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Does Thailand Have Honest Straight Girls?

Do Straight Thai Girls Cheat?  

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TL1, thanks for posting the link to your website. Very nice pictures indeed. Beautiful...

I think, I understand now much better your motivation.

This is the old story, that people, who are linked somehow with beauty contest, like filmmakers, photographers, entertainers, movie actors and otherwise related people to that industry, despite they have business-like contact with women, often fail in their private relationship.

Any woman outside of this show-related business will quit soon, regardless if poor or rich.... and women in that business are the same character as you yourself...

You have few choices indeed.....either to continue as you are doing it now - seems you are not really happy with that, or as I told you, to look for a model-like girl directly out of a deep poverty level, who gave up herself and accepts without objection, all and everything, what you like to teach her.....

Look around somewhere in South America, Asia, East Europe, in Africa or whereever....I think any place might be ok for you....and you can try it out with such a girl, who might become later on a wonderful woman, like out of the musical *My Fair Lady*, and exactly fitting what you are dreaming of.....

It might take some years, to teach her everything, what you need from her, but it might work, if you choose a very young girl, who has nothing to lose, but only to win....


Sorry for you.....but I think, your job is your problem...

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> ie sans cindom , mai mee meechai et al

Ah, pet peeve alert.. :D

Chonny, nobody in Thailand uses 'meechai' for condom anymore, and that's assuming this was ever actually the case anyway. I think it made a nice line in several magazine articles and documentaries, but I have NEVER heard a Thai person actually use the word. I HAVE heard foreigners use the word and receive mostly blank stares in return until perhaps an older Thai person makes the connection.



Fair enough Channy , I must have heard the phrase from a welsh lass many moons ago , or something.. :o

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The Thai girls control the whole equation, whether you believe it or not. I wish I was Thai girl. I would be the best baht vacuum-cleaner in the whole world. :D

Wouldn't it be great to make it on one's own in one's own country (advertised as the American way, I believe) without having to exercise the Kama-Sutra every night with foreign 'women-lovers' for a handful of dollars? :D

"Try Cambodia. Khmer girls are a lot more sincere and appeciative than Thai girls. They aint been spoilt by falangs throwing themselves at their feet yet, and they dont watch silly soaps where women yell at men all day and everyone is shagging about.

Oh yeah, they're fuller breasted also."

They are not so lazy as women elsewhere, they'll clean, wash up and do your laundry after a hard nights work, and they are better at wiping that smirk of their face when they tell you 'you are the greatest'.

Oh yeah, age difference is even less a problem there than in Thailand :o

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What an interesting topic, so many differences of opinion, it just goes to show that we all have our own value systems, personally I think "The Girls" are mainly honest, at least the ones I have met are, like everywhere else in the world. there are good and bad. I have two friends who are in there home countries right now and I know that they don't have anything to worry about, I just wish they would get back soon as the girls hang around our house most of the time!

As for the difference in age, well you'll have to wait and see!

The question "Do straight Thai girls cheat" is a bit of a contradiction in terms, ie. If they are straight then one has to assume that they don't!

And lastly, Is that Garry Glitter out there?

Be Happy.

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The photo on the side is real photo of myself (yes, it is true - beard and all), but it is not my girlfriend - just a fashion model that I happen to know. The picture is too small to make out any detailed facial features. However, it gives you some idea of the type of woman I hang out with, despite some sly comments about my presentation in this thread.

why are you showing us all these photos of yourself and all the beautiful women that you like to hang out with. your problem is a late mid life crisis and deep insecurity.

grow up.

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Please read this.....


I wrote this article last year and it is still a fair representation of my opinion......hope it helps.

Sad reading for anyone who tries to find true monogamous love in LOS... :D

This piece combined with TL1's profession (which - face it - is all about looking good on the outside) would most likely cause even the most gullible romantic to despair in regards to TL1's chances of finding what he's looking for...I mean it lies in the nature of your work to keep looking for new, fresh talent, right? As you mentioned in a previous posting, your GF's has always been around 21...

Rainman said it earlier - what's the rush? If you're willing to take a shot at this 21-year old model/actress eventually fitting into your idea of a relationship then just give it time and see where it takes you. But then again, at that point she might already be too old for you... :o

/// DFW

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Please read this.....


I wrote this article last year and it is still a fair representation of my opinion......hope it helps.

That is a great article, but real scary.

If this is true statement of what goes on in BKK, I may need to rethink my plans to find a good wife in Thailand.

My god!!!

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I am wondering if it is possible to find a Thai girl that is faithful? 

Can faithful pretty girls be found in Thailand, or they all simply blowing with the wind and go with the first attractive farang (with money) that comes along?!

3)  do I stay with her to see if she can be faithfull - while I am out of town?

Is possible to find a Thai girl that is faithful? I believe the short answer is NO.

You will have a similar experience with the vast majority of Thai girls, especially the hot ones. They can fall in love with you almost instantly and while your away with the next guy just as quickly.

Try #4

4) stay with her and enjoy, your 50, she is 21. If it lasts a few trips your ahead of the game

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Try to look at the inside of a woman for a change.

Most woman want what you say you want.

But healthy, attractive, happy, smart, secure woman dont need a "Brad Pitt" type to make them complete. They already are. Can you say that about yourself?

Maybe if your security level can rise a bit and you can begin to accept getting older you wont be so fixated on younger woman. Everybody agrees Thailand is full of beautiful woman. But is a 21 y/o secure and mentally healthy? I'd say about as secure as you.

I think this is all really about YOU understanding yourself. Not about Thailand or Thai girls.

Remember its all about choices. Maybe its time to grow-up?

Ps. Reading about you and your line of work, I wouldn't get near you! You give the real American men a bad rep.

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Hello, hello has spoken the truth. Any man who cannot envisage having sex with a woman his own age, is kidding himself that he is not that age. WELL YOU ARE! It does not matter how much you think you look like Don Johnson. You are not him. You are a late middle aged man who cannot accept it. You are not even a handsome middle aged man. You look ridiculous. Trying to look like a young stud. Your eyes must see yourself differently than everyone else does. You pick up a 21 year old on the street and are surprised when she doesn't think you are the man of her dreams! For Gods sake! No nice Thai girl gets picked up on the street and no nice Thai of any age would think you were a good catch. You are so insecure that you cant be who you really are. It is quite sad.

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So the guy leaves for a while and his girl cheats. If the gal leaves and then her man cheats...it seems ok.

Oh goodness, get over it. Next time if you are leaving for a long time, discuss things out and put the relationship on a break. I could be the best gf ever, but dang, if you're gonna be gone for that long, I wouldn't know if I could be faithful either. Then that way, you could also do things where ever you're at, without hurting each other. Open relationship! :o

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Next time if you are leaving for a long time, discuss things out and put the relationship on a break. ... Then that way, you could also do things where ever you're at, without hurting each other. Open relationship! :o

Yes I agree, Sandy.

Problem is, I already discussed the option of breaking up while I am gone, and my girl got angry and said she wanted to stay together i.e. no break in the relationship. And, then she cheated anyway. Go figure...

For your comfort, I have never cheated on a girl. I am also not planning on doing so in future. I believe in being honest and open - like yourself.

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Sorry for you.....but I think, your job is your problem...

Hmm, I am not sure I said anything about my job - or how I make money.

My job is not in fashion, photography or film-making.

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Problem is, I already discussed the option of breaking up while I am gone, and my girl got angry and said she wanted to stay together i.e. no break in the relationship. And, then she cheated anyway. Go figure...

For your comfort, I have never cheated on a girl. I am also not planning on doing so in future. I believe in being honest and open - like yourself.

Maybe I misjudged you in the beginning, the longer the thread goes, the more naive you appear, oblivious to the sensitivities of others, and not getting any messages other than bold script. What wins you over to me is your sincerety, really.

"Go figure..." Here we go: She is jealous/possessive and wants to keep all options open with you, including telling you she wants to marry you, so you don't dump her, while she is continuing to look around. Be prepared to be dropped like a hot potatoe as soon as (and if) she finds somebody more suitable.

But good luck, anyway.

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Is possible to find a Thai girl that is faithful? I believe the short answer is NO.

People cheats all the time regardless of nationality but to say a certain group/race/gender is absolutely incapable of being faithful is a little closed mined don't you think?

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It is something very close minded to say. Cheating is something you should suspect will happen, knowing you'll be gone for that long.

I know that my bf wouldnt cheat on me, but if he does, that's fine also. She better be more good looking, smarter, and better in bed than me. If not, he will be picked on by me for the rest of his life. Besides, if you dont want to be with and with someone else instead, just let me know. I wont be happy, but i would be willing to leave. But not everyone thinks like i do.

ThaiLover: So, I guess you're staying with her after all? Well, good luck, and i hope she dont do this to you again. Not trying to be mean, if she does cheat on you again, sorry, but u deserve it, for letting her do that to u.

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Thailover, if you truly love her and want to stay together then I suggest you sit her down and try to work it out but if you still have a serious doubt she will stay faithful then cut your losses now and move on...

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Maybe I misjudged you in the beginning, the longer the thread goes, ... What wins you over to me is your sincerety, really.

She is jealous/possessive and wants to keep all options open with you, including telling you she wants to marry you, so you don't dump her, while she is continuing to look around.

Thanks for the positive words, and your explanation. It makes good sense.

But, why did my girl even bother to tell me that she cheated on me?

She probably knew that confessing sex with another man would mean the end of the relationship. And, I had no proof and no direct indication she had a fling - only a mysterious feeling in my gut. She could have kept the secret and claimed all is well.

What is the benifit of her talking about her affair?

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So, I guess you're staying with her after all? Well, good luck, and i hope she dont do this to you again. Not trying to be mean, if she does cheat on you again, sorry, but u deserve it, for letting her do that to u.

I have decided to give the relationship a second try. However, many people have warned me against it and say she will cheat again.

However, right now my girl seems totally changed since her fling, including staying at home every night, when I call her at her Mum's house.

How can anyone control cheating? Your statement makes it sound like it is my fault. ("but u deserve it, for letting her do that to u").

Please explain.

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Taking the sentance in it's intended context , I imagine they mean that after cheating a first time, you have accepted it , she may take this as a sign that you will continue to accept this behaviour. Obviously you will not accept it , should it re-occur. Will you?

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Thailover, if you truly love her and want to stay together then I suggest you sit her down and try to work it out but if you still have a serious doubt she will stay faithful then cut your losses now and move on...

I have decided to spend some more time with my GF and see what happens during my next trip out of town. If she can keep her pants on, I am still interested to continue the relationship. Time will tell who she is and what her intentions are.

However, this time I will be prepared and not expect anything, other than a happy surprise if she stays honest.

On my last trip out of town, over a period of time - she explained her infidelity as:

1) She did not believe I was returning to Thailand,

2) All her girl-friends were screwing around on the side (a sort of a fashion),

3) I did not send her any money (she thought I did not care about her),

4) Her friends told her I am not real boyfriend - only a sex tourist,

5) She felt alone and abandoned,

6) She was truly in love with me, but felt abandoned and wanted to forget me by having sex with another man,

7) Her mother told her to find a new boyfriend that is more supportive of the family (read: a BF that sends more money),

8) She thought she could enjoy another man for sex only, while still loving me.

The list is long and goes on. She says she made a big mistake and will never do it again. She seems real sorry and even slit her wrists (scared the shit out of me). Why would she even do that, if she is just looking for financial support!?

Are these all made-up excuses for her fling, or is there some truth to these statements?

(I already know some of the answer to these questions. And, I do not mean to sound too naive, but I am interested to hear the responses from people other than myself. )

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Taking the sentance in it's intended context , I imagine they mean that after cheating a first time, you have accepted it , she may take this as a sign that you will continue to accept this behaviour. Obviously you will not accept it , should it re-occur. Will you?

I did not accept her cheating. However, I did forgive her for this mistake and told her she would have to prove - to both of us - that she can stay faithful, during the next 6 months before I am fully ready to enroll in the relationship.

I made it EXTREMLY clear that I would do the same as her - have sex with another partner - if she ever had a fling again. She seems very scared that I might go out with another woman. Perhaps this is enough to make her stop and think, before dropping her underwear, next time. (smile)

Time will tell.

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The list is long and goes on. She says she made a big mistake and will never do it again. She seems real sorry and even slit her wrists (scared the shit out of me). Why would she even do that, if she is just looking for financial support!?

I wouldn't read too much into that friend. If you check out the girls in the bars you might find a goodly percentage carrying the evidence of being a "wrist slitter"

Why do they do it?

Men get tattoos and women (Thai) slit their wrists......

Why did she tell you in the first place?

Maybe she doesn't want you to be too complacent in the relationship i.e. shes letting you know she can pull a guy whenever she wants.

And she did mention money (the fact that you hadn't sent any) so money is in her thought processes regardless of what she might otherwise say.

It's clear that you have given a lot of thought to your relationship with this girl so I believe that you will make the right decision. If you get hurt (burnt) well you can say that you gave her the chances but in the end she just fcuked up in a big way.

Just don't throw too much money at her feet to show her how much you love her.

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Sorry for you.....but I think, your job is your problem...

Hmm, I am not sure I said anything about my job - or how I make money.

My job is not in fashion, photography or film-making.

Loking at your homepage (the link, you posted here on this forum) - then I would say you are involved in such kind of business.

(yes, I saw you make other business, too, like software production etc...)

from your homepage:


The Short Answer:  What could be more fun than being invited to great parties to meet and take pictures of fashionable and beautiful people, around the San Francisco Bay Area?

The Long Answer: We photograph parties and events and then make the images available to you.  Most everyone loves to see their own picture.  Maybe this is the human ego at work - i.e the way we are designed, but taking artistic pictures of people is a sure way to "break the ice" at any social event.

Anyway, you are that type, who likes to party around.... nothing wrong with that, but be aware, that the girls there are mostly not the 'faithful wife' types...

And I can only say, you are looking for a woman, who must be extremely beautiful in her looks, who is totally obedient to your orders, who likes to depend solely on her man and his money......and from her nature a one-man only woman.....

Thai women are not the right ones for you.....

You might consider a country, which has strong catholic values (Latin America or so) and if you want to keep your wife even more isolated and reserved only for your personal use, you might consider to convert to Islam.


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Loking at your homepage (the link, you posted here on this forum) - then I would say you are involved in such kind of business.

(yes, I saw you make other business, too, like software production etc...)

I make my living as a scientist, but not in photography. However, I enjoy taking pictures of people, and have spent some time donating photographs to charity. Thanks for being curios.

What do you do?

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People cheats all the time regardless of nationality but to say a certain group/race/gender is absolutely incapable of being faithful is a little closed mined don't you think?

Ahh, Dear xpression, surely nothing is absolute in Thailand

Good name!!! :o

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