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Mick the Pom is Dead


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10 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

The “infamous” Mick “The Pom” Taylor ... that nobody has ever heard of?


RIP Mick ... you’re headline news on Thai Visa!


PS ... if anyone knows why MIck was infamous pray tell.

Did you read the quotes?

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Another sad case who drank himself to death or maybe some meth?

 Cambodian beer is really low quality stuff too.


In March 2014, Taylor was arrested in the Philippines for overstaying his visa, and the Philippines authorities detained him pending extradition to Thailand on the murder charge.

That’s where things get really weird. About a month later, the Bangkok Post and Taylor’s hometown newspaper, the Hull Daily Mail, reported that Thai police were “too busy” to extradite him. I can’t find any press coverage about Taylor after April 2014. As far as I can tell, no one has ever reported on Taylor being released from detention in Philippines, or being extradited to Thailand,or being deported to the United Kingdom.

Fast forward to a few months ago. On October 21, 2015, Facebook troller “Jantra Weangta” posted a screenshot of an October 1 Facebook status update by “Mick Doggard.” The "Mick Doggard" account appears to be a legitmate Facebook account used by Mick Taylor since 2012. His October 1, 2015 status update contained two photos of a beach and said "another hard day on the beach."


“Jantra Weangta” suggested that the above beach photos in Mick Doggard’s (i.e. Taylor’s) status update are of Sihanoukville and that this is where Doggard/Taylor is residing.

Doggard/Taylor then responded on October 22, “Who ever make this site could u please keep up to date I am in Thailand now and have no problem with friends or police.”


How in the world could Taylor be living openly in Thailand, with no problems with the police, after jumping bail there for murdering a Thai woman? Have the Thais dropped the charges, due to evidence being lost during the time Taylor spent on the lam? Did the Philippines simply release Taylor after learning that Thailand wouldn’t extradite him? Why wasn’t Taylor's release reported on by all the press outlets that had covered the legal proceedings against him?

I don’t know if the beach in Doggard/Taylor’s October Facebook status update is in Sihanoukville, or if Taylor ever lived there or still lives there. I do know that last year, a totally unreliable Khmer440 poster named “Stains”
posted that “Mick the Pom” was a “solid bloke” and ex-drinking buddy who “checked out Snooky and PP to set up shop after he bailed from Thailand.”

I recently sent a Facebook message myself to the “Jantra Weangta” account asking how he/she knows that Taylor is in Cambodia, and I received a dickish reply calling me lazy and saying “he’s either in Sihanoukville or Phnom Penh.”
Last edited by gavinmac on Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Follow my lame Twitter feed: @gavin_mac


Edited by Don Chance
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7 hours ago, pontious said:

Did you read the quotes?

Only the first one. It appears that MIck is a ladykiller, but not in the conventional sense, more in the literal sense. Don’t want to speak ill of the dead, but he had a stonking alibi ... at the time of the lady’s death he was on the beach having “relations” with a ladyboy!



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