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Girls girls girls...and no bars!


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I just arrived for a 2 day visit in Bangkok and I stay close to Sala Daeng, an area I knew very well since I used to work there years ago.


In order to get to my hotel, I went through soi Thaniya and...what a surprise!


Hundreds of young girls sitting in rows, mobile phone in hand, waiting for customers, but...without bars in their back!!!


That's overt mass prostitution, and that doesn't seem to bother the Administration in the least...not a uniform in sight, save for the parking guards who blow...their whistles...


Compared with that, the Administration can say with a straight face that Pattaya has no prostitution...at least over there the ladies pretend to be dancers...


So there it is for visitors in search of emotions and sightseeing, Bangkok has its own rue Saint Denis (Paris), on steroids...

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Thaniya has always been like that, to a greater or lesser extent, depending on season, whether it's weekend etc. It's an area catering to Japanese customers and the style has always been to sit the girls out front. Their primary job is to take the customer into the hostess bar, the entrance of which may be no more obvious than a narrow doorway, with the bar often being upstairs. 

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A post discussing some specific information about prostitution has been removed:


17) You will not discuss the specifics of prostitution. Though Thailand has a visible sex industry, and acknowledgement of that fact is not forbidden, ThaiVisa is not the place to seek or give information on this topic, regardless of your sexual habits, preferences or orientation.




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