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Child Kidnapping In Pai

Shah Jahan

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Well while the the local powers have been investigating 'other problems' there have been unconfirmed reports of a gang of kidnappers driving area the Pai area in white minivan. They have apparently snatched a 17 year old girl as she rode on her motorbike to the market with her mother. They have also apparently kidnapped 5 people from the ages of 5-17 in the surrounding villages. One child was found with its legs, hands and eyes deformed, apparently they were prepping him for a career in begging

In Soopong local Lisu people killed two men from Mynamar who attempted to kidnap one of their children. Apparently there is a bounty on young people in the north and the kidnappers are out in force.

I am not sure what the local police are doing about this...

it is a cloudy situation and perhaps outside assistance is needed.

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Please provide confirmed reports.

This rumor is rampant right now.

Next we'll hear.....I heard it from a policeman.

Then the organ harvesting stories start.

This wives tale started in South America decades ago....but no proof has been seen.

Keep an eye on your kids.

But don't believe the "white van" story.

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This topic is already being covered extensively in another thread. The rumors are all over the North and Northeast, not just Pai.

Please see this thread here and if you have further reports post it there instead of starting new threads for each rumor.


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