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Need Advice About Thai Gf And Baby


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With regards to the comments about checking her out to see if she has signs of a baby, she's quite shy in that respect and always wants the lights off. She didn't seem to have any signs of having had a baby but then I don't have any experience in being with a woman who I know had a baby before so wasn't quite sure what to expect. Especially being she's my first Asian gf I didn't know if perhaps the signs of having a baby would be less than what I expected them to be. Could be she wants the lights off because she's shy or could be she's trying to cover up (no pun intended) something.

Sorry mate, but while most Thai ladies are quite shy, it is also standard practice for them to avoid close scrutiny in the light if they have something they want to hide. If you have any sort of relationship at all, you should be able to look at your lady's body at some point. The morning is a good time, when the light is streaming in the bedroom - figure out some of of 'accident', like throwing off the bedsheets, or accidentally pulling off her personal cover, or walk into the bathroom when she is showering, and take a looksie.

Pound to a penny you'll find a few stretch marks, and that will save you all the time and trouble of investigating the legal aspects.

BTW it's not uncommon for stretch marks to also be on the upper thighs, near the waist, but in the main they run from the nether regions to the belly button. I'm an expert. :o

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Does she have falling down milk?

I must be getting old - completely forgotten about the mammary glands :D

Again, if she was very young and did little or no breast feeding, it can be quite difficult to tell sometimes, but on the whole, even if the breasts are still looking good, there are usually some small tell-tale signs. Lack of firmness, slight drooping, slightly enlarged nipples, stretch marks on the breast etc.

Pretend you need to inspect for signs of breast cancer - tell her you're an expert. :o

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There is no absolute external indicator of a past pregnancy except perhaps a surgical scar from an episiotomy. Stretch marks can be caused by any rapid weight gain especially in conjunction with poor overall health or chronic vitamin deficiency, dehydration or genetic factors. Persistence of the linea negra is more common in dark-skinned Asians and can be due to hormonal factors not related to pregnancy. A scar similar to that from a Caesarian section can have other surgical causes.

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I am a woman here with Thai friends who are girls. They have often told me, and I have read that Thai men don't want to be with a woman who has had a child with someone else, and that even if they accept that you have a child, they will not support it.

One of my longest girl freinds was living with a Thai man when she was in her early 20s, when she got pregnant, I think the man kicked her out, but she has never directly said. She only says that at that time, she decided to leave BKK, and have the baby alone in a city far away. She didn't tell her family in the country about it. Finally her sister told her mother, her mother told her to bring the baby home and she would take care of it.

According to what she told me, her married sister with children, put the child in her name, I suppose this means the birth cert., maybe they paid someone to do this, but for sure when the child showed up in her home village, all the papers for schools and all went into the sister's name. Now the woman's daughter is about 12 years old, and at some point my friend started telling people she had a daughter. She lives with a different Thai man who is very liberal, they own a guesthouse, could take care of the kid, but my friend has gone 2 years since I have known her without even visiting. If she sends money, she never says, only that she sends gifts and has secret bank accounts in which she saves money the current boyfriend doesn't know about, which is supposed to be for her kid "some day." She has told me that this boyfriend doesn't care if she brings her kid to live with them.

So re lying, yes, you must confirm things sometimes in order to know IF you can trust a person or not, expecially if there are times that stories make no sense. I don't believe this crap about "either you trust her or you don't ... but I was married to a pathological liar who shocked me to the core with things I never suspected for many years. I probably put my head in the sand too much and have to work to not do this still, because these issues are difficult with people you want to like or love.

However, I would just consider one thing if it is her baby: This is a little different for a woman to lie about this, in Thai culture, then lets say someone who is lying so that they can weasel money out of you, or to cheat on you with other men, or who pretends to be a someone totally different than they are.

And also, upon newly meeting someone, maybe you don't want to tell them your most personal stories, problems, history when it is not flattering. But then how do you stop and tell the truth once the relationship has gotten serious.

I moved to Thailand to deal with getting divorced from the maniac I was married to. People always would ask me, almost the first question, WHY are you in Thailand, or some question in which my divorce would naturally come up. I didn't want to talk about all the uglieness with every new person I was only going to know for 5 minutes, or even I just didn't want to look like a girl with a million problems. However I didn't lie but was vague and tried to avoid it until I knew you were going to be around a little longer (and this wasn't about dating because I was off that for a good while.)

I mostly mention this because I don't want people thinking I have hidden children or some serious secret.

So, I would try to find out if it is her child, but if you find it is, consider the good reasons she had for hiding it, and see if she is just in general a big liar ... but you should know that Thai culture accepts a fair amount of dishonesty as part of life. Is she screwing you over basically would be the question.

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