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Does Thailand Have Honest Straight Girls?

Do Straight Thai Girls Cheat?  

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Of course, honest and faithful girls exists in Thailand. Whether you will find one or not also depend on you - where you look and how you approach them.. From reading your post I feel that the MOST important asset that your TRUE LOVE should possess is good looks, which to me it hardly says anything about your intention to find true love but more of a bragging right to have a "young babe" in your arms. With that being said, I am aware that physically attraction plays a part in a relationship but your key words of describing your dream girl/GF are - beautiful and young. How about her personality, her ambition, compatibility between you two, or you could care less as long as she looks good? Forget the age difference but to make a relationship work you and your gf have to be emotionally compatible and you haven't mentioned any of it but just how much time you two spent in the sack. If you really think your relationship should solely based and survive on that, maybe you have some growing up to do? Just my opinion..

well, is there ANYTHING WRONG about "having" a GOOD LOOKING GIRL at your side?

As it is about me, I AM good looking too. I am simply bored about all those good looking women here in europe (including russia) - they all expect you to have millions. So I rather prefer asia. Even if it cuts my (former) life quality down to 10% of what I have today I will accept. Empty heart does not make me happy....kaow chai?

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...  From reading your post I feel that the MOST important asset that your TRUE LOVE should possess is good looks, which to me it hardly says anything about your intention to find true love but more of a bragging right to have a "young babe" in your arms.  ...

You are right about my interests in good looks. It is the easiest things to spot, when first meeting a girl.

However, like you say it is not the most important part of love, but it is part of sex and dating. I have many nice (and older than me) female friends. They could be great mates if I felt physically attracted.

If you show me two girls with similar personalities, would you not choose the more pretty one? It is only natural.

As they say:


This is hard to realize, but true.

I am human also and enjoy every bit of it.

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Of course, honest and faithful girls exists in Thailand. Whether you will find one or not also depend on you - where you look and how you approach them.. From reading your post I feel that the MOST important asset that your TRUE LOVE should possess is good looks, which to me it hardly says anything about your intention to find true love but more of a bragging right to have a "young babe" in your arms. With that being said, I am aware that physically attraction plays a part in a relationship but your key words of describing your dream girl/GF are - beautiful and young. How about her personality, her ambition, compatibility between you two, or you could care less as long as she looks good? Forget the age difference but to make a relationship work you and your gf have to be emotionally compatible and you haven't mentioned any of it but just how much time you two spent in the sack. If you really think your relationship should solely based and survive on that, maybe you have some growing up to do? Just my opinion..

I agree completely.

But also in relationships of the type you describe, it's likely that at any time either the husband or the wife will stray some. This poll is NOT only on relationships between elderly Westerners getting a young Thai girlfriend but then leave for home again until their next holiday.

Just think everyone how often you had the chance to have a fling with someone who's in a totally stable relationship.. No matter if you're male or female.



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Ain't this Dude just to feaking much??

Does seem to honestly believe that he is a real SWINGING STUD tho.

###### with an EGO like that[Or delusions of grandeur] how can he miss,,Don't know why he seems to keep ragging on about an HONEST RELATIONSHIP tho, As he doesn't seem to be capable of one.Only one with an old,fat,bald dude and a fine young chick.

Don't know why he keeps changing his avatar,a lot of guys have pictures of the "sweet meat" attained on a trip to the meat markets of the world and keep them to remind them selves of their ability to obtain only the CREAM OF THE CROTCH in such areas.555 :o

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Elsie, so why did my Thai 21 year-old GF propose to marry, if this is not the norm?

I haven't got a Scooby Doo about your relationship. So, I cannot answer. I can only say that it's weird. As I understand, even in the West, popping the question is not a girl's thing too. According to Cosmo UK edition, a few girls in a bloody long term relationship have asked their boyfriend to marry them. It's like now or never. I don't think this's your case though.

And I agree with some others. Using a picture of yourself and a girl here is not appropriate - without the other person's permission, at least I think it's not, especially while you are discussing this thing. Because I am afraid you've been using it to show off. I am not sure if the girl is delighted to see her picture published on this thread.

KevinN has mentioned ego. I'm afriad you're right. And from my experiences, I shall bugger off now as male egos are no-go zones for females.

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I really do not understand your intentions.

You are divorced - 3 kids - who takes care of them, do you pay for them?

And why are you divorced?

You are looking for girls dating here and there, and if you find one, 30 years younger than you, then you expect her to be faithful to you and not contact any other man from that moment on....

But she is not your wife - just a girl friend, and it is up to her to keep contact with other men as well....

You did not promise her anything for the future, and by the way, you are looking around for dating other girls.....and does she know about your 3 kids and our divorce?

Somehow single-sided, egoistic...openly said...


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...  From reading your post I feel that the MOST important asset that your TRUE LOVE should possess is good looks, which to me it hardly says anything about your intention to find true love but more of a bragging right to have a "young babe" in your arms.  ...

You are right about my interests in good looks. It is the easiest things to spot, when first meeting a girl.

However, like you say it is not the most important part of love, but it is part of sex and dating. I have many nice (and older than me) female friends. They could be great mates if I felt physically attracted.

If you show me two girls with similar personalities, would you not choose the more pretty one? It is only natural.

As they say:


This is hard to realize, but true.

I am human also and enjoy every bit of it.

thats one sexy piece of ass u got there.. I wouldnt let her out of meh sight for more than a few days if ya want to keep hold of it! :o

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Ain't this Dude just to feaking much??

Does seem to honestly believe that he is a real SWINGING STUD tho.

###### with an EGO like that[Or delusions of grandeur] how can he miss,,Don't know why he seems to keep ragging on about an HONEST RELATIONSHIP tho, As he doesn't seem to be capable of one.Only one with an old,fat,bald dude and a fine young chick.

Don't know why he keeps changing his avatar,a lot of guys have pictures of the "sweet meat" attained on a trip to the meat markets of the world and keep them to remind them selves of their ability to obtain only the CREAM OF THE CROTCH in such areas.555 :D

lol.. yer right there, in that first picture he looked like some nonce science teacher.. Now hes transformed overnight into some sort of playboy with a right weapon of a biatch on his arm, maybe this guys in the fancy dress business :o

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maybe you should change the name of this forum to "deratogatory racist remarks"...there are no more prostitutes, cheats and liars per capita in thailand than in any of the other 30 countries i've spent time in...

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maybe you should change the name of this forum to "deratogatory racist remarks"...there are no more prostitutes, cheats and liars per capita in thailand than in any of the other 30 countries i've spent time in...

That's a lot of countries, could you name them for us, just for sh1ts and giggles , also to screw this tedious thread up...? :D

Also I require entry and exit dates , why you were there , any sexual conquests , marks out of ten for the ladies/food/robberies...in that order.. :o

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You are divorced - 3 kids - who takes care of them, do you pay for them?  And why are you divorced?

You are looking for girls dating here and there, and if you find one, 30 years younger than you, then you expect her to be faithful to you and not contact any other man from that moment on....

But she is not your wife - just a girl friend, and it is up to her to keep contact with other men as well....

You did not promise her anything for the future, and by the way, you are looking around for dating other girls.....and does she know about your 3 kids and our divorce?

Somehow single-sided, egoistic...openly said...

To answer your questions:

- I am a single parent and take care and raise my three kids alone.

- I did not divorce; my Asian ex-wife did.

- I do not keep more than one girlfriend, and I do not sleep around or visit bar-girls.

- Why can I not expect a much younger GF to be faithful!? I am interested in your comments.

- I promised to love my GF and not to play around with other girls. I showed her clearly I am serious about love.

- My girlfriend knows all about my kids, life and business.

You seem to make several incorrect assumptions. I hope my answers will set the record straight.

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- Why can I not expect a much younger GF to be faithful!?  I am interested in your comments.

-  I promised to love my GF and not to play around with other girls.  I showed her clearly I am serious about love.

-  My girlfriend knows all about my kids, life and business.

You seem to make several incorrect assumptions.  I hope my answers will set the record straight.

I can only guess and ask about a situation, which is not clear to me, might be some of my impressions are wrong....


if you play around or not play around with girls is YOUR personal matter....

However if a person, who is your girl-friend - young or old does not matter - is dating other men or not, is not your business....it is HER personal matter....

This woman is not your wife, not your fiancee, she is just a girl-friend and therefore, she can do what she likes. She has no obligation at all to consider you as something special, as you are only her boy-friend and nothing else or more....

Why should she not go out and contact other men?

She is single.....there is absolut NO obligation between her and you....

And it is up to you, too, to go out and contact other women......why not? nothing wrong with it! You are legally divorced.....

Again, why should your girl-friend be *faithful* to you?

I promised to love my GF and not to play around with other girls. I showed her clearly I am serious about love.

Did she promise you the same? To love you, and not to date any other man? And to show you clearly that she is serious too?

Anyway, she can do, what she likes....


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Honestly I think you've met the wrong girl its as simple as that. Don't think you can put all Thai Gals in one box- like every woman you meet honest and dishonest ones and nationality had no bearing. I think quite a few lads on here will vouch for the veracity of their ladies.

Time to move on- enjoy the time spent and be wiser for it.

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Why should she not go out and contact other men?

She is single.....there is absolut NO obligation between her and you....

I get the feeling you think like a Thai man. It is hard for me to do.

I still expect my GF to be honest with her communications - even if she is seeing other men.

My GF bluntly lied - and I have a problem with that. This IS my business, even if she is not my wife and can date other men.

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Why should she not go out and contact other men?

She is single.....there is absolut NO obligation between her and you....

I get the feeling you think like a Thai man. It is hard for me to do.

I still expect my GF to be honest with her communications - even if she is seeing other men.

My GF bluntly lied - and I have a problem with that. This IS my business, even if she is not my wife and can date other men.

I am not a Thai man, but from Europe, however living in Asia since 1972.....

Yes, the Asian girl will tell you a lie, and I am surprised, that you are not aware of it. - I like that, I know such a girl's face when she tells me something, which is not true. She still tries to make the best out of it.

I wonder, what an US girl or an European girl will tell you.....for sure not a lie, but probably something else, which is more direct......and not in such a polite way like only telling you a lie.

But anyway, as I said, what do you expect as a man, 50 years old, with 3 children?

Do you really think, all the 20 years old girls are running only after you?

The girl is not your wife, not your fiancee, and she can do, what she likes....

dating any other man, have several boy-friends, and even telling you a lie...

If you cannot accept that way of life, you should not look around in Asian countries like Thailand or Japan, where relationship between man and woman is not dominated by bashful restrictions like in Islam or in Christianity.

I feel somehow, Thailand is not the right place for you.

Did you look around in some other countries already?


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Listen fellas !!!!!!! Get a life. The original person in this topic is 50 years old and talking like he a 10 year old on his way to puberty. If your not married that person has the whole world to play the dating field and that includes sex at ones choice. BF or GF it makes no difference. As of who claims one or the other saying GF or BF is considered mutual if both parties agree to such and in most cases it does get broken due to hormones or some emotional shindig one experiences from time to time. In long distance relationships it is fair game like it or not. No sympathy for me. So grow up and quit playing fox games or beauty contest on looks or is she or he faithful thing or another hottie from KFC or McD. Once married that is when one to one commitment takes place and that is when the playing field stops concerning others in various walks of life.

Now this sums up the whole story, anything else it is classified the BS department as far as I see it.

Daveyo :o

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Yohan- don't bother mate. He wants sympathy and he won't find much of it here.

What do you think, should I do with a Thai girl, who is 30 years younger than I, looking like a model, and who is telling me (a lie), that she loves only me and this forever until the end of her life???

1- Telling her the truth about myself, that I am a married man, children grown up, and that I love her too, and of course until the end of this night?

(baht 1000,- peaceful night)

2- Give the girl a good spanking on her bare model-a*s after removing her panty, so she tells me, she feels so sorry, she never will do that again, and from now on she truly loves only me and will show me straight, how honest she is after her punishment?

(baht 1500,- wild night)

3- Kick the girl out of the room, she will cry and tell me she is only a very very little liar, usually she is a good girl, she is only a liar for some days because her dear aunty is in the hospital with headache, ready to die because of heart problems....

she needs urgently buy medicine....(beer?)

(baht 500,- and spend the night alone without listening to this bulls**t all time)

Any other suggestion?

I think, somebody wrote something about a chastity belt.....with a double lock....

A great idea and a total solution of this problem!



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If you need to put a chastity belt on your girl you may be better off without her.  :o

All of our women are probably getting a good and well pronging as we speak.

If you're with her now, then it might have happened yesterday. Fair is fair; what can you do?

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By the way make sure you do such with a bungee cord above the bed. One sure fire way to keep her well intact. :o:D

This is too much with the ehhhhh male macho gotcho deal. The women laugh at this nonsense.

Daveyo :D:D

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