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Does Thailand Have Honest Straight Girls?

Do Straight Thai Girls Cheat?  

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Yohan, I was married for a long time and have three teenage kids. I was most happy when I was married.

I am hoping to find a girl to marry again. I do not like bar-girls or casual relationships. I plan to live in Thailand full-time. I do not want a long-distance relastionship.

Several of my American friends that have traveled to Thailand tell me I am such a romantic, but should try to keep some options open (read: GFs on the side). They say girls in Thailand are after money before true love.

However, I am not interested to play around.

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Yohan, I was married for a long time and have three teenage kids. I was most happy when I was married.

I am hoping to find a girl to marry again. I do not like bar-girls or casual relationships. I plan to live in Thailand full-time. I do not want a long-distance relastionship.

Many of my American friends that also have traveled to Thailand tell me I am such a romantic, and should try to keep some options open (read: GFs on the side). They say girls in Thailand are after money before true love.

:D So, why are you so into rushing things, if you are planning to stay in los full-time???

I cant figure you out at all, man...

Are you just scamming?

Maybe you are a thai girl...sitting laughing at us all, right now... :o

Life is a bitch....deal with it....i guess you can, after all...you are pre-married, right? :D

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Viking, I think this Thai girl has got the "hooks" in deep.

I will not rush into marriage - and I am not stupid or 21 years old; I am simply listing what my GF is asking. I want to wait and see if things are working out.

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Viking, I think this Thai girl has got the "hooks" in deep.

I will not rush into marriage - and I am not stupid or 21 years old; I am listing what my GF is asking. I want to wait and see if things are working out.

I still not figure......

Does you're visa depends that you get married in los?

Is that why you are talking marrying?

Why not just simply live together?

Its much easier to get rid off her, if she scam you.

And.......after all.....you are 50, man...why marry???

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Can faithful pretty girls be found in Thailand, or they all simply blowing with the wind and go with the first attractive farang (with money) that comes along?!

I think many are just too horny to go without sex , when they have been having it regularly .

They need sex like they need hot spicy food .

Its the same for Thai men ,when they go abroad to work ,their wives and girls left behind are shagging some other thai male within 2 weeks .

so dont delude yourself .if you have been banging away for 2 weeks and have done a good job she will be lusting after another member when you have left .

and any good looker will surely find another member very quickly .

Its a fact of life ....

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Hey Amigo, I'm not looking to lay my morals or anything else on anybody (because God knows people have questioned mine plenty of times) but here's what I've read so far:

You're trying to conduct a long distance relationship over 6000 miles apart.

She's 21 and you're 50.

You've stated that you share a lot in common . . . that you both like lots of sex.

I have a lot in common with my 21 year old babe. She loves sex all morning, afternoon and nights - many times per day.

First off, most Asian woman do not have anywhere near the emotional maturity of Western women as can probably be best demonstrated by the Hello Kitty fad :-) Seriously, I really don't believe they emotionally age at the same rate as Western women. That's not genetics or racial but more of a social thing. That being the case, you're actually dating someone with the emotional maturity of a 16 - 18 year old.

In other words, my friend, she's probably not with you because of some deep connection. Like most girls that age she falls into and out of love quite easily though in the moment she may feel like it is the strongest love ever felt in history. When you go back to the US she may think about you but here comes this other White Knight and he said the funniest thing to her and made her laugh. Besides, he's only 35 and much better looking. It was only supposed to be coffee but he was the most charming man she had ever met. Not better than you, just different. And he was there and you were 6000+ miles away. What if this new White Knight is the one? She doesn't want to lose him just because she won't give it up. Then he goes home and never calls her again so she's back with you.

Again, I'm not trying to make a moral judgement here but, dude, you're 50 years old and hitting on 21 year old girls outside of KFC. Her English skills are what . . . 10th grade level (at best)? Can you honestly say that if she was 50 years old, had appropriately deteriorated looks that you would have hit on her outside of the KFC and would be falling madly in love with her simply because the two of you share such common interests such as having lots of sex? I'm guessing the answer is no and if that's the case then just come out and say that you, like many men, enjoy having sex with young women. Don't try to wrap it up into this "I don't date whores" thing because think about the kind of girl who lets herself be picked up by guys more than twice her age. You harken back to the moral values of your youth but what label would you have applied to a 21 year old woman dating a 50 year old guy back in 1971?

A female friend of mine asked what the attraction was in going to Thailand to have sex with uneducated Issan girls who are only after the baht in your wallet. My response was, it's a good value. In the US, a 35 - 40 year old guy, medium attractiveness and a middle class income has about as much chance of bedding an attractive, younger woman as does a fat man winning the Boston Marathon. But he goes to Thailand and these women (both bargirls and regular girls) are willing to trade up in status/income in exchange for sleeping with men who they aren't physically attracted to. It's purely an economic exchange of goods and services and it's no different than the hot receptionist who dates the balding and fat doctor here in the US. The only major difference is because of economic disparity between the US and Thailand, Americans get a much better exchange rate.

She then said something about how shallow that sounded and I replied that it's not shallow, it's simply blunt. I don't care what "true love" scenario you lay out for me, I can break it down into a simple exchange of goods and services between two people. In fact, isn't that what all the relationship gurus tell people? Marriage is a give and take. Relationships are about two people treating each other as equals, as partners? Well, in order to be equal, the fat balding guy either has to either marry a woman with equal physical attributes or have something else to throw on the table like a good job and financial security so he can barter up the physical attributes scale.

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I do not mean to sound too negative, but I am wondering I there are any honest straight girls in Thailand?  Perhaps it is not possible?  Read on if you want to know my story.

(And, Thai girls; please feels free to jump in and reply.)

As most farangs tourists, I went a little crazy on my first two trips with all the bar-girls and freelance talent available in Thailand. However, I quickly found out it was not for me and got bored.  I really was longing for a “real” relationship and not just easy sex.

I started to introduce myself to “nice” Thai girls far away from all the farang areas of Silom and Sukhumvit etc.  It went very well, and I met several nice ladies on the streets and shopping malls, ladies with real office jobs or student programs.  It was much easier to talk to these girls than the ladies back in the ol’ USA.  These girls were not bar-girls, but educated - or at least girls with some sort of day job.

However, I was a little surprised when the first office girl I dated for lunch, agreed to go back to my hotel and we proceeded to engage in sex – on the first date - at 1 pm in the afternoon!  I decided this was a little too fast for me – even though an interesting experience, so I continued my search.  No money changed hands.

A few weeks later, I met a very young looking (21 years old) and pretty lady outside KFC - in Word Trade Center in BKK, and she told me she was a student and a model/actress.  We took a liking to each other and she agreed to meet me again.  We dated several times, and we kissed goodbye at the BKK airport.  She did not want any sex.  I thought this was the girl that I was looking for, since she did not jump in the sack too quickly and she was tall, drop-dead gorgeous and a real babe (“model material”).

We talked on the phone every day for hours from USA, and when I returned to Bangkok we spent the whole next month in bed.  I fell in love, and I thought I had met my dream girl. 

I returned back to American with sweet happy feelings and looked forward to return to Bangkok to see her again.  Everything looked and felt great.  She told me she would wait for me to return to Bangkok (about 3 months later) and she was serious about our love.

When I returned to BKK, we spent every minute of the first two days together.  However, it felt something was not quite right and told her to tell me what she is hiding.  After, many, many denials she finally admitted she had gone out with another American man while I was away in America, and that she had sex on two dates and then broke up with him!  -  I was floored.

I later found out that she also had three one-night stand, the previous year - before I met her.  Is this normal for 21 year old straight Thai girl, or is this a little too "fast"?

I am 50 years old (see my real picture on the side), and this GF is 21 years old.  Yes, she is extremely attractive and sexy, but not a sleaze or dressing like a bar-girl.  I have noticed the number of guys that try to hit on her when I go for a quick errand to the bathroom when we go out on the town.  She is very popular with men.  It is not my imagination.

I do not mind competition from other guys, but I am wondering if it is possible to find a Thai girl that is faithful?  Her my girlfriend was having sex with a stranger, - after one date, and telling me she loves me and is waiting for me.  What is that?  Do all morals just disappear in Bangkok!?

Note: I am not a newbie to Thailand, and I have seen many educated and serious girls all over Thailand.  But, in my real life experience it seems as if the real girls are just as able to lie and cheat with other boyfriends, as bar-girls do.  True or not?

I am really disappointed with my girlfriends fast sex, loose morals and lying.  I have not been with any other girl, since I met my GF - now more than 6 month together.  There are plenty of interested girls that want to know me in BKK, but I only have one room in my heart.

Can faithful pretty girls be found in Thailand, or they all simply blowing with the wind and go with the first attractive farang (with money) that comes along?!

Confused about straight Thai girls?  I am...

What do I do with her now?  She says she is real sorry for her fling, and she says knows it was a big mistake.  She seems totally changed and is picking up her studies and is staying home every night.

1) Do I drop her like a hot potato and find a more faithful Thai girlfriend, or

2) do I simply call it quits and conclude that Thai girls can not keep their pants on, when they see a young, rich and handsome farang, or

3)  do I stay with her to see if she can be faithfull - while I am out of town?

From one who has been down the track (and yes I believe that I'm in the majority)

1) Do I drop her like a hot potato and find a more faithful Thai girlfriend, or

The problem is that you will never really know if you have a "more faithful" GF unless you stay in Thailand permanently and lock her in the apartment / house when ever you go to the supermarket (and no, don't give a set of the house keys to a friend)

2) do I simply call it quits and conclude that Thai girls can not keep their pants on, when they see a young, rich and handsome farang, or

If you call it quits you are not gonna get any pussy at all are you?

3) do I stay with her to see if she can be faithfull - while I am out of town?

The same answer will apply as in your question 1) There ain't no way of ever knowing. You will have the same thoughts and apprehensions in this or any other relationship you might have in Thailand.

I had the good fortune (or misfortune) to fall in love with a very beautiful Thai girl who when my back was turned was screwing herself silly at every opportunity. She even had a Thai BF who used to lock her in the room to stop her going out and fornicating (that must tell you something)

Because of her experinces with another Thai Bf she swore that she would never entertain going out with a Thai man "ever again" She didn't use the words "they are all ars&hol&s" but actually this was what she was saying. AND yet she returns to them time and again.

I just today met a lovelyThai girl who seemed almost perfect (depending on ones one criteria) in everyway.

After returning her to her home and I returned to mine a friend (or hers) told me BUT she has a BF, and all this while she swearing that she had not had a BF for close to 5 years.

Like you ThaiLover1, I will be back for more. Perhaps I am a slow learner.

And for all the posters who might categorically state that their GF / wife would never stray, you are deluding yourself. History proves that. And for the Thai girls who read or post here I might suggest that a faithful man is more likely to be faithful than a "faithful girl" will be.

Part of this is that there are always the dogs (men) ever on the lookout for a bitch in heat.

I still love the place. It's the same as any farang land "just a little worse when it comes to morals"

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Xpression, if my woman is 50 years old and looks sexy, healthy and has a happy attitude, I will go with her.

Age is really not important, but in most cases women (and men too) let their bodies crumble before it is needed. It it hard to find a trim 40-50 year old woman, but when I do, I listen up.

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Does you're visa depends that you get married in los?

Is that why you are talking marrying?

Why not just simply live together?

Its much easier to get rid off her, if she scam you.

And.......after all.....you are 50, man...why marry???

I do not need to marry again, but if my woman wants it - for any number of reasons, such as secruity, showing true love etc - I will do it for her. It is fine with me to live together, or get married.

I have met a number of visa-hunting girls in Asia, and I do not take them on. Despite some negative comments to the contrary in this thread, girls seems to enjoy spending time with the balding 50 year old man (me). I do not need to find a desperate girl in need of upgrading her social status and moving to the US. There are plenty of others.

If I get married, I will be living in Thailand - not the US.

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Maybe it is better to be a man; my uncle fathered a daughter when he was 32.  .

Not a great feat though is it?

I made a typo, which is now corrected. My uncle fathered a child at eighty-two (82).

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I just today met a lovelyThai girl who seemed almost perfect (depending on ones one criteria) in everyway.

After returning her to her home and I returned to mine a friend (or hers) told me BUT she has a BF, and all this while she swearing that she had not had a BF for close to 5 years.


And for all the posters who might categorically state that their GF / wife would never stray, you are deluding yourself. History proves that. And for the Thai girls who read or post here I might suggest that a faithful man is more likely to be faithful than a "faithful girl" will be.

Part of this is that there are always the dogs (men) ever on the lookout for a bitch in heat.

I still love the place. It's the same as any farang land "just a little worse when it comes to morals"

This is a really good posting!

I am starting to believe straight Thai girls can not be faithful or honest about love. Just look at the poll in this thread, so far. It should give you some indication.

I think I must learn to love Thailand for what it is, and not expect honesty, fidelity or true love from my woman. It is a bit sad, but maybe it is the harsh reality

Any other comments from a Thai girl on this board?

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In other words, my friend, she's probably not with you because of some deep connection.  Like most girls that age she falls into and out of love quite easily though in the moment she may feel like it is the strongest love ever felt in history.  When you go back to the US she may think about you but here comes this other White Knight and he said the funniest thing to her and made her laugh.  Besides, he's only 35 and much better looking.  It was only supposed to be coffee but he was the most charming man she had ever met.  Not better than you, just different.  And he was there and you were 6000+ miles away.  What if this new White Knight is the one?  She doesn't want to lose him just because she won't give it up.  Then he goes home and never calls her again so she's back with you. 

She then said something about how shallow that sounded and I replied that it's not shallow, it's simply blunt.  I don't care what "true love" scenario you lay out for me, I can break it down into a simple exchange of goods and services between two people.  In fact, isn't that what all the relationship gurus tell people?  Marriage is a give and take.  Relationships are about two people treating each other as equals, as partners?  Well, in order to be equal, the fat balding guy either has to either marry a woman with equal physical attributes or have something else to throw on the table like a good job and financial security so he can barter up the physical attributes scale.

Great posting!

I agree with you that a 21 year old lady would not hang out with me, unless there was something in it for her - an "exchange" of some sorts. I do not mind this, and I really do not care too much if it is money or love.

What I do not understand is why she had a fling with another man and then told me she is sorry - and - wants to marry me.

I am sure in Thailand (as well as other countries) a "relationship of convenience" could be honest and open, right?

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What I do not understand is why she had a fling with another man and then told me she is sorry - and - wants to marry me.

There are some things that men simply cannot understand ...and many times they involve women. :o

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I do not mean to sound too negative, but I am wondering I there are any honest straight girls in Thailand? Perhaps it is not possible? Read on if you want to know my story.

Now that you have shared her foto and some personal matters of hers (with her consent?), could you give us her name and tel.no. as well?

Looking at the pic of the two of you again, are you surprised she's off with other guys while you are away? I'd say a clean shirt and a shave wouldn't hurt...

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First question is that whether the girl in the picture ( your thai gf -- I suppose) had agreed to let you put her picture on this thread. If she said yes, then she is crazy , letting guy talking about her cheating and post her pic in public but I guess she does not know about it .Then this 50 years old man is being unfair to her. How dare you putting her picture and compaining about her behavior in public without her permission? That s not what gentlemen do, dont you agree?

Second, if one want to cheat, he /she will. No matter high- low education, no money or have load money. Cheating is cheating, simply as that.

Just my worth 5 cents , from another young Thai girl. :o

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Now that you have shared her foto and some personal matters of hers (with her consent?), could you give us her name and tel.no. as well?

Looking at the pic of the two of you again, are you surprised she's off with other guys while you are away? I'd say a clean shirt and a shave wouldn't hurt...

I will not share any photos or letters of my GF on this forum.

The photo on the side is real photo of myself (yes, it is true - beard and all), but it is not my girlfriend - just a fashion model that I happen to know. The picture is too small to make out any detailed facial features. However, it gives you some idea of the type of woman I hang out with, despite some sly comments about my presentation in this thread.

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my expectations are the same as yours: TRUE LOVE.

now - back home after a 1 month funtastic time Thailand - I feel empty.

Left my "gf" and not willing to phone to her everyday. Neither to send money.


(I think:) She would thankfully take the money but still walk her path of destination.

(I think:) there is plenty of "good" friends telling (forcing?) her to attract other/new farang aside my (spoken) will to marry her o n e day in the future.

I am confused. I am upset. I am worried. I am sad.


She is NOT a bar girl (yet).

There is "only?" a 14 years age difference (38 me / 24 her).

She was at my side even though she KNEW I do not have (lots of) money.

I am confused. I am upset. I am worried. I am sad.

After a while (with awsome lots of drinks) and consideration I decided to ACCEPT her behaviours. BECAUSE ITS ASIAN BEHAVIOUR.

(1) I tell myself: IF I was married with a caucasian girl there would be no difference: I AM the working part, and SHE gets the money.

(2) I tell myself: it is HER part NOW to show me IF she really wants me at her side. So I am NOT going to phone her. Tough, really tough, b-coz I love her.

As long as I am not medium good in thai language I will NEVER EVER understand her felings and intentions.

I decided to emigrate in October 2004.

But - with the help of points (1) and (2) the proportions are quite reasonable:

30 % I shall give up my "old" life b-coz of her. 70 % is b-coz of my new perspectives (I am tired of paying taxes and useless other charges where I live right now).

And those 70% should PERMANENTLY be my MAIN REASON to establish my emigration. The minute I am back to Thailand I will check out the situation. If not, then not. There is plenty of alternatives available.

I believe in true love. But it needs TWO persons to have those feelings. And I am aware of asian? mentality: It will be ME - only me - to feed my (future) family...

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The photo on the side is real photo of myself (yes, it is true - beard and all), but it is not my girlfriend - just a fashion model that I happen to know

She'll be happy to be associated on this forum with you :o

Hey loverboy,

If you don't seem to find "straight" girls , it probably says something about your limited emotional understanding of People and the world.

All of your comments are dripping of chauvinistic pig fat.

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my expectations are the same as yours: TRUE LOVE.

now - back home after a 1 month funtastic time Thailand - I feel empty


I believe in true love. But it needs TWO persons to have those feelings. And I am aware of asian? mentality: It will be ME - only me - to feed my (future) family...

I feel for your man. I just returned from Bangkok, last week.

Please send me a private email. I am also planning to move to Bangkok, as soon as I am able. We should stay connected to compare notes.

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Hey loverboy,

If you don't seem to find "straight" girls , it probably says something about your limited emotional understanding of People and the world.

All of your comments are dripping of chauvinistic pig fat.

Hey LoverGirl,

I love those big swinging br.. in the avatar picture. :D Great for getting some attention from the chauvinistic pigs you dislike so much. :o

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Of course, honest and faithful girls exists in Thailand. Whether you will find one or not also depend on you - where you look and how you approach them.. From reading your post I feel that the MOST important asset that your TRUE LOVE should possess is good looks, which to me it hardly says anything about your intention to find true love but more of a bragging right to have a "young babe" in your arms. With that being said, I am aware that physically attraction plays a part in a relationship but your key words of describing your dream girl/GF are - beautiful and young. How about her personality, her ambition, compatibility between you two, or you could care less as long as she looks good? Forget the age difference but to make a relationship work you and your gf have to be emotionally compatible and you haven't mentioned any of it but just how much time you two spent in the sack. If you really think your relationship should solely based and survive on that, maybe you have some growing up to do? Just my opinion..

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You are not really talking about ALL asian now, are you??

No, not ALL asian of course, I DO NOT KNOW ALL asian cultures yet.

Will try to explore so within the next 200 years :o

What I wrote is just what I experienced with women throughout my journeys (all over asia except Laos and China so far).

And the point is: Money.

And (believe it or not): I agree. B-coz europe (where I live) is no difference. Just a different mentality.

I wished money is not what counts. But this is pure illusion.

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