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Painless "Retirement" Extension Yesterday

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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

I think you may find it's easier because 2/3 of their customers have already left Thailand, never to return. 

Very possibly true. Did cross my mind! Still was easier for and faster for me! :vampire:

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3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Skeptic, glad to hear everything went well at BKK CW, and thanks for the shout outs re my annual BKK CW trip reports/documents lists... Glad they have been useful to you...


Couple of questions/thoughts...


1. Re your comment above, what were the additional things that Immigration in the extensions section wanted copied? I mean, things beyond what I have in my list of docs they ask for?


2. You didn't mention anything about O-A visas or health insurance. So I'm assuming that whatever your last actual visa was, prior to beginning retirement extensions, was not an O-A?


3. The experience at the re-entry permits desk is an interesting one. During my last visit there mid-year, I went and got a queue ticket, and then went to sit down, and my number was far below the number of their queue ticket display screen. Then after about 5 mins, an officer walked over to me, asked if I was waiting to file a re-entry permit app, and then invited me to come into their cubicle. Long story short, in discussion, they basically told me that in the future, I shouldn't worry about the queue ticket system there and that I should just walk up to their cubicle and hand in my paperwork when I get there. Never encountered that before. Will be interested to see if the same deal applies next year there.


Thx again TallGuy. In answer to your queries...


1. Your list covered everything. My mistake...didn't have a copy of my updated bank book, which I had updated that morning. Also seems that your stressing "portrait" orientation copies is important. Pretty sure a couple things which I had previously copied in "landscape" orientation...she had us do again in "portrait". I say "pretty sure" as she (IO) instructed my GF to get them...and she just did what she was told.


2. Correct...never had an O-A visa. There was no mention of health insurance, which I was not anticipating. However...a good friend of mine was very keen on that issue, as he fully expects Thailand to spring that requirement for all at any moment! 


3. While I was waiting for my "Re-entry" number to be called, I also remembered reading about your interesting expedited processing experience. While great for you, didn't notice anything like that while I was there. Not to say it didn't happen, but was watching closely and didn't see anyone pulled out of order or even approached by any of the staff. The seating area was full and extremely busy. Numbers were being called fast and furious in strict order and PP returned in similar order...that I could observe anyway. Last year my wait was much longer to get called and then 2 full hours to get my PP back. This year the process was much quicker and seemingly more efficient. 

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5 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:


3. While I was waiting for my "Re-entry" number to be called, I also remembered reading about your interesting expedited processing experience. While great for you, didn't notice anything like that while I was there. Not to say it didn't happen, but was watching closely and didn't see anyone pulled out of order or even approached by any of the staff. The seating area was full and extremely busy. Numbers were being called fast and furious in strict order and PP returned in similar order...that I could observe anyway. Last year my wait was much longer to get called and then 2 full hours to get my PP back. This year the process was much quicker and seemingly more efficient. 


Thanks for the answers and clarifications above....


Re the re-entry permits section, ya, I dunno what to make of that. It IS normally very busy there with lots of people waiting... It didn't seem quite so busy the day I was there, but there were still a lot of folks waiting, although, I couldn't say whether they were waiting to submit their paperwork vs. waiting for the return of their stamped passport.


Next year, I guess, I'll try the walk up and drop off paperwork approach at the re-entry permits desk, and see if that works as they promised. And just hope I don't get lynched by a crowd of angry farangs who've been waiting there in queue for an hour!  :biggrin:

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"Next year, I guess, I'll try the walk up and drop off paperwork approach at the re-entry permits desk, and see if that works as they promised. And just hope I don't get lynched by a crowd of angry farangs who've been waiting there in queue for an hour! "



Ya.  Good luck with THAT!

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

I think you may find it's easier because 2/3 of their customers have already left Thailand, never to return. 

And many more to leave Thailand in the next year after being denied for not having the required health insurance.

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3 minutes ago, Tracyb said:

Ya.  Good luck with THAT!


That's what I thought also... Couldn't believe what they were telling me. So I specifically talked with the supervisor officer there, who told me the same thing... in English!  So, dunno what more I can say about that... other than... it's always a bit dangerous to believe anything Thai Immigration tells you here....


One possible thing I can think of, in my wildest imagination, is them thinking that I've already waited and been in queue for the new extension in the retirements section, and thus didn't need to wait queue again in the re-entry permit section... But that's just pure speculation on my part. The IOs I was talking with there never mentioned that distinction.


One way or the other, I guess I'll find out for sure next year on my return visit, and will report accordingly.




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23 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

And many more to leave Thailand in the next year after being denied for not having the required health insurance.

What a silly comment- the majority of retirees are completely unaffected by the Health Insurance requirements.

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3 minutes ago, Psimbo said:

What a silly comment- the majority of retirees are completely unaffected by the Health Insurance requirements.

Majority of retirees not on an OA visa you mean. If a retiree is on a marriage visa (Non-O) or Elite visa then they are fine.

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