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I need to get a divorce in Thailand. I was married a few years ago but things haven't worked out for one reason or another. From what I read, as long as both parties consent, the process is reasonably easy. We have no land, property or kids - so there's nothing to divide up.

My question is, is there an Amphur on/around Sukhumvit that can do this and do I need to make an appointment or just turn up with the relevant documents? Also, is anybody aware of any public holidays around 22/23rd July in Thailand?

Thanks in advance.

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"...the process is reasonably easy. We have no land, property or kids - so there's nothing to divide up."

You'll be surprised.

'Maerim' has a tale or two to tell...

I haven't been there. No holidays that I know of. Shouldn't you go to the Amphoe were the marriage is registered?

'Maerim' has a tale or two to tell

Quite right I have.

What country are you from, it don't matter if you were maried here or on the moon in the U.K. you are married and thats that.

You may well have nothing here but you will have in your own country and believe me the stunts I have seen pulled by these women would make your toes curl.

Men chucked out of their houses bought by them before they were married and sold to pay her off.

I know of one poor chap when he was fighting a divorce from a Thai woman in the U.K. ( paid by him through his taxes, she had him beaten up by some Vietnamese thugs) and it still took nearly two years to get rid of her.

These women qualify for legal aid in the U.K. and they are completely ruthless and its' no good appealing to their better nature as they don't have one.

Once that legal aid certificate is granted to her it is almost unheard of to have it revoked, the nasty piece of work I was trying to divorce got a job in the U.K., came here on holiday twice and was supposed to have no money.Informing the legal aid people about her circumstances was as productive as plaiting sawdust.

Their lawyers certainly don't care as they are being paid with taxpayers money so the longer they can drag it out the better but they are an absolute bargain at £120 an hour plus vat.

Mine was relatively painless as I sacked the lawyers and did it myself, she got hers for free but it still took nearly two years, endless court appearences where she lied through her teeth ( so what's new there?) Well relatively painless as opposed to being hung, drawn and quartered.

All I can say is good luck.


I suggest that any assets you have in your home country be put in a trust. And I mean every red cent.

If you did have assets here in the realm put them in someone elses name (I suggest a child if you have one in your home country)

There has been much talk about the 419 scam but IMHO the scams perpetrated by Thai women make the 419 look like a kindergarten exercise.


A cynic writes.

Just to make you feel a bit better it doesn't make much difference as to where they come from when you are getting a divorce.

A friend of mine in the U.K. a couple of years ago was planning on buying a farm as he had bought a failing business 20 years ago pulled his guts out 7 days a week turned it round, made it very profitable and was looking to retire or at least semi retire.

Everything in this life is O.K. till its' not O.K. he came home one evening expecting a nice wifely type Farang wife at home.

Insted he found that his dinner was in the dog and she was in South Africa with an ex Gangster and £300,000 of his money.

He is still fighting it.

Ahh, marriage don't you just love it?


My friend married a bargirl took her to farang land.She did the usual whining and lying and after making up the 'my brother in motorcycle crash' she went back to Thailand. He went to Thailand 3 months later and we all went to the amphur one day and got his divorce. No problem. I think she already had a new sucker lined up so she wanted it over fast. A good idea is to have someone go with you who you trust and can speak Thai so there is no funny stuff and you sign something handing over all your money for the next 20 years! Side note,this girl swore that her brother was in hospital and cried her little heart out everytime she talked to my friend.Then i had my thai wife phone the hospitals to find out if her brother was there.Of course they had never heard of him. These girls can lie as good as any farang women i ever met including my ex-wife.


'Mae Rim, we should get together and swap divorce stories some time. Won't go into details, but you seem to have had it not too bad.

From experience:

(There were two children involved, which complicated matters.)

Trusts do not provide protection, whether set up by yourself or others, prior to your marriage or after, she has the right under UK law to try to break the trust to get her hands on "her share". (With resultant huge tax & legal costs to be bourne by you alone.)

Any property you have in Thailand, whether predating your marriage or not, is likely to have disappeared into the gaping maw of her greedy family by the simple expediency of bribing the local Ampur office.

You are likely to lose the clothes, (and skin), off your back and be lucky to keep your soul and part of your sanity.

My divorce lasted over three years and cost me over 75% of my previous gross worth. My ex is now worth approximately two times more than me, and I still have to pay child support.

A bullet would have been cheaper. 10 years inside and freedom with life, worth and sanity intact greatly preferable to the shit that I, and my children went through.


Well the original poster of the thread seems to think that getting a divorce it a bit like cancelling your subscription the the Readers digest.

Sort of do it by post so to speak.

Again I wish him luck.

Well the original poster of the thread seems to think that getting a divorce it a bit like cancelling your subscription the the Readers digest.

Sort of do it by post so to speak.

Again I wish him luck.

I thought getting away from Reader's Digest once they have you subscribed can be fairly difficult

I thought getting away from Reader's Digest once they have you subscribed can be fairly difficult

To be honest I don't really know as I have never subscribed the only ones I have ever read are in dentists waiting rooms where you can read earth shattering news such as the Titanic has sunk.

Of the two I still reckon it would be a lot more painless that getting divorced from Thai woman in the U.K.

Bless her heart, I still worship the ground she is going in.


If you're on good terms with your wife then a divorce is fairly straight forward. Will cost you something like 100฿ for the divorce certificate maybe 50฿, I forget. You do not have to make an apointment, just turn up and wait in line, there will be a lot of others requiring the same thing. There is an Amphur in Ekamai which can facilitate this, sorry I don't have the address, but it's not hard to find, just ask someone when you get off the sky train at Ekamai. They will probably ask you if you're sure that you cannot work things out, obviously say you're sure. May help if you speak a little Thai, as I don't recall anyone speaking English there, but if not your' wife can sort it.

Good luck,


I thought getting away from Reader's Digest once they have you subscribed can be fairly difficult

Isn't that the truth! Even the "free" trials become mass mailings of dunning letters for late payment for something you never ordered. Rate them just about at the "time share" level. :o


We are on good terms and both want to divorce. Is it not as straight forward as turning-up and signing your name then?


You have not said where you are from and if your wife has citizenship of your country.

In my experience and others on here, no it's not quite as easy as that, you can tell her to take the pliers off your balls now.

We are on good terms and both want to divorce. Is it not as straight forward as turning-up and signing your name then?

It should be a very easy process. You seem to have touched off a few bad memories for some here however.


I'm British. My wife does not have residency in the UK. I currently live in England and she lives in Thailand. We have grown apart and this seems the most sensible option as we don't feel the same way and are both still young.


I was married in Thailand, went to Engalnd with my wife, stayed two years, came back. Things went wrong and we split. The house was bought on 30 year lease, the car in her name. Someone came and waited for me to come home, knocked me down and took the car. No help from the police. My lawyer said he could get the car back as I could prove I had paid for it, so I embarked on that route. He also said I could divorce her in her absence if she did not contest, but we would have to be apart for one year. This time elapsed and we went to court in Chonburi, not Bankok where we were married. I was granted a divorce. They told me she could not bother me for anything again. Later I asked the lawyer about my car, how long now? He said, about one year. I said forget it. I still have the house,which incidently she came with all her family, demanding I get out her house. Thank god for the 30 year lease. I would never marry again, Condeo di ti sud!

My wife does not have residency in the UK.

You lucky sod.

Saying that then it should be O.K.

Good luck.


The money I had taken off me had very sentimental value, still I'm here, she is in the U.K. I think I came out of it on top.


Hello all,

I would be grateful for a few re-assuring words from the well read members here.

My story is at the begining is or is that the end of a thai/brit relationship.

I met a tg in October last year ,married in February and got the visa and brought her to the UK in March.Quick work hey.Too quick as she has gone back to Thailand now as she miss Mama toooo much.Wants me to live over there but that is out of the question.Now i reflect on my situation i see that it was a marriage doomed to failure .My qustion is one of divorce.What is my liability as regards her claim on my assets .House in Uk ,my name bought before marriage cash in bank etc.Seeing the marriage was less than 3 months living as man and wife,is that significant.

At present we are on good terms and talk of going to the Amphur together has been mentioned but does this hold up in Uk law as in Uk the divorce cannot be filed until you have been married for 2 years with both parties giving consent.Is this going to come back to haunt me later if i wanted to marry again.


Hello all,

I would be grateful for a few re-assuring words from the well read members here.

My story is at the begining is or is that the end of a thai/brit relationship.

I met a tg in October last year ,married in February and got the visa and brought her to the UK in March.Quick work hey.Too quick as she has gone back to Thailand now as she miss Mama toooo much.Wants me to live over there but that is out of the question.Now i reflect on my situation i see that it was a marriage doomed to failure .My qustion is one of divorce.What is my liability as regards her claim on my assets .House in Uk ,my name bought before marriage cash in bank etc.Seeing the marriage was less than 3 months living as man and wife,is that significant.

At present we are on good terms and talk of going to the Amphur together has been mentioned but does this hold up in Uk law as in Uk the divorce cannot be filed until you have been married for 2 years with both parties giving consent.Is this going to come back to haunt me later if i wanted to marry again.


There is a lot at stake. For God's sake go see a lawyer. Don't be reliant on a visa and expat' general site.

I would be grateful for a few re-assuring words from the well read members here.

How amany reassuring words do you want?

Reassuring words won't help if she decides to have a dig at your assets.

Has she got right of re-entry to the U.K. If she is legally married to you that's probably a yes.

It don't matter if you have been married for years or a week the legal system in the U.K. is geared to the woman and it doesn't matter where they come from she will, if you let her back into the U.K. will probably meet up with expert Thai women who have been there done that and got more than a tee shirt out of the excercise.

Believe me there are plenty, the casinos are full of them.

The object of the exercise here is to save you money.

Most lawyers in the U.K. will give you an hour of free advice go and see a good one

( no thats not a joke either) if you see one on the top a shop ask yourself why are they not in the center of the city?

The answer you will come back with is that are no good, that's why they are on top of a shop in the high street. They are O.K. for writing letters about a sodding cat crapping in some old ladies garden and that's it.

Go and see an expensive one and see what they say.

Again good luck.

It don't matter if you have been married for years or a week the legal system in the U.K. is geared to the woman and it doesn't matter where they come from .....

Maerim, your advice is a very wise one....

It is up to the man, to fight back by extensive legal consultations and by using experienced lawyers.

Not only the law of UK, but the law of USA and all EU is based on a female dominated society. The woman is the victim and the man is the criminal.

Except I myself, all of my friends are divorced and have obligations to pay....

I know only of one case among my friends, who did fight it through with an expensive lawyer and who followed all his advices, even advices, he considered himself as ridiculous or shameful.

He was cheated by his wife beginning 14 days after marriage by her ex-husband in his own house, up 5 times a week, while he was working - his job was often during nighttime or holidays...

Filing for divorce after only one month marriage, she was asking for the value of one half of his house in cash, and monthly support money for her child (he is not the father) and allowances for herself....

As defence she was claiming to be obliged to help out her ex-husband with food and sex, because he was jobless, and she was requesting divorce from the new husband, as he does not allow her to accept such regular visits from him to see HER child in his home. However it must be noticed, that the father of her child was NOT her ex-husband.

It took 18 months to get ride off this woman, and he received a huge bill from his lawyer, but the house is still his house and there are no obligations to pay anything.

Remarkable, that HIS lawyer was refusing to negotiate divorce, even offered by the court as a zero-guilt, but was requesting the nullification of this marriage due to fraud ....

It worked out successfully....

His laywer told him, that guilty or not guilty, it is always the man, who has to pay for divorce.

But there are backdoors, if the wife had nothing, and the man was financially well-off before the marriage took place and divorce is within 1 to 2 years, then the chances to suit the woman for fraud and to request annulation of the marriage is high.

Otherwise it is good to refuse as long as possible any decision of a pending divorce, and to keep your income for yourself and to remove all, what might belong to you to a safe place (Bahamas or elsewhere).

The wife cannot do very much against it, as long as she is legally married with you, and you as the man are in a stronger position as long as you are married.

At the date of divorce you, the man should be poorer than the wife....

If she is working or has any property, you should not feel any wrong shame as a man, to suit your ex-wife immediately after divorce for financial help to support you, as you have no job, lost everything by gambling, and you are very sick, a typical alcoholician....

In the case, you are in Europe and she is in Thailand, just for the beginning, do NOT accept divorce.... oppose it as long as possible.... the wife cannot force you legally to pay so easily, as long as you are married......




Shall you and I set up a hit squad to sort these leeches out once and for all ?

It will be a lot cheaper than lawyers.

I have, well I think I have a good sense of humour but when it comes to women who turn up "married" to a Farang who when they met him had what they stood up in and after a while start to screw to the poor individual for all he has my sense of humour wears a bit thin.

Put the boot on the other hand. a man turns up here in Thailand and (Please suspend reality for a moment) and gets married to a Thai lady with a few bob.

O.K O.K I know.

The marriage fails then what does he do?

Sue for divorce?

The airport is that way.

Bye now.

as in Uk the divorce cannot be filed until you have been married for 2 years with both parties giving consent.

Sorry pal you are wrong, you can get a divorce "after two years providing both parties agree" This is where I went wrong (well I went wrong by marrying the slag in the first place).

You or she can get a divorce at anytime the two year rule is for proper human beings who agree to it after being seperated for two years.

You and loads of other unsuspectng men are not married to sensible women mine went went with al the stuff that she could only dream about before I met her the the house that I paid for here in Thailand, the gold, the real Rolex stuff too numerous to mention and the thing you can't buy a U.K. passport.

The deal was we wait for two years and divorce by mutual consent, hah

That was before some of her friends told her about legal aid.

That's when the fun started.

Good luck.


Thanks for your comments.They are appreciated

I am however rather confused as to whether to get a quick divorce or to wait as long as possible until she decides to come after me in the UK

I have had advice from someone who was studying law a few years ago ,who thought that it would be best to divorce her here in Uk on the grounds of Unreasonable behaviour.(Not wishing to live with me in the UK) He was fairly positive that the court would see it as a clean break and that would free me of any liability .

I would prefer the quick trip to the amphur and a divorce in Thailand.Surely if you are legally married in Thailand you can be legally divorced in Thailand.Nonetheless the most important part is to whether the lady can then claim assets in the English courts afterwards.

I am sure you can go to three different solicitors and get three different views.

Shame that ,for me it is such a life changing decision on how to proceed,otherwise it would make for an interesting discussion.


Thanks for your comments.They are appreciated

I am however rather confused as to whether to get a quick divorce or to wait as long as possible until she decides to come after me in the UK

I have had advice from someone who was studying law a few years ago ,who thought that it would be best to divorce her here in Uk on the grounds of Unreasonable behaviour.(Not wishing to live with me in the UK)

The problem is, you have to PROOF *unreasonable behaviour*

and if you do not let her go with the children and she is not coming back despite their return tickets.....then you cannot proof that.

If you let go her alone, then she might come back and she might seek divorce on reason of loveless behaviour and unreasonable mistrust of her husband, claiming you separated her as mother from her own children while visiting her parents, making her life mentally painful..


and she can proof it, as you refused to sign for the children passports....despite she was asking you so much for it, but you refused...

I am not experienced into EU-related laws, but I think, you cannot proof anything, until she AND the children are gone holding return tickets, and despite an open request by the court to return she is refusing to come back .......

Yes, this will be *unreasonable behaviour*

To be accused and to defend yourself is always easier, than to look for divorce by accusing the wife.....

Better to wait and to let her come after you...and to reject divorce...this might work out well, if the children are outside the UK, and you categorically reject any negotiation about divorce, until the children are back in the UK....the UK court might listen to that argument



There is a lot at stake. For God's sake go see a lawyer. Don't be reliant on a visa and expat' general site.

And before you do dispose of any assets if you get my gist, quite legal. On Good term's now means too nothing.

We are on good terms and both want to divorce. Is it not as straight forward as turning-up and signing your name then?

Yes, in your case it is as straight forward as that.

I am sure you can go to three different solicitors and get three different views

It doesn't matter go and see ten of them as you get the first consultation free anyway.

Have a think to yourself which is the best one and go and do it as soon as possible.

If you wait and she gets legal aid you will be screwed good style.

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