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Welcome to the forum, a broad church featuring a rich kaleidoscope of characters most of whom could earn a reasonable living as axe grinders!

Reading the inestimable Topfield's posts I'm put in mind of the barking mad Captain Queeg, master of the good ship Caine as played by Humphrey Bogart. You may recall the scene where he is measuring out sand into the empty can of strawberries to establish just how many portions have been purloined by his supposed recalcitrant crew to the accompaniment of much twitching and rolling of manically paranoid eyeballs. A disturbing image and one that is beginning to haunt me.


Thank you for that. The above posting proves my point. It is a perfect example of flaming.

Let us see what words have been used under the cover of describing an unnamed old film.

Refering to Topfield , the personalisation is clear and one can see the following insults and vilification:

"barking mad" " maniacally paranoid" "disturbing"

This is not the first example . Almost every single posting made has been rubbished and insulting language used by the members whose name begins with G.

Opinions can differ but ,intentionally, and to avoid such insults, most posting were only relaying accurately facts and experiences and events at the British Embassy . Even that resulted in accusations of lies , half truths being told and suggestions that the postings were fabrications from the mind of an insane person

( see above )

The above posting has absolutely nothing to do with visas and has nothing whatsoever to contribute to the forum or the subject .


Will Admin not take action now ? Scouser wrote about everyone being entitled to their opinion.

The above posting has nothing to do with opinions . It is personal, hostile, aggressive and deeply insulting.

In fact it is a textbook case of flaming.

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