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A cat adoption in or around Bangkok

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A morning, 22-2-2019, I saw an abandoned cat on the end of our dead-end road being not very afraid and meowing when I talked to her. I went home to provide her with food. When I came back the food was partly finished and she had withdrawn more in the abandoned banana "plantage" which was a big mess, but she prolonged to answer me. I was able to take her and I saw that her back leg was injured. I carried her home and she grunted. I gave her water which she all drunk.
The vet named her "Lucky Beauty".
And, of course, in the night of the tenth of April she gave birth to 3, luckily not more, kitties!


Her children are now almost 8 months old. One has been taken by the assistant of the vet and we have two more. They are male.


We are looking for somebody in Bangkok or surrounding who is willing to adapt one or more. The two children will be castrated and will have some injections.


The mother in February and the two kittens almost to-day: 


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Edited by blackcab
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