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Rheumatic Arthritis treament with Enbrel (Etanercept) in Thailand

Mark van der Voort

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I am planning to move from the Netherlands to Thailand, in order to take up a new and exciting job.

I want to move together with my girlfriend, and here it begins to get trickier.


She suffers from rheumatic arthritis and uses Enbrel (Etanercept). We've done some research and it is available from the larger private clinics in Bangkok but the costs are prohibiting. We are looking at 27,281 thb/week. This is obviously too much for us, even after generous help from Aetna insurance.


It may be possible to obtain the medicine from other sources. It is way cheaper in the Netherlands, but also in India. So far we've only found out that it is no problem to bring an amount for personal use for 30 days. Obviously traveling every 30 days is unmanageable in the long run, so we would like to bring an amount that would last longer.

We cannot find out whether this is possible, allowed or legal.

Is there maybe anyone who can help us, by sharing experiences and/or pointers.


So far, we have had contact with a Thai insurance company, the embassy, the consular and the Thai FDA.


Hoping so much for a solution,




Mark van der Voort.

PS. My girlfriend has already unsuccessfully tried numerous other medications, so I am afraid that direction is not successful.

PS. I am aware of a similar but distinct (recent) topic requsting information for psoriasis treatment.

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@Sheryl is away until tomorrow. I have tagged your post so that she will see it and reply upon her return.


On a separate but related note, have you considered how your girlfriend will achieve permission to stay in Thailand on a long term basis?


If you have any questions regarding this please feel free to ask in the Thai Visa, Residency and Work Permit forum. 

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While the policy is a 30 day supply in practice they do not count out the number iof doses as long as, at a glance, it looks consistent with personal use. However be sure to have a prescription to show, especially since these are injections.


So while not technically legal, it should be possible to travel say every 3 months to get resupply in India.


You might also find an Indian supplier willing to mail to you in Thailand, this is nto technically legal to do without an import license from the FDA, but in practice if the quantities are small and sent by regular post customs will usually let it in. Make sure to keep the amount small.



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Where in Thailand are you moving to?


Etanercept should be available in large public hospital. All university hospital and most regional hospital, to be specific.


If there are University Hospital nearby that is almost always a good choice.

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2 hours ago, PPMMUU said:

Where in Thailand are you moving to?


Etanercept should be available in large public hospital. All university hospital and most regional hospital, to be specific.


If there are University Hospital nearby that is almost always a good choice.

We're planning to move to Bangkok. The price I mentioned is from a quote from the Bumrungrad hospital.

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Govt hospital like Chulalongkorn will certainly have it, but while less than at Bumrungrad it will still be expensive since it is imported. There is no local brand.


Getting a generic equivalent in India is probably your best bet, even with the airfare.

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