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Crime On Samui

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is it me or is crime getting worse on samui you just have to read the local press and makes very sad reading, rapes here murders there , robberies ect , thankfully most tourist are blissfully unaware of how violent this place is hidden just below the surface or how zenaphobic the natives are and how corrupt the police are here , give you any help if in troble pigs arse will they . its about time this place was cleaned up and most of these stories carried in papers for example in the u.k then they might do something about it :o

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Lets see, the population of the island has more than tripled in the past 20 years. With a massive influx of migrant workers, illegal workers and many well-to-do farangs building expensive homes.

What in this equation would give you the idea that there wouldn't be an increase in crime?

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is it me or is crime getting worse on samui you just have to read the local press and makes very sad reading, rapes here murders there , robberies ect , thankfully most tourist are blissfully unaware of how violent this place is hidden just below the surface or how zenaphobic the natives are and how corrupt the police are here , give you any help if in troble pigs arse will they . its about time this place was cleaned up and most of these stories carried in papers for example in the u.k then they might do something about it :o

and where did you get youre brilliant sociology theory that more people = more crime, proffesor

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more people = more crime

I believe this is called, in the trade, "bullhead logic."

I am wondering what "more" means in more crime. More than when?

It is really quite simple. If say, group X averages 2 murders per 100,000 people per year, doubling 100,000 would see an average rate of 4 murders per year, all other things being equal. The question is whether the current crime rate is proportionate to the increase in population, or disproportionate. Put another way, is the crime 'rate' higher, or are there more incidents of crime simply because there are more people around. Given the lack of hard statistics in most parts here I don't see this question being answered definitively anytime soon.

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An area, where tourists spend the double monthly income of an average thaiworker in just one day is attractive for robbery.

An area, where villas are built up for 40.000.000 Bahts is attractive for theft.

And last reason: Laptops are small, expensive and can be found in many bungalows - they were no laptops a couple of years ago!

Cheers, Claude

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Lets see, the population of the island has more than tripled in the past 20 years. With a massive influx of migrant workers, illegal workers and many well-to-do farangs building expensive homes.

What in this equation would give you the idea that there wouldn't be an increase in crime?

I wouldn't bother SBK. I don't think intelligent debate is what the OP is seeking. :o

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is it me or is crime getting worse on samui you just have to read the local press and makes very sad reading, rapes here murders there , robberies ect , thankfully most tourist are blissfully unaware of how violent this place is hidden just below the surface or how zenaphobic the natives are and how corrupt the police are here , give you any help if in troble pigs arse will they . its about time this place was cleaned up and most of these stories carried in papers for example in the u.k then they might do something about it :o

Everytime I pick up a UK paper I read many of stories concerning rising crime in the UK but it has hardly stirred the police or politicians into action there.

Unfortunatley the local media here does seem to like to focus on all the negative stories and ignores anything positive, I am not suggesting it should be brushed under the carpet just calling for a little balanced reporting.

The population on the island has probably quadrupled over the last ten years it is now far in excess of the 50,000 mentioned so I suppose crime is also likely to rise a bit.

In my own personal experience I feel far safer wondering around the streets of Chaweng on a Saturday night then I would most cities in the UK.

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Having lived on Samui for a few years now I can say that my perception of crime here has only increased since the statistics started being published. Prior to that I was only aware of what I was told in conversation. Whilst I do not disagree that an increased population is likely to lead to increased crime, I would suggest that our perception of this increase is a consequence of published figures.

I would also state that I have not personally found the Police here corrupt, lazy and inefficient without a doubt, but none have ever demanded money from me and even recently rather than issue me a ticket a traffic policemen very politely explained my error and sent me on my way.

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