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This is the third time that this Horn Bill has showed up here ... a "Great Hornbill" I think, quite common in this end of Thailand i think, in the more forested parts of the country. ... probably here to roost in our Trees, down on the banks of the Lopbury River, near Bangpaharn in the Ayuttahya Province. ...   It is very quiet here, and well there is still bush along both banks of the river here, and in many places nearby. ... The River used to be the Thai's transport, Drinking water, and washing and socializing area, ...  but well with Roads, Motorbikes and Piped water, ....  The bang of Bathroom doors closing and the click of the locks ....  It has been returned to nature quite a bit, as well, being Low Land it Floods just about every year also .....


But they are Timid Creatures Horn Bills, and fly off with this Great swooshing sound if too many people turn up to look at them. ...  I have only seen this one here ... 3 times in the last month .... But I never saw any others here in the 30 years before that ! (Give or take a few Years) .... Like they are Pretty big and Heavy birds ! Like bigger then ducks and solid ! ...  and they are very Primal and spectacular when they Woosh off flying also !!! .... 


Possibly it is escaping the Rains in the east ? Or over around Kao Yai ? ... Like I would not think that there are any more than usual around ... Like the Big Tall things, that used to stand out in the rice fields, ... they do not fly overhead here anymore, ... heading back to roost in the evenings, and there are no more swarms of Flying ants, at the start of the Frog Season ! The Frogs food ! ...  and the Frogs have all just about disappeared also, after the 3 Moths floods of 2m + deep, and ALL AROUND for hundreds of Kilometers ! In 2011 I think it was.

Like all of the Earth worms were drowned then also along with every ones Fruit trees !!! ... 


But now we have a Visiting Horn Bill !!! …. Great !

Hornbill - WhatsApp Image 2019-10-30 at 16.59.29.jpeg

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I've been trying to spot a Hornbill in Thailand over the past few years, staying in jungle areas etc. I'd started to think they didn't exist. Thanks for restoring my faith! 

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2 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

I've been trying to spot a Hornbill in Thailand over the past few years, staying in jungle areas etc. I'd started to think they didn't exist. Thanks for restoring my faith! 

No Worries, a Good friend of mine back home in Adelaide Australia is a Bird watcher so I do get a bit of Indoctrination in it some times, ... like to appreciate the better things in Life. .... I will let you know if this Fellow starts hanging around here long term ! ? ... And you never know we DO have some pretty good nature still left here, like the Island in the river is still pretty thick with Bush, .... and well we have a LOT of Birds here, quite possibly species that used to live in Bangkok, but have been exterminated or concreted over down there now. 


In this Google Maps Satellite shot you can see the Big Lard Green area ... Just over the river from us, .... like about the last bit of natural Bush left in the area quite Probably, the whole area being really over Populated in the higher ground, along the river Banks. ... Still, though they are not native right here, ... I think that you would find plenty of Hornbills in Kao Kai national park, ... to out east, ... and also in the Forest areas West of the Sirrikit resovour North of Knatchanabury, .... and out to the Burmese Border to the West I think. ? ... And all the way along the Burmese Border both south and North I would bet. ....


....  Sorry it looks like Google Maps does not like TV. By the looks of it So no link here ... possibly not a bad thing as I DO like our quiet Nature around here, ... about as Unspoiled as you can get any where in this part of the country. ...


Just follow the Lopbury river South, 3.13 K from the Bangpaharn Market, on Google satellite View, like I DO want to get some bird watchers out here, ! As we MIGHT very well have some species Native to BKK which are extinct there now ! ... But still kicking on here, ...  and well though things are nicely UN developed here just now, ... They very well COULD deserve some looking after, some time in the future.


  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Mark mark said:

No Worries, a Good friend of mine back home in Adelaide Australia is a Bird watcher so I do get a bit of Indoctrination in it some times, ... like to appreciate the better things in Life. .... I will let you know if this Fellow starts hanging around here long term ! ? ... And you never know we DO have some pretty good nature still left here, like the Island in the river is still pretty thick with Bush, .... and well we have a LOT of Birds here, quite possibly species that used to live in Bangkok, but have been exterminated or concreted over down there now. 


In this Google Maps Satellite shot you can see the Big Lard Green area ... Just over the river from us, .... like about the last bit of natural Bush left in the area quite Probably, the whole area being really over Populated in the higher ground, along the river Banks. ... Still, though they are not native right here, ... I think that you would find plenty of Hornbills in Kao Kai national park, ... to out east, ... and also in the Forest areas West of the Sirrikit resovour North of Knatchanabury, .... and out to the Burmese Border to the West I think. ? ... And all the way along the Burmese Border both south and North I would bet. ....


....  Sorry it looks like Google Maps does not like TV. By the looks of it So no link here ... possibly not a bad thing as I DO like our quiet Nature around here, ... about as Unspoiled as you can get any where in this part of the country. ...


Just follow the Lopbury river South, 3.13 K from the Bangpaharn Market, on Google satellite View, like I DO want to get some bird watchers out here, ! As we MIGHT very well have some species Native to BKK which are extinct there now ! ... But still kicking on here, ...  and well though things are nicely UN developed here just now, ... They very well COULD deserve some looking after, some time in the future.


Thanks, I'll make a note of all those places. I was thinking about heading up to Khao Yai national park in late November.  I think that's about 3 hours from Bkk by road. Is that what you meant when you said Kao Kai? I hadn't thought about Kanchanaburi area, but maybe I'll give that a go. 

Trying to find places that will only take 2-3 days out of my trip! (I don't live in LOS...yet) 



3 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Thanks, I'll make a note of all those places. I was thinking about heading up to Khao Yai national park in late November.  I think that's about 3 hours from Bkk by road. Is that what you meant when you said Kao Kai? I hadn't thought about Kanchanaburi area, but maybe I'll give that a go. 

Trying to find places that will only take 2-3 days out of my trip! (I don't live in LOS...yet) 



Yes Khao Yai ? I am actually not sure of the exact spelling ? ... But well, as Thai script is from Pali any way ? (I think) so there Realy is no direct Translation any way (I think ?) ..like it all is just sound ! ....


I have never Really been to Khao Yai but well, it IS pretty big ! Maybe google it, ..Plenty of Bird watching stuff on the Internet I am sure ...


Still I think that to start off in Kachanabury, and basically head North ? How every you can ? and to Mae Sod, (Stay at the DK Book shop Hotel, for interest - Burmese Activists used to use the place as a Base) .... and you probably would have more chance of seeing one ? if you Googled it ? I guess. to find the exact spot.


And went to the right spot ? ... and well you could follow the border right up to Past Mae Hong song also which would be a very Interesting trip ! ...


Mae Saraling a good and easy place to stay some where about half way ? .... ? ... and then Out to near the confluence of the Moi and the ? Mae Sam Lep, ? ??? on the Salawin, and the Burmese Border, .... Still wild rivers ! ... and I see the Mae Salawing Nat Park on the map ! Which would be Interesting also. Like quite high up around there ! .... In the Mist on a lot of days ! ...


Like Bahn Mae Sam I see on the map where Highway 1194 a "Road" that will challenge you ! as it goes up and over some pretty big mountains, .... Meets the Salwin, and the Burmese Border ... Hire a long tailed Boat, I got one for 500b ... (No 700, I remember now) the best boat rode I have ever had, ...  other then the Loonie Batembang to Sieam Reap Run ... through the ex KR Jungle, ...  and then across the Mud of the lake !) .... but they picked up Fish from the local fishermen on the way, ...  which must have offset the price, .... But plenty of Good Photos and those fishermen live int he Refugge camps on the Thai side which are off limit to tourists also I think ? (No Pissing off the Burmese, the NGO's or the Thai military or government right ?) .... and go down to the Confluence of the Moi and the much bigger Salwin Rivers !!!


Like so slippery, as it still rains there all the time, ...  as it still is primal Jungle !!! (That you probably will slip over and hurt you self, ... but do not worry, just chew a bit ore of the local beetle Nut I guess ... Like the locals do, ... But DO NOT SWALLOW IT ! Spit it out !!!) .....


You can stay at Bhan Mae Sam, but it is pretty remote ! But .,, if you are good at that sort of stuff, I guess ...  but the major temple town near the intersection of highways 1194 and 105, at Mae Sariang, is well, just a way out, ... but comfortable town, and well Burmese +++ and really pretty Fabulous, just the best Temples that I have ever seen ... and Quiet and Good ! ... No other tourists there when I was there !!! .... and an easy half day from Changmai or Mae Hong song ! ... ...


And I am Not to sure about Horn Bills, ... but if you asked in Mae Sariang I would say some one might know where some might be. ... and well it would be down highway 1194 I would guess ? or well, ....  North South East or West !!! All pretty full on Jungle and Mist and high Mountain places !!! . ...


Kan = 1 day, Mae Sod 2, ...  and you could get to Mae Sariang in 3, ....  and another day to go out to the Saliwin and the Burmese Border .... Try it ? ... Better with your own transport though ... and 2 wheel drives can get out to the Burmese Border .. When I was there ! ... But Only Just !!! I would not try it unless you are experienced with Off Road my self ! ... Still one of the Great adventures left in Thailand I think ? ...

  • Thanks 1
59 minutes ago, Mark mark said:

Yes Khao Yai ? I am actually not sure of the exact spelling ? ... But well, as Thai script is from Pali any way ? (I think) so there Realy is no direct Translation any way (I think ?) ..like it all is just sound ! ....


I have never Really been to Khao Yai but well, it IS pretty big ! Maybe google it, ..Plenty of Bird watching stuff on the Internet I am sure ...


Still I think that to start off in Kachanabury, and basically head North ? How every you can ? and to Mae Sod, (Stay at the DK Book shop Hotel, for interest - Burmese Activists used to use the place as a Base) .... and you probably would have more chance of seeing one ? if you Googled it ? I guess. to find the exact spot.


And went to the right spot ? ... and well you could follow the border right up to Past Mae Hong song also which would be a very Interesting trip ! ...


Mae Saraling a good and easy place to stay some where about half way ? .... ? ... and then Out to near the confluence of the Moi and the ? Mae Sam Lep, ? ??? on the Salawin, and the Burmese Border, .... Still wild rivers ! ... and I see the Mae Salawing Nat Park on the map ! Which would be Interesting also. Like quite high up around there ! .... In the Mist on a lot of days ! ...


Like Bahn Mae Sam I see on the map where Highway 1194 a "Road" that will challenge you ! as it goes up and over some pretty big mountains, .... Meets the Salwin, and the Burmese Border ... Hire a long tailed Boat, I got one for 500b ... (No 700, I remember now) the best boat rode I have ever had, ...  other then the Loonie Batembang to Sieam Reap Run ... through the ex KR Jungle, ...  and then across the Mud of the lake !) .... but they picked up Fish from the local fishermen on the way, ...  which must have offset the price, .... But plenty of Good Photos and those fishermen live int he Refugge camps on the Thai side which are off limit to tourists also I think ? (No Pissing off the Burmese, the NGO's or the Thai military or government right ?) .... and go down to the Confluence of the Moi and the much bigger Salwin Rivers !!!


Like so slippery, as it still rains there all the time, ...  as it still is primal Jungle !!! (That you probably will slip over and hurt you self, ... but do not worry, just chew a bit ore of the local beetle Nut I guess ... Like the locals do, ... But DO NOT SWALLOW IT ! Spit it out !!!) .....


You can stay at Bhan Mae Sam, but it is pretty remote ! But .,, if you are good at that sort of stuff, I guess ...  but the major temple town near the intersection of highways 1194 and 105, at Mae Sariang, is well, just a way out, ... but comfortable town, and well Burmese +++ and really pretty Fabulous, just the best Temples that I have ever seen ... and Quiet and Good ! ... No other tourists there when I was there !!! .... and an easy half day from Changmai or Mae Hong song ! ... ...


And I am Not to sure about Horn Bills, ... but if you asked in Mae Sariang I would say some one might know where some might be. ... and well it would be down highway 1194 I would guess ? or well, ....  North South East or West !!! All pretty full on Jungle and Mist and high Mountain places !!! . ...


Kan = 1 day, Mae Sod 2, ...  and you could get to Mae Sariang in 3, ....  and another day to go out to the Saliwin and the Burmese Border .... Try it ? ... Better with your own transport though ... and 2 wheel drives can get out to the Burmese Border .. When I was there ! ... But Only Just !!! I would not try it unless you are experienced with Off Road my self ! ... Still one of the Great adventures left in Thailand I think ? ...

Great info, thanks so much! 


Kaeng Krachan National Park, the largest in Thailand, has a number of Hornbill species living in it, along with a wide range of other birds and mammals.




I've seen quite a few there, including one semi tame one that used to fly in and eat the food off your table at the restaurant near the main entrance.  (I took these photos over 20 years ago though, and haven't seen it recently).











  • Thanks 2
4 hours ago, ballpoint said:

Kaeng Krachan National Park, the largest in Thailand, has a number of Hornbill species living in it, along with a wide range of other birds and mammals.




I've seen quite a few there, including one semi tame one that used to fly in and eat the food off your table at the restaurant near the main entrance.  (I took these photos over 20 years ago though, and haven't seen it recently).











Thanks ! BallPont, Nice ! ... I have a friend in Hua Hin, and we have driven out there a few times, ... but we never stayed ! .... We should go back.


Are these photos near the park HQ ? Where they will rent you a tent, and you can go further around the back of the resivour ? and Camp some where ?


We also drove up a pretty hard road to the top of the mountain, more to the north I think ? to a place that's Name means something like the "sea above" for when the Fog and Mist fills the valley below ! ? ... ...  Camping also and also walking tours ! ... But we did not stay there either ... we had no tent or sleeping gear, and it probably would have been clod at night, .... and well I do not know if I would make the walk now, and we had no shoes for it any way.


Thanks Greatly for these Photos and Info BallPoint ! a lot LOT better re actually seeing a horn bill, than Mine .... so, Mr. "CG1 Blue" is it ? ... He will like you Info a lot and should act on it, this is a very good national park that you talk about. And it has Elephants there also ... becoming a bit of a Nuance on the roads I do believe also. ? Yes More chance Probably, ... of seeing a Horn bill thee I think, that the still interesting but well a bit harder to get to places that I talked about.


Thanks Mark mark.



  • Like 1
32 minutes ago, Thian said:

The only hornbills i've seen were in nong nooch pattaya, in very small cages...

Sad about the Beautiful Birds, in Small Cages ! ...

  • Like 1

Oh, BallPoint, if you live down that way, ... Hua Hin Way, ... and are a Hasher ! Say Hello to "Mud Man" from me. .... He does not do TV> so he does not see ths sort of stuff, ... but he is the hare for a LOT of the Hash Runs / walks ! ... He would

5 hours ago, ballpoint said:

Kaeng Krachan National Park, the largest in Thailand, has a number of Hornbill species living in it, along with a wide range of other birds and mammals.




I've seen quite a few there, including one semi tame one that used to fly in and eat the food off your table at the restaurant near the main entrance.  (I took these photos over 20 years ago though, and haven't seen it recently).











Oh, BallPoint, if you live down that way, ... Hua Hin Way, ... and are a Hasher ! ... Say Hello to "Mud Man" from me. .... He does not do TV, so he does not see this sort of stuff, ... (He does Not like the Internet - He Likes gardening, ... and is English Right ! ? ...) but he is the hare for a LOT of the Hash Runs / walks ! ... He would have been out to this national park, ... a LOT ! 

5 hours ago, Mark mark said:

Thanks ! BallPont, Nice ! ... I have a friend in Hua Hin, and we have driven out there a few times, ... but we never stayed ! .... We should go back.


Are these photos near the park HQ ? Where they will rent you a tent, and you can go further around the back of the resivour ? and Camp some where ?


We also drove up a pretty hard road to the top of the mountain, more to the north I think ? to a place that's Name means something like the "sea above" for when the Fog and Mist fills the valley below ! ? ... ...  Camping also and also walking tours ! ... But we did not stay there either ... we had no tent or sleeping gear, and it probably would have been clod at night, .... and well I do not know if I would make the walk now, and we had no shoes for it any way.


Thanks Greatly for these Photos and Info BallPoint ! a lot LOT better re actually seeing a horn bill, than Mine .... so, Mr. "CG1 Blue" is it ? ... He will like you Info a lot and should act on it, this is a very good national park that you talk about. And it has Elephants there also ... becoming a bit of a Nuance on the roads I do believe also. ? Yes More chance Probably, ... of seeing a Horn bill thee I think, that the still interesting but well a bit harder to get to places that I talked about.


Thanks Mark mark.



Yes, those photos were taken at the park HQ, next to the reservoir.  Driving to the Bang Krang campsite is usually far enough to see more, especially if the trees are in fruit, and the road isn't too bad to that point.  I've spent a few nights in the park, but driving to the campsite in the early morning, and then walking some of the trails around it, should be enough to spot a few.


The link I attached has good info on the best places to see various birds.




I don't live around there, but used to spend a lot of time in Chaam in the 90s, and still visit friends there quite often.

  • Thanks 2
3 hours ago, ballpoint said:

Yes, those photos were taken at the park HQ, next to the reservoir.  Driving to the Bang Krang campsite is usually far enough to see more, especially if the trees are in fruit, and the road isn't too bad to that point.  I've spent a few nights in the park, but driving to the campsite in the early morning, and then walking some of the trails around it, should be enough to spot a few.


The link I attached has good info on the best places to see various birds.




I don't live around there, but used to spend a lot of time in Chaam in the 90s, and still visit friends there quite often.

Yes I know where that is, we got to the HQ, but did not have any Camping gear and the wife was in a bad Mood !!! ( As She is when Pushing it over the edge re Places she has never been ... TIT ) I remember this map and yes, quite a good setup Really, like hire a tent !!! .... Thanks very Much for the Info. -


So How about the Place in the same park I think, but up more North, up on a mountain, .... with the Mist in the valley below, ....  with the One way which changes direction every Hour I think ? Road up to it ? ??? I will just Google it I guess and put a Brief link to it below if I find it. There were a LOT of Bird Watchers about half way up when I was there and they WERE Looking at some Birds and VERY Intensely !!! ...


... With all of their Cameras up on tripods, .... with their huge Zoom lenses ! ... Like I had the fantasy of walking up, and just standing in front of them, ....  and giving a speech !!! Right ! Har Har ... Well not Really, ..But like Steam Train Enthusiast Photographers ! ... All Really in just a Totally TOTALLY different world !!! 

11 minutes ago, Mark mark said:

Yes I know where that is, we got to the HQ, but did not have any Camping gear and the wife was in a bad Mood !!! ( As She is when Pushing it over the edge re Places she has never been ... TIT ) I remember this map and yes, quite a good setup Really, like hire a tent !!! .... Thanks very Much for the Info. -


So How about the Place in the same park I think, but up more North, up on a mountain, .... with the Mist in the valley below, ....  with the One way which changes direction every Hour I think ? Road up to it ? ??? I will just Google it I guess and put a Brief link to it below if I find it. There were a LOT of Bird Watchers about half way up when I was there and they WERE Looking at some Birds and VERY Intensely !!! ...


... With all of their Cameras up on tripods, .... with their huge Zoom lenses ! ... Like I had the fantasy of walking up, and just standing in front of them, ....  and giving a speech !!! Right ! Har Har ... Well not Really, ..But like Steam Train Enthusiast Photographers ! ... All Really in just a Totally TOTALLY different world !!! 

I think it was Phanoen Thung Camp where we drove up the One way road, up the Mountain, from the Map, and it's Photos ... on google Maps, ... like it is on your map also, .... Not to the North, ... just straight on and along the road you indicate on your map.


Like the "Mist in the Valley" Place that the Thais call something like "The Mountain Sea" .... 


Yes a tough road up there, we only just made it in a 2 wheel drive Mighty X, and well we must have just driven straight up there from the HQ ! (With the Angry Wife) ... We must have seen the bird watchers at the Ban Krang Camp sight that you mention. ... and yes the road gets a LOT worse, as it is basically up a Bloody Big Mountain from there on, ...  but well, it still is very passable, for any one that knows how to drive on dirt, and up Mountains, ... like I reckon I could even get the Vios up there with out too much trouble. ...


And yes a pretty Great place Really ! ... Plenty of good, short time but GOOD, Looking accommodation next to the road in to the Park HQ also I think I remember, ...   just a few K's from the HQ, like if you went there you could stay there, if you did not want to camp ! ...


And Yes I have not been to kao Yai, but well I think that this place, ... Is probably Better ! ... Well depending on what you are looking for I guess. ???


... But well ....  I had better try the Vios out in Kao Yai I guess, before I say too much about this.

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