said:

OK , maybe you guys should read all the sentances in the article , rather than just a few half sentences here and there

Yes, it's definitely our fault that he quoted a sentence, you told him he didn't read it all, quoted a different sentence, and then when I pointed out your mistake doubled down on it rather than admitting the error.  It's always fun to chat with you Sanemax old chap.  I hope you're still enjoying your new life in blighty. ????

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12 hours ago, Slip said:

Yes, it's definitely our fault that he quoted a sentence, you told him he didn't read it all, quoted a different sentence, and then when I pointed out your mistake doubled down on it rather than admitting the error.  It's always fun to chat with you Sanemax old chap.  I hope you're still enjoying your new life in blighty. ????

 NO , Sundayspace took half a sentance from the article , deleted a few words , added a few words of his own and then quoted something that wasnt from the article .

  The half sentence the he quoted contained another half ,but as he deleted some words and added others , you thought that he was quoting another sentence .

  The sentance that he quoted doesn't exist

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8 hours ago, sanemax said:

 NO , Sundayspace took half a sentance from the article , deleted a few words , added a few words of his own and then quoted something that wasnt from the article .

  The half sentence the he quoted contained another half ,but as he deleted some words and added others , you thought that he was quoting another sentence .

  The sentance that he quoted doesn't exist

This is why I quite enjoy reading your comments Sanemax, you’re just so dogged, even when completely wrong.

Here is his quote: 


a trade deal with (...) one of its smallest trading partners, would be a priority

Here is the original that he quoted:


WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Britain’s Trade Minister Liz Truss said on Monday that striking a trade deal with New Zealand, one of its smallest trading partners, would be a priority, as her government desperately looks to line up post-Brexit agreements.


I’ve bolded it to help you out.  He didn’t add anything at all.  Yes, he cut words out, which is perfectly acceptable for brevity, but each and every word in his quote is in the original as above.

Here is the sentence you referred:


“Striking a free trade deal with New Zealand is a very important priority for the UK, It’s one of the first trade deals we expect to strike.”


Notice that the words are different in your quote? That is because it wasn’t the sentence he was referring, so your contention that he didn’t understand the rest of ‘the sentence’ is flat out wrong. No doubt you will be back shortly to argue that black is white.  There is no shame in admitting you made a mistake every now and then you know.  

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