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New Luxury Tax On Internet Usage In Thailand


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good one... :D

My local enterprising 7-11 read this article this morning and promptly but a large sign up outside his shop advertising "FARANG dongles availble here - ThB 200 discunt". Don't believe, ride past 7-11 across the road from Chiang Mai University.


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Good opportunity for the visa run operators here - they can have a few laptops on the bus and when you get over the boader into, maybe, a less developed country, enjoy tax free internet usage at 12Kbps ! Wow thats a key selling point !

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He he that one ranks high up with the spaghetti trees of Italy.... I was almost believing it until I realised the Date!!

However I am concerned you might be giving the government some new policy ideas!!


I wa_ thinking the _ame thing. Hey my _ quit working on my keyboard. I read that they are impo_ing a property tax in addition to the building tax already in place which will be higher for unu_ed property. The tax will be ba_ed on the current value of the land. I _ee problem_ for older thai_ that have had their land for 20 year_ not being able to afford the tax and lo_ing their property. A few days ago I was informed that a higher tax had to be paid for pickups with metal racks on the back. The next will be the internet dongle tax.

Thi_ April joke would be funny if it wa_n't po__ble that they might really do it.

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I was informed that Irish expats cant use a dongle,

it has to be a "Dougal" :o


and the date today is.......


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The most frightening thing is that it could have been true .... totally unworkable .... but it could have been true .....

Exactly right. :o

On reading it I'm thinking "this has to be wrong, must be a joke" .... but then ..... what if it isn't.

With other recent developments it is not completely outside the realms of possibility.

Very scary :D

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Well I must say that getting up having me coffee and looking at Thailands current events on Thaivisa this morning my jaw drop to the floor. I have lived here in Chiangmai 12 years and have pretty much seen it all. I to was about at my wits end when I realized what today is and that even though something like this could happen here in amazing Thailand I was so relieved to realize it's April Fools day. Fool me once shame on me Fool me twice shame on you. Good one! Thanks for a good start to this day

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good story for april 1st!! dont let bill gates know that there is a dongle accessory he will actually want to market it with Vista.! Dr Pat Pong indeed!! took me until i saw that name to realize it was all a fools joke!

well done

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Sombat is clearly an idiot and a racist if he believes foreigners use the Internet in the manner he expressed. And to state that Thais use it for banking, ecommerce and furthering their education is a load of old twaddle.

As an someone who controls the IT system at the company for which I work, I spend much of my time trying to control access to MSN chat, ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, and all number of rubbish sites from which they just useless screen savers, ring-tones, games and other non-banking, ecommerce and educational sites.

From my Internet logging programme that logs over 150 users, I've never once seen a log for an educational site ( Thai or english ) or ecommerce / banking site.

I have seen hundreds of unproductive sites and I have had to caution over 50% of the staff for sending pornographic / gruesome material and a few have been dismissed for continued vilolation of these rules.

I have never had to warn a foreign employee. So, Mr. Sombat, come and take a look at my log files and ask why I lock down all computers operated by Thais. ake a look through my firewall blocking policies and ask why all the sites blocked are THAI language sites.

What a complete plonker. I'd love to go through his computer logs and computer history files. I bet that would show some interesting things... :o

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Ok so I understand this to be for frangs, how about if my phone bill (internet connection) is registered in my Thai wife's name? So then i will not have tax imposed, right??

LOL OK Ha ha ha ha ha April fools day to you also-----

Edited by Pundi64
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can you use your own dongle....as my one is a bit bigger than the one in the pic.

<deleted>, if they charge by the size of yer dongle I should get out of it for 50bt per month :o

I am going to start manufacturing Dongles in the US in order to prepare for the future when many other countries will be requiring dongles and there will be an international shortage. I hope that I can produce enough to make the money I will need to move to LOS permanently. :D

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New Luxury tax on internet usage in Thailand

Sombat Merou-Ruang, director of the Alien Internet Control Division at CAT headquarters in Bangkok says "foreigners that do not have work in Thailand only hang out on internet forums, visit pornographic sites and other website lamock, different from Thai citizens who mostly use the internet for banking, ecommerce, and furthering their education".

Ahhh... they're on to me!

Should I know what "lamock" means, or is that a Tinglish *translation* for added realism?

Lamock, means talking, thinking durty. Howard Stern could be called Lamock. I think that it should be spelled more like lamoke. (Long 'O' sound)

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APRIL 1st...is it ?....it IS !!

blast it...I was on a roll then...now...back to that hole in the sand where my head has just been....( I hate you all ! :o )

Luv it when it catches some :D I think it probably caught everyone to start with.

This is the problem, its so believable as things like this can and do happen in Thailand.

TIT at its best. :D

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